Blame view

src/views/workflow/components/processViewer.vue 9.08 KB
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  <div class="process-viewer">
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    <div v-show="!isLoading" ref="processCanvas" class="process-canvas" style="height: 360px;" />
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    <!-- 自定义箭头样式,用于成功状态下流程连线箭头 -->
    <defs ref="customSuccessDefs">
      <marker id="sequenceflow-end-white-success" view-box="0 0 20 20" ref-x="11" ref-y="10" marker-width="10"
        marker-height="10" orient="auto">
        <path class="success-arrow" d="M 1 5 L 11 10 L 1 15 Z"
          style="stroke-width: 1px; stroke-linecap: round; stroke-dasharray: 10000, 1;" />
      <marker id="conditional-flow-marker-white-success" view-box="0 0 20 20" ref-x="-1" ref-y="10" marker-width="10"
        marker-height="10" orient="auto">
        <path class="success-conditional" d="M 0 10 L 8 6 L 16 10 L 8 14 Z"
          style="stroke-width: 1px; stroke-linecap: round; stroke-dasharray: 10000, 1;" />
    <!-- 自定义箭头样式,用于失败状态下流程连线箭头 -->
    <defs ref="customFailDefs">
      <marker id="sequenceflow-end-white-fail" view-box="0 0 20 20" ref-x="11" ref-y="10" marker-width="10"
        marker-height="10" orient="auto">
        <path class="fail-arrow" d="M 1 5 L 11 10 L 1 15 Z"
          style="stroke-width: 1px; stroke-linecap: round; stroke-dasharray: 10000, 1;" />
      <marker id="conditional-flow-marker-white-fail" view-box="0 0 20 20" ref-x="-1" ref-y="10" marker-width="10"
        marker-height="10" orient="auto">
        <path class="fail-conditional" d="M 0 10 L 8 6 L 16 10 L 8 14 Z"
          style="stroke-width: 1px; stroke-linecap: round; stroke-dasharray: 10000, 1;" />
    <!-- 已完成节点悬浮弹窗 -->
    <el-dialog class="comment-dialog" :title="dlgTitle || '审批记录'" :visible.sync="dialogVisible" append-to-body>
        <el-table :data="taskCommentList" size="mini" border header-cell-class-name="table-header-gray">
          <el-table-column label="序号" header-align="center" align="center" type="index" width="55px" />
          <el-table-column label="候选办理" prop="candidate" width="150px" align="center" />
          <el-table-column label="实际办理" prop="assigneeName" width="100px" align="center" />
          <el-table-column label="处理时间" prop="createTime" width="140px" align="center" />
          <el-table-column label="办结时间" prop="finishTime" width="140px" align="center" />
          <el-table-column label="耗时" prop="duration" width="100px" align="center" />
          <el-table-column label="审批意见" align="center">
            <template slot-scope="scope">
              {{ scope.row.commentList&&scope.row.commentList[0]?scope.row.commentList[0].fullMessage:'' }}
    <div style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%;">
      <el-row type="flex" justify="end">
        <el-button-group key="scale-control" size="medium">
          <el-button size="medium" type="default" :plain="true" :disabled="defaultZoom <= 0.3" icon="el-icon-zoom-out"
            @click="processZoomOut()" />
          <el-button size="medium" type="default" style="width: 90px;">{{ Math.floor(this.defaultZoom * 10 * 10) + "%"
          <el-button size="medium" type="default" :plain="true" :disabled="defaultZoom >= 3.9" icon="el-icon-zoom-in"
            @click="processZoomIn()" />
          <el-button size="medium" type="default" icon="el-icon-c-scale-to-original" @click="processReZoom()" />
          <slot />

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import '@/styles/package/theme/index.scss'
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import BpmnViewer from 'bpmn-js/lib/Viewer'
import MoveCanvasModule from 'diagram-js/lib/navigation/movecanvas'
export default {
  props: {
71 72 73
    formData: {
      type: Object,
      default: {}
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  data () {
    return {
      dialogVisible: false,
      dlgTitle: undefined,
      defaultZoom: 1,
      // 是否正在加载流程图
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      isLoading: true,
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83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
      bpmnViewer: undefined,
      // 已完成流程元素
      processNodeInfo: undefined,
      // 当前任务id
      selectTaskId: undefined,
      // 任务节点审批记录
      taskCommentList: [],
      // 已完成任务悬浮延迟Timer
      hoverTimer: null
  created () {
    this.$nextTick(() => {
96 97
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  destroyed () {
  methods: {
    processReZoom () {
      this.defaultZoom = 1
      this.bpmnViewer.get('canvas').zoom('fit-viewport', 'auto')
    processZoomIn (zoomStep = 0.1) {
      const newZoom = Math.floor(this.defaultZoom * 100 + zoomStep * 100) / 100
      if (newZoom > 4) {
        throw new Error('[Process Designer Warn ]: The zoom ratio cannot be greater than 4')
      this.defaultZoom = newZoom
    processZoomOut (zoomStep = 0.1) {
      const newZoom = Math.floor(this.defaultZoom * 100 - zoomStep * 100) / 100
      if (newZoom < 0.2) {
        throw new Error('[Process Designer Warn ]: The zoom ratio cannot be less than 0.2')
      this.defaultZoom = newZoom
    getOperationTagType (type) {
      return 'success'
    // 流程图预览清空
    clearViewer (a) {
      if (this.$refs.processCanvas) {
        this.$refs.processCanvas.innerHTML = ''
      if (this.bpmnViewer) {
      this.bpmnViewer = null
    // 添加自定义箭头
    addCustomDefs () {
      const canvas = this.bpmnViewer.get('canvas')
      const svg = canvas._svg
      const customSuccessDefs = this.$refs.customSuccessDefs
      const customFailDefs = this.$refs.customFailDefs
    // 任务悬浮弹窗
    onSelectElement (element) {
      this.selectTaskId = undefined
      this.dlgTitle = undefined

      if (this.processNodeInfo == null || this.processNodeInfo.finishedTaskSet == null) return

      if (element == null || this.processNodeInfo.finishedTaskSet.indexOf( === -1) {

      this.selectTaskId =
      this.dlgTitle = element.businessObject ? : undefined
      // 计算当前悬浮任务审批记录,如果记录为空不显示弹窗
      this.taskCommentList = (this.allCommentList || []).filter(item => {
        return item.taskDefKey === this.selectTaskId
      this.dialogVisible = true
    // 显示流程图
    async importXML (xml) {
      if (xml != null && xml !== '') {
        try {
          this.bpmnViewer = new BpmnViewer({
            additionalModules: [
              // 移动整个画布
            container: this.$refs.processCanvas
          // 任务节点悬浮事件
          this.bpmnViewer.on('', ({ element }) => {
          const c = await this.bpmnViewer.importXML(xml)
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          this.isLoading = true
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        } catch (e) {
          // this.clearViewer('b')
        } finally {
          this.isLoading = false
          this.$nextTick(() => {
    // 设置流程图元素状态
    setProcessStatus (processNodeInfo) {
      this.processNodeInfo = processNodeInfo
      if (this.isLoading || this.processNodeInfo == null || this.bpmnViewer == null) return
      const { finishedTaskSet, rejectedTaskSet, unfinishedTaskSet, finishedSequenceFlowSet } = this.processNodeInfo
      const canvas = this.bpmnViewer.get('canvas')
      const elementRegistry = this.bpmnViewer.get('elementRegistry')
      if (Array.isArray(finishedSequenceFlowSet)) {
        finishedSequenceFlowSet.forEach(item => {
          if (item != null) {
            canvas.addMarker(item, 'success')
            const element = elementRegistry.get(item)
            const conditionExpression = element.businessObject.conditionExpression
            if (conditionExpression) {
              canvas.addMarker(item, 'condition-expression')
      if (Array.isArray(finishedTaskSet)) {
        finishedTaskSet.forEach(item => canvas.addMarker(item, 'success'))
      if (Array.isArray(unfinishedTaskSet)) {
        unfinishedTaskSet.forEach(item => canvas.addMarker(item, 'primary'))
      if (Array.isArray(rejectedTaskSet)) {
        rejectedTaskSet.forEach(item => {
          if (item != null) {
            const element = elementRegistry.get(item)
            if (element.type.includes('Task')) {
              canvas.addMarker(item, 'danger')
            } else {
              canvas.addMarker(item, 'warning')