069e09e6 by renchao@pashanhoo.com

Merge branch 'dev' of http://yun.pashanhoo.com:9090/bdc/bdcdj-web into dev

2 parents f5e2f2f4 9f7e713b
Showing 43 changed files with 380 additions and 3314 deletions
1 <!-- 1 <!--
2 * @Description: 2 * @Description: 添加家庭成员
3 * @Autor: renchao 3 * @Autor: renchao
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-17 10:40:28 4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-17 10:40:28
5 --> 5 -->
...@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ ...@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
3 * @Autor: renchao 3 * @Autor: renchao
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-04-26 16:05:28 4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-04-26 16:05:28
5 --> 5 -->
6 <!-- 批量删除弹框 -->
6 <template> 7 <template>
7 <div class='batchDel'> 8 <div class='batchDel'>
8 <lb-table :column="columns" :data="formData.dataList" :maxHeight="460" :heightNumSetting="true" :pagination="false" 9 <lb-table :column="columns" :data="formData.dataList" :maxHeight="460" :heightNumSetting="true" :pagination="false"
1 <!-- 1 <!--
2 * @Description: 2 * @Description: 权利人列表
3 * @Autor: renchao 3 * @Autor: miaofang
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-17 10:40:48 4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-06-14 10:40:48
5 --> 5 -->
6 <template> 6 <template>
7 <lb-table :column="column" :maxHeight="200" :heightNumSetting="true" :pagination="false" :key="key" :data="tableData"> 7 <lb-table :column="column" :maxHeight="200" :heightNumSetting="true" :pagination="false" :key="key" :data="tableData">
1 <!--
2 * @Description:
3 * @Autor: renchao
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-17 10:40:38
5 -->
6 <template>
7 <div class="clxx">
8 <div class="right">
9 <!-- 材料预览 -->
10 <div class="clyl-box">
11 <div class="menu-tree">
12 <el-button type="primary" native-type="submit" @click="viewDetail" style="width:100%;margin-top:10px;">查看明细</el-button>
13 <div class="item">
14 材料目录({{tableData.length}})
15 <div style="margin-top:10px">
16 <div style="text-align: center;line-height:20px;color:black;font-size:14px" v-if="tableData.length == 0">暂无数据</div>
17 <div v-for="(item,index) in tableData" :key="item.bsmSj"
18 :class="['child', treeCheckId == item.bsmSj ? 'checked' : '']" @click="treeClick(item,index)">
19 <span v-if="item.isrequired==1" class="required">必选</span>
20 {{ item.sjmc }}
21 <span class="cl_number">({{item.children ? item.children.length : 0}})</span>
22 </div>
23 </div>
24 </div>
25 <el-button type="primary" native-type="submit" style="width:100%" @click="handleAdd()" v-if="!this.$route.query.viewtype">新增</el-button>
26 </div>
27 <image-preview ref='imageRef' :previewImg="previewImg" @updateList="updateList" @nextPriview="nextPriview"
28 @prevPriview="prevPriview" />
29 </div>
30 </div>
31 <clxxAddDialog v-model="isDialog" />
32 <!-- <clxxDetailDialog v-model="detailDialog" :data="tableData" /> -->
33 </div>
34 </template>
35 <script>
36 import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
37 import clxxAddDialog from "./dialog/clxxAddDialog.vue";
38 import clxxDetailDialog from "./dialog/clxxDetailDialog.vue";
39 import imagePreview from '@/views/components/imagePreview.vue'
40 import { InitClml, saveClml, deleteSjClml, moveClml } from "@/api/clxx.js";
41 import { popupDialog } from "@/utils/popup.js";
42 export default {
43 components: { clxxAddDialog, imagePreview, clxxDetailDialog },
44 data () {
45 return {
46 isDialog: false,
47 iclass: "",
48 // 材料目录选中
49 treeCheckIndex: 0,
50 treeCheckId: "",
51 key: 0,
52 tableData: [],
53 previewImg: {
54 // 收件标识码
55 bsmSj: '',
56 bsmSlsq: this.$parent.bsmSlsq,
57 index: 0,
58 selectedIndex: 0,
59 imgList: []
60 }
61 }
62 },
63 computed: {
64 ...mapGetters(["dictData"])
65 },
66 created () {
67 this.clmlInitList(1)
68 },
69 methods: {
70 // 自动预览
71 nextPriview () {
72 if (this.treeCheckIndex < this.tableData.length) {
73 this.treeCheckIndex++
74 this.treeCheckId = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
75 this.previewImg.index = 0
76 this.previewImg.imgList = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].children
77 this.previewImg.bsmSj = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
78 }
79 },
80 prevPriview () {
81 if (this.treeCheckIndex >= 1) {
82 this.treeCheckIndex--
83 this.treeCheckId = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
84 this.previewImg.index = this.previewImg.imgList.length
85 this.previewImg.imgList = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].children
86 this.previewImg.bsmSj = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
87 }
88 },
89 // 材料目录明细初始化
90 clmlInitList (type) {
91 //type 1:列表初始化 2:新增材料
92 return new Promise(resolve => {
93 this.unitData = this.$parent.unitData;
94 var formdata = new FormData();
95 formdata.append("bsmSldy", this.unitData[0]?.bsmSldy);
96 formdata.append("bsmSlsq", this.$parent.bsmSlsq);
97 InitClml(formdata).then((res) => {
98 if (res.code == 200) {
99 resolve(res.code)
100 if (res.result && res.result.length > 0) {
101 this.tableData = res.result;
102 if (type == 1) {
103 this.treeClick(this.tableData[0], 0);
104 } else {
105 //新增材料后刷新列表焦点置于新增的对象上
106 this.treeClick(this.tableData[this.tableData.length - 1], this.tableData.length - 1);
107 }
108 }
109 } else {
110 this.$message.error(res.message)
111 }
112 })
113 })
114 },
115 setChecked (item) {
116 this.treeCheckId = item.bsmSj;
117 this.title = item.sjmc;
118 this.titleYs = 1;
119 this.titleNum = item.children.length;
120 this.previewImg.imgList = item.children;
121 this.previewImg.bsmSj = item.bsmSj;
122 },
123 updateList (val) {
124 let that = this
125 if (val != null) { //删除最后一张图片时 val=null
126 this.tableData.forEach(item => {
127 if (item.bsmSj === val.bsmSj) {
128 item.children = val.children
129 }
130 })
131 this.previewImg.imgList = _.cloneDeep(val.children)
132 if (this.previewImg.index == this.previewImg.imgList.length) {
133 this.previewImg.index = this.previewImg.index - 1
134 }
135 } else {
136 this.previewImg.imgList = []
137 this.tableData.forEach((item, index) => {
138 if (this.treeCheckId == item.bsmSj) {
139 item.children = []
140 that.treeCheckIndex = index
141 }
142 })
143 }
145 },
146 // 添加材料目录
147 handleAdd () {
148 this.isDialog = true;
149 },
150 // 新增弹窗保存
151 addSave (data) {
152 let obj = {
153 bsmSlsq: this.$parent.bsmSlsq,
154 isrequired: "1",
155 sjmc: data.clmc,
156 sjsl: 0,
157 smzt: '',
158 ys: 0,
159 sjlx: data.cllx,
160 sfxjcl: "1", // 是否必选
161 };
162 saveClml(obj).then(async (res) => {
163 if (res.code == 200) {
164 let res = await this.clmlInitList(2)
165 if (res == 200) this.$message({
166 message: "新增成功",
167 type: "success",
168 })
169 }
170 });
171 },
172 // 材料目录点击选中
173 treeClick (item, index) {
174 this.previewImg.index = 0
175 this.treeCheckId = item?.bsmSj
176 this.treeCheckIndex = index
177 this.previewImg.imgList = item?.children
178 this.previewImg.bsmSj = item?.bsmSj
179 },
180 // 小图片点击
181 imgClick (item, index) {
182 this.showImg = item;
183 this.titleYs = index + 1;
184 },
185 // 字典
186 dicStatus (val, code) {
187 let data = this.$store.getters.dictData[code],
188 name = "暂无";
189 if (data) {
190 data.map((item) => {
191 if (item.dcode == val) {
192 name = item.dname
193 }
194 });
195 return name
196 }
197 },
198 //查看明细
199 viewDetail () {
200 this.$popupDialog("查看明细", "workflow/components/dialog/clxxDetailDialog", {
201 data: this.tableData
202 }, "60%")
203 },
204 //设置tableData
205 setTableData (tableData) {
206 this.$nextTick(res => {
207 this.tableData = tableData;
208 })
209 },
210 },
211 };
212 </script>
213 <style scoped lang='scss'>
214 @import "~@/styles/mixin.scss";
216 .active {
217 background: $light-blue !important;
218 color: #fff;
219 }
221 .required {
222 font-size: 12px;
223 color: $pink;
224 float: left;
225 }
227 .cl_number {
228 float: right;
229 }
231 .clxx {
232 width: 100%;
233 display: flex;
234 padding-left: 5px;
235 height: calc(100vh - 125px);
237 .left {
238 display: flex;
239 flex-direction: column;
240 justify-content: space-between;
242 .item {
243 width: 28px;
244 height: 49%;
245 @include flex-center;
246 background-color: #e4e7ed;
247 border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;
248 padding: 5px;
249 cursor: pointer;
250 transition: all 0.3s;
252 &:hover {
253 @extend .active;
254 }
255 }
256 }
258 .right {
259 width: 100%;
260 height: 100%;
262 .clmlmx-box {
263 margin: 0 auto;
265 .title {
266 text-align: center;
267 height: 60px;
268 line-height: 60px;
269 border: 1px solid #dfe6ec;
270 font-size: 20px;
271 background: #81d3f81a;
272 margin-bottom: -1px;
273 }
274 }
276 .clyl-box {
277 width: 100%;
278 height: 100%;
279 display: flex;
281 .menu-tree {
282 width: 20%;
283 min-width: 160px;
284 height: 100%;
285 margin-right: 10px;
286 border-right: 1px dotted #d9d9d9;
287 padding: 0 15px;
289 .item {
290 line-height: 30px;
291 padding-top: 5px;
292 border-bottom: 1px solid #e8e8e8;
293 font-size: 16px;
294 text-align: center;
295 color: $light-blue;
297 .itemIcon {
298 float: right;
299 line-height: 60px;
300 cursor: pointer;
301 }
303 .child {
304 line-height: 32px;
305 border-bottom: 1px solid #e8e8e8;
306 padding-left: 10px;
307 color: #6b6b6b;
308 cursor: pointer;
309 box-sizing: border-box;
310 border-radius: 6px;
311 line-height: 20px;
312 transition: all 0.3s;
313 padding: 8px 0;
314 }
316 .child:hover {
317 color: $light-blue;
318 transform: scale(1.1);
319 }
321 .checked {
322 border: 1px solid $light-blue;
323 color: $light-blue;
324 }
325 }
326 }
328 .clyl-img {
329 width: 75%;
330 height: 100%;
331 background: #f3f4f7;
332 margin: 0 auto;
333 position: relative;
334 }
335 }
336 }
337 }
338 </style>
1 <!--
2 * @Description:
3 * @Autor: renchao
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-09 09:20:10
5 -->
6 <template>
7 <dialogBox title="新建材料信息" width="20%" isMain v-model="myValue" @closeDialog="closeDialog" @submitForm="handleSubmit"
8 :isFullscreen="false">
9 <el-form :model="ruleForm" ref="ruleForm" label-width="70px">
10 <el-row>
11 <el-col :span="24">
12 <el-form-item label="材料类型">
13 <el-select v-model="ruleForm.cllx" class="width100" placeholder="请选择">
14 <el-option v-for="item in dictData['A40']" :key="item.dcode" :label="item.dname" :value="item.dcode">
15 </el-option>
16 </el-select>
17 </el-form-item>
18 </el-col>
19 </el-row>
20 <el-row :gutter="20">
21 <el-col :span="24">
22 <el-form-item label="材料名称">
23 <el-input v-model="ruleForm.clmc"></el-input>
24 </el-form-item>
25 </el-col>
26 </el-row>
27 </el-form>
28 </dialogBox>
29 </template>
31 <script>
32 import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
33 export default {
34 props: {
35 value: { type: Boolean, default: false },
36 },
37 data () {
38 return {
39 myValue: this.value,
40 ruleForm: {
41 cllx: "",
42 clmc: "",
43 },
44 };
45 },
46 computed: {
47 ...mapGetters(["dictData"]),
48 },
49 watch: {
50 value (val) {
51 this.myValue = val;
52 },
53 },
54 methods: {
55 closeDialog () {
56 this.$emit("input", false);
57 this.ruleForm = {
58 cllx: "",
59 clmc: "",
60 }
61 },
62 handleSubmit () {
63 this.$parent.addSave(this.ruleForm);
64 this.ruleForm = {
65 cllx: "",
66 clmc: "",
67 }
68 this.$emit("input", false);
69 },
70 },
71 };
72 </script>
73 <style scoped lang="scss">
74 .submit-button {
75 text-align: center;
76 height: 52px;
77 padding-top: 10px;
78 background-color: #fff;
79 }
80 </style>
1 <!--
2 * @Description:
3 * @Autor: renchao
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-04 14:13:28
5 -->
6 <template>
7 <lb-table :column="tableData.columns" heightNumSetting :pagination="false" :key="key" :data="tableData.data">
8 </lb-table>
9 </template>
10 <script>
11 import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
12 import { getSzRecordList } from "@/api/bdcqz.js";
13 import table from "@/utils/mixin/table";
14 import { datas } from "../../javascript/szxxdata";
15 export default {
16 components: {
18 },
19 mixins: [table],
20 computed: {
21 ...mapGetters(["dictData"]),
22 },
23 props: {
24 formData: {
25 type: Object,
26 default: {}
27 }
28 },
29 data () {
30 return {
31 key: 0,
32 dataIndex: 0,
33 dialog: false,
34 details: {},
35 tableData: {
36 total: 0,
37 columns: datas.columns(),
38 data: [],
39 },
40 }
41 },
42 mounted () {
43 this.query()
44 },
45 methods: {
46 query () {
47 getSzRecordList({ bsmBdcqz: this.formData.bsmBdcqz }).then(res => {
48 if (res.code == 200) {
49 this.tableData.data = res.result;
50 this.key++
51 }
52 })
53 }
54 }
55 }
56 </script>
57 <style scoped lang='scss'>
58 </style>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <!--
2 * @Description:
3 * @Autor: renchao
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-17 10:40:09
5 -->
6 <template>
7 <div>
8 <div class="zsdy-content loadingtext">
9 <el-form
10 :model="ruleForm"
11 :rules="rules"
12 ref="ruleForm"
13 label-width="120px">
14 <el-form-item label="印刷序列号:" prop="ysxlh">
15 <el-select v-model="ruleForm.ysxlh" placeholder="请选择">
16 <el-option
17 v-for="item in ysxlh"
18 :key="item.ysxlh"
19 :label="item.ysxlh"
20 :value="item.ysxlh">
21 </el-option>
22 </el-select>
23 </el-form-item>
24 </el-form>
25 <img :src="previewImage" style="width: 100%">
26 </div>
27 <div class="text-center pt-10">
28 <el-button @click="$popupCacel">取消</el-button>
29 <el-button type="primary" @click="handleSubmit">确定</el-button>
30 </div>
31 </div>
32 </template>
34 <script>
35 import store from '@/store/index.js'
36 import { datas } from "../../javascript/zsyl.js";
37 import { readYsxlh, certificate, bdcqzPreview } from "@/api/bdcqz.js";
38 export default {
39 props: {
40 formData: {
41 type: Object,
42 default: () => {
43 return {}
44 }
45 }
46 },
47 data () {
48 return {
49 //印刷序列号集合
50 ysxlh: [],
51 //证书预览图片
52 previewImage: '',
53 //列名称对象
54 columns: [],
55 ruleForm: {
56 bsmBdcqz: "",
57 szmc: "不动产权证书",
58 bdcqzlx: "",
59 szzh: "",
60 ysxlh: ""
61 },
62 rules: {
63 ysxlh: [
64 { required: true, message: "请选择印刷序列号", trigger: "change" }
65 ]
66 }
67 }
68 },
69 created () {
70 store.dispatch('user/refreshPage', false)
71 this.columns = datas.columns()
72 this.ysxlhList()
73 this.getBdcqzPreview()
74 },
75 methods: {
76 //获取印刷序列号列表
77 ysxlhList () {
78 readYsxlh({ zslx: this.formData.bdcqz.bdcqzlx }).then((res) => {
79 if (res.code === 200) {
80 this.ysxlh = res.result;
81 }
82 })
83 },
84 handleSubmit () {
85 this.savePrintRecord()
86 },
87 //获取证书内容
88 getRowValue (code) {
89 var value = this.bdcqz[code];
90 return value;
91 },
92 getBdcqzPreview () {
93 this.$startLoading()
94 bdcqzPreview(this.formData.bdcqz).then(res => {
95 this.$endLoading()
96 let blob = new Blob([res]);
97 let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
98 this.previewImage = url;
99 })
100 },
101 //保存打印记录
102 savePrintRecord () {
103 this.ruleForm.bsmBdcqz = this.formData.bdcqz.bsmBdcqz;
104 this.ruleForm.bdcqzlx = this.formData.bdcqz.bdcqzlx;
105 this.ruleForm.szzh = this.formData.bdcqz.bdcqzh;
106 certificate(this.ruleForm).then((res) => {
107 if (res.code === 200) {
108 this.$popupCacel()
109 this.$message.success("提交成功")
110 //刷新列表
111 store.dispatch('user/refreshPage', true);
112 } else {
113 this.$message.error(res.message)
114 }
115 });
116 },
117 },
118 };
119 </script>
120 <style scoped lang="scss">
121 @import "~@/styles/mixin.scss";
122 .zsdy-content {
123 height: 80vh;
124 overflow-y: scroll;
125 }
126 .aaaa {
127 width: 1024px;
128 height: 739px;
129 font-family: KaiTi;
130 font-weight: 700;
131 }
132 .bdcdjzm {
133 width: 1123px;
134 height: 794px;
135 font-family: KaiTi;
136 font-weight: 700;
137 }
138 .zmyl-box {
139 //position: relative;
140 position: absolute;
141 height: 600px;
142 width: 280px;
143 margin-left: 775px;
144 font-size: 16px;
145 justify-content: space-between;
146 }
147 .bdcqzh {
148 height: 70px;
149 left: 0;
150 bottom: 0;
151 font-size: 18px;
152 }
153 .zsyl-box {
154 display: flex;
155 justify-content: space-between;
156 // padding: 20px;
157 font-size: 16px;
158 height: 100%;
159 $left: 131px;
161 .zsyl-left {
162 width: 460px;
163 position: relative;
164 .qlr {
165 position: absolute;
166 top: 40px;
167 left: $left;
168 }
169 .gyqk {
170 position: absolute;
171 top: 80px;
172 left: $left;
173 }
174 .zl {
175 position: absolute;
176 top: 120px;
177 left: $left;
178 }
179 .bdcdyh {
180 position: absolute;
181 top: 160px;
182 left: $left;
183 }
184 .qllx {
185 position: absolute;
186 top: 205px;
187 left: $left;
188 }
189 .qlxz {
190 position: absolute;
191 top: 250px;
192 left: $left;
193 }
194 .yt {
195 position: absolute;
196 top: 290px;
197 left: $left;
198 }
199 .mj {
200 position: absolute;
201 top: 330px;
202 left: $left;
203 }
204 .syqx {
205 position: absolute;
206 top: 370px;
207 left: $left;
208 }
209 .qt {
210 position: absolute;
211 top: 420px;
212 left: $left;
213 }
214 }
215 .zsyl-right {
216 flex: 1;
217 text-align: left;
218 position: relative;
219 .fj {
220 position: absolute;
221 left: 115px;
222 top: 5px;
223 }
224 }
225 .zsyl-title {
226 margin-bottom: 12px;
227 }
228 /deep/.el-table__row {
229 background: #fafbe5 !important;
230 }
231 }
232 .middle_padding {
233 padding-bottom: 10px;
234 }
235 .zsyl-button {
236 text-align: center;
237 margin-top: 20px;
238 .operation_button {
239 width: 100px;
240 border: 1px solid rgb(0, 121, 254);
241 }
242 .dy-button {
243 color: white;
244 background-color: rgb(0, 121, 254);
245 }
246 }
247 </style>
1 <!--
2 * @Description:
3 * @Autor: renchao
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-18 10:53:49
5 -->
6 <template>
7 <el-form :model="ruleForm" :rules="rules" ref="ruleForm" label-width="100px">
8 <el-row>
9 <el-col :span="8">
10 <el-form-item label="发证人姓名">
11 <el-input v-model="ruleForm.fzrmc" disabled></el-input>
12 </el-form-item>
13 </el-col>
14 <el-col :span="8">
15 <el-form-item label="发证时间">
16 <el-input v-model="ruleForm.fzsj" disabled></el-input>
17 </el-form-item>
18 </el-col>
19 <el-col :span="8">
20 <el-form-item label="发证数量">
21 <el-input v-model="ruleForm.fzsl" disabled></el-input>
22 </el-form-item>
23 </el-col>
24 </el-row>
26 <lb-table :column="tableData.columns" @row-dblclick="handleRowClick" ref="table" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange" :data="tableData.data"
27 :pagination="false"
28 :calcHeight="300">
29 </lb-table>
30 <el-row>
31 <el-col :span="6">
32 <el-form-item label="领证人" prop="lzrxm">
33 <el-input v-model="ruleForm.lzrxm"></el-input>
34 </el-form-item>
35 </el-col>
36 <el-col :span="6">
37 <el-form-item label="证件类型" prop="lzrzjlb">
38 <el-select v-model="ruleForm.lzrzjlb" filterable clearable placeholder="请选择">
39 <el-option v-for="item in zjzlData" :key="item.dcode" :label="item.dname" :value="item.dcode">
40 </el-option>
41 </el-select>
42 </el-form-item>
43 </el-col>
44 <el-col :span="6">
45 <el-form-item label="证件号" prop="lzrzjh">
46 <el-input v-model="ruleForm.lzrzjh"></el-input>
47 </el-form-item>
48 </el-col>
49 <el-col :span="6">
50 <el-form-item label="领证人电话" prop="lzrdh">
51 <el-input v-model="ruleForm.lzrdh"></el-input>
52 </el-form-item>
53 </el-col>
54 </el-row>
55 <el-form-item class="text-center">
56 <el-button @click="$popupCacel">取消</el-button>
57 <el-button type="primary" @click="handleSubmit">确定</el-button>
58 </el-form-item>
59 </el-form>
60 </template>
61 <script>
62 import Vue from 'vue'
63 import store from '@/store/index.js'
64 import table from "@/utils/mixin/table";
65 import { getUnclaimedBdcqz, issueCertificate } from "@/api/bdcqz.js";
66 import { datas } from "../../javascript/fzxxdata";
67 export default {
68 props: {
69 formData: {
70 type: Object,
71 default: () => {
72 return {}
73 }
74 }
75 },
76 mixins: [table],
77 data () {
78 return {
79 zjzlData: store.getters.dictData['A30'],
80 ruleForm: {
81 fzrmc: '',
82 fzsj: '',
83 fzsl: '',
84 bdcqzList: [],
85 lzrxm: '',
86 lzrzjlb: '',
87 lzrzjh: '',
88 lzrdh: ''
89 },
90 rules: {
91 lzrxm: [
92 { required: true, message: '请输入领证人', trigger: 'blur' }
93 ],
94 lzrzjlb: [
95 { required: true, message: '请选择证件类型', trigger: 'change' }
96 ],
97 lzrzjh: [
98 { required: true, message: '请输入证件号', trigger: 'blur' }
99 ],
100 lzrdh: [
101 { required: true, message: '请输入电话号码', trigger: 'blur' }
102 ]
103 },
104 tableData: {
105 total: 0,
106 columns: datas.columns().lzgrid,
107 data: []
108 }
109 }
110 },
111 mounted () {
112 this.$nextTick(() => {
113 this.loadGrid()
114 })
115 },
116 methods: {
117 //列表初始化
118 loadGrid () {
119 getUnclaimedBdcqz({ bsmSlsq: Vue.prototype.$currentRoute.query.bsmSlsq }).then(res => {
120 if (res.code === 200) {
121 this.tableData.data = res.result.list;
122 this.ruleForm.fzrmc = res.result.fzrmc
123 this.ruleForm.fzsj = res.result.fzsj
124 this.ruleForm.fzsl = res.result.fzsl
125 this.ruleForm.bdcqzList = res.result.list;
126 }
127 })
128 },
129 handleSelectionChange (val) {
130 this.ruleForm.bdcqzList = val
131 },
132 handleRowClick (row) {
133 this.$refs.table.toggleRowSelection(row)
134 },
135 handleSubmit () {
137 this.$refs.ruleForm.validate(valid => {
138 if (valid) {
139 issueCertificate(this.ruleForm).then(res => {
140 if (res.code == 200) {
141 this.$message.success('保存成功');
142 this.$popupCacel()
143 } else {
144 this.$message.error(res.message)
145 }
146 })
147 } else {
148 this.$message.error("请填写领取人信息!")
149 return false;
150 }
151 })
152 }
153 }
154 }
155 </script>
156 <style scoped lang="scss">
157 @import "~@/styles/mixin.scss";
158 </style>
1 <!--
2 * @Description:
3 * @Autor: renchao
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-29 14:22:48
5 -->
6 <template>
7 <div class="from-clues loadingtext" v-Loading="loading" element-loading-text="拼命加载中..." style="height:720px">
8 <!-- 表单部分 -->
9 <el-tabs v-model="activeName" @tab-click="handleClick" v-if="headTabBdcqz.length > 1">
10 <el-tab-pane :label="item.qlr + '(' + item.bdcqzh + ')'" :name="item.bsmBdcqz"
11 v-for="(item, index) in headTabBdcqz" :key="index"></el-tab-pane>
12 </el-tabs>
13 <div class="no-data" v-if="headTabBdcqz.length == 0">暂无数据</div>
14 <!-- <img :src="previewImage" class="imgClass"> -->
15 <canvas ref="canvas" :width="canvasWidth" :height="canvasHeight"></canvas>
16 </div>
17 </template>
19 <script>
20 import { datas } from "../../javascript/zsyl.js";
21 import { getSlsqBdcqzList, bdcqzPreview } from "@/api/bdcqz.js"
22 export default {
23 name: "zsyl",
24 props: {
25 formData: {
26 type: Object,
27 default: {}
28 }
29 },
30 data () {
31 return {
32 imgSrc: require('@/image/bdcqz/bdcqzs2.jpg'),
33 canvasWidth: 1018,
34 canvasHeight: 720,
36 loading: false,
37 //印刷序列号集合
38 ysxlh: [],
39 //列名称对象
40 columns: [],
41 //选择的不动产权证文件
42 bdcqz: '',
43 //证书打开类型 是否需要展示打印按钮
44 isToPrint: false,
45 //tab切换栏数组
46 headTabBdcqz: [],
47 //tab选择绑定值
48 activeName: '',
49 //证书图片预览
50 previewImage: '',
51 ruleForm: {
52 bsmBdcqz: '',
53 szmc: '不动产权证书',
54 bdcqzlx: '',
55 szzh: '',
56 ysxlh: '',
57 },
58 }
59 },
60 mounted () {
61 this.columns = datas.columns();
62 if (this.formData.bdcqz) {
63 //从缮证进入
64 this.bdcqz = this.formData.bdcqz
65 } else {
66 //从按钮进入
67 this.getHeadTabBdcqz();
68 }
69 },
70 methods: {
71 //获取证书内容
72 getRowValue (code) {
73 var value = this.bdcqz[code];
74 return value;
75 },
76 //获取受理申请下全部不动产权证
77 getHeadTabBdcqz () {
78 this.loading = true
79 getSlsqBdcqzList({ bsmSlsq: this.formData.bsmSlsq }).then(res => {
80 if (res.code == 200) {
81 if (res.result && res.result.length > 0) {
82 this.activeName = res.result[0].bsmBdcqz
83 this.bdcqz = res.result[0]
84 this.headTabBdcqz = res.result
85 this.drawTextOnImage();
86 }
87 }
88 this.loading = false
89 })
90 },
91 //tab表头切换方法
92 handleClick (e) {
93 this.bdcqz = this.headTabBdcqz[e.index - 0]
94 this.activeName = this.headTabBdcqz.bsmBdcqz
95 // this.getBdcqzPreview();
96 this.drawTextOnImage()
97 },
98 // getBdcqzPreview () {
99 // bdcqzPreview(this.bdcqz).then(res => {
100 // this.loading = false
101 // let blob = new Blob([res]);
102 // let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
103 // this.previewImage = url;
104 // this.drawTextOnImage()
105 // })
106 // },
107 drawTextOnImage () {
108 const canvas = this.$refs.canvas;
109 const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
110 const image = new Image();
111 image.onload = () => {
112 context.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
113 context.font = '15px 楷体';
114 context.fillStyle = '#000000';
115 context.fillText(this.bdcqz.sjjc ? this.bdcqz.sjjc : '', 60, 56);
116 context.fillText(this.bdcqz.djnd ? this.bdcqz.djnd : '', 113, 56);
117 context.fillText(this.bdcqz.sxqc ? this.bdcqz.sxqc : '', 180, 56);
118 context.fillText(this.bdcqz.sxh ? this.bdcqz.sxh : '', 370, 56);
119 context.fillText(this.bdcqz.qlr ? this.bdcqz.qlr : '', 138, 97);
120 context.fillText(this.bdcqz.gyqk ? this.bdcqz.gyqk : '', 138, 138);
121 context.fillText(this.bdcqz.zl ? this.bdcqz.zl : '', 138, 180);
122 context.fillText(this.bdcqz.bdcdyh ? this.bdcqz.bdcdyh : '', 138, 223);
123 context.fillText(this.bdcqz.qllx ? this.bdcqz.qllx : '', 138, 263);
124 context.fillText(this.bdcqz.qlxz ? this.bdcqz.qlxz : '', 138, 303);
125 context.fillText(this.bdcqz.yt ? this.bdcqz.yt : '', 138, 346);
126 context.fillText(this.bdcqz.mj ? this.bdcqz.mj : '', 138, 386);
127 context.fillText(this.bdcqz.syqx ? this.bdcqz.syqx : '', 138, 429);
128 context.fillText(this.bdcqz.qlqtzk ? this.bdcqz.qlqtzk : '', 138, 469);
129 context.fillText(this.bdcqz.fj ? this.bdcqz.fj : '', 580, 100);
130 }
131 image.src = this.imgSrc;
132 }
133 }
134 }
135 </script>
136 <style scoped lang="scss">
137 @import "~@/styles/mixin.scss";
139 .imgClass {
140 display: inline-block;
141 height: auto;
142 max-width: 100%;
143 }
145 .middle_padding {
146 padding-bottom: 10px;
147 }
149 .zsyl-button {
150 text-align: center;
151 margin-top: 20px;
153 .operation_button {
154 width: 100px;
155 border: 1px solid rgb(0, 121, 254);
156 }
158 .dy-button {
159 color: white;
160 background-color: rgb(0, 121, 254);
161 }
162 }
164 .table-column {
165 border-spacing: 1px;
166 width: 100%;
168 tr td {
169 border: 1px solid #ccc;
170 text-align: center;
171 height: 40px;
172 padding: 4px;
173 font-size: 13px;
174 background: rgb(251, 249, 229);
175 }
176 }
178 .zsyl-title {
179 background: #fafbe5;
180 text-align: center;
181 padding: 5px 0px;
182 font-size: 20px;
183 }
185 .no-data {
186 font-size: 18px;
187 display: flex;
188 text-align: center;
189 justify-content: center;
190 }
191 </style>
1 <!--
2 * @Description:
3 * @Autor: renchao
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-16 15:55:45
5 -->
6 <template>
7 <div class="from-clues">
8 <!-- 发证信息 -->
9 <div class="from-clues-header">
10 <el-form :model="ruleForm">
11 <el-row :gutter="20">
12 <el-col :span="6">
13 <el-form-item label="印刷序列号">
14 <el-input v-model="ruleForm.ysxlh" clearable placeholder="请输入印刷序列号"></el-input>
15 </el-form-item>
16 </el-col>
17 <el-col :span="6">
18 <el-form-item label="证书号">
19 <el-input v-model="ruleForm.zsh" clearable placeholder="请输入证书号"></el-input>
20 </el-form-item>
21 </el-col>
22 <el-col :span="6">
23 <el-form-item label="权利人">
24 <el-input v-model="ruleForm.qlr" clearable placeholder="请输入权利人"></el-input>
25 </el-form-item>
26 </el-col>
27 <el-col :span="6" class="btnColRight">
28 <el-form-item>
29 <el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-search" @click="handleSearch">查询</el-button>
30 <el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-search" @click="zslqClick">证书领取</el-button>
31 </el-form-item>
32 </el-col>
33 </el-row>
34 </el-form>
35 </div>
36 <div class="from-clues-content">
37 <lb-table border :column="tableData.columns" :heightNum="210" :data="tableData.data" :pagination="false">
38 </lb-table>
39 </div>
40 </div>
41 </template>
42 <script>
43 import table from "@/utils/mixin/table";
44 import { getCertificateList } from "@/api/bdcqz.js";
45 import { datas } from "../javascript/fzxxdata";
46 export default {
47 mixins: [table],
48 data () {
49 return {
50 ruleForm: {
51 ysxlh: '',
52 zsh: '',
53 qlr: '',
54 bsmSldy: ''
55 },
56 tableData: {
57 total: 0,
58 columns: datas.columns().fzgrid,
59 data: []
60 },
61 dialogVisible: false
62 }
63 },
64 methods: {
65 queryClick () {
66 this.ruleForm.bsmSlsq = this.$route.query.bsmSlsq;
67 getCertificateList(this.ruleForm).then(res => {
68 if (res.code === 200) {
69 this.tableData.data = res.result ? res.result : []
70 }
71 })
72 },
73 zslqClick () {
74 this.$popupDialog("不动产权证领取", "workflow/components/dialog/zslq", {}, '80%', true)
75 }
76 }
77 }
78 </script>
79 <style scoped lang='scss'>
80 @import "~@/styles/public.scss";
81 </style>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <!--
2 * @Description: 功能:审批意见
3 * @Autor: renchao
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-17 10:41:24
5 -->
6 <template>
7 <div class='spyj loadingtext'>
8 <div class="box">
9 <b class="spyj_title">审批表</b>
10 <el-form :model="ruleForm" :rules="rules" ref="ruleForm" label-width="120px">
11 <div class="spyj_form" v-for="(item, index) in tableData" :key="index">
12 <div class="item_left">
13 {{ item.jdmc }}意见
14 </div>
15 <div class="item_right">
16 <el-row>
17 <el-col :span="24">
18 <el-form-item label-width="0" class="opinion_item" prop="shyj">
19 <el-input type="textarea" :rows="4" class="opinion" placeholder="请输入审批意见"
20 v-if="item.stepShjy == '1' && ableOperation" v-model="ruleForm.shyj"></el-input>
21 <el-input type="textarea" :rows="4" class="opinion" v-model="item.shyj" v-else :disabled="true">
22 </el-input>
23 <el-button class="opinion_btn" @click="commonOpinion"
24 v-if="item.stepShjy == '1' && ableOperation">常用意见</el-button>
25 </el-form-item>
26 </el-col>
27 </el-row>
28 <el-row>
29 <el-col :span="16">
30 <el-form-item label="审查人" prop="shryxm">
31 {{ item.shryxm }}
32 </el-form-item>
33 </el-col>
34 <el-col :span="8">
35 <el-form-item label="审核时间" prop="shjssj" :key="refresh">
36 {{ item.shjssj }}
37 </el-form-item>
38 </el-col>
39 </el-row>
40 </div>
41 </div>
42 <div class="submit_button" v-if="ableOperation">
43 <el-button type="primary" @click="onSubmit">保存</el-button>
44 </div>
45 </el-form>
46 </div>
47 <el-empty v-if="isNoData" description="暂无数据"></el-empty>
48 </div>
49 </template>
50 <script>
51 import { getSpyjList, saveSpyj, saveSpyjBySlsq } from "@/api/fqsq.js";
52 import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
53 export default {
54 computed: {
55 ...mapGetters(['userData', 'yjsqOptions'])
56 },
57 data () {
58 return {
59 isNoData: false,
60 bsmSlsq: '',
61 //刷新值
62 refresh: 10,
63 ableOperation: true,
64 bsmSlsq: this.$route.query.bsmSlsq,
65 bestepid: this.$route.query.bestepid,
66 ruleForm: {},
67 rules: {
68 shyj: [
69 { required: true, message: '请输入审批意见', trigger: 'blur' }
70 ],
71 },
72 tableData: [],
73 propsParam: {}
74 }
75 },
76 watch: {
77 yjsqOptions: {
78 handler (val) {
79 this.ruleForm.shyj = val
80 },
81 deep: true,
82 immediate: true
83 },
84 },
85 mounted () {
86 this.propsParam = this.$attrs;
87 if (this.$route.query.viewtype) {
88 this.ableOperation = false
89 }
90 this.list();
91 },
92 methods: {
93 //审批意见数据初始化
94 list () {
95 let that = this
96 this.$startLoading()
97 var formdata = new FormData();
98 formdata.append("bsmBusiness", this.propsParam.bsmBusiness);
99 formdata.append("bestepid", this.$route.query.bestepid);
100 formdata.append("ableOperation", this.ableOperation)
101 getSpyjList(formdata).then((res) => {
102 this.$endLoading()
103 if (res.code === 200 && res.result) {
104 this.tableData = res.result ? res.result : []
105 if (res.result.length == 0) {
106 that.isNoData = true
107 }
108 this.ruleForm = res.result[res.result.length - 1]
109 }
110 })
111 },
112 onSubmit () {
113 this.ruleForm.bsmSlsq = this.bsmSlsq
114 this.ruleForm.bestepid = this.bestepid
115 saveSpyjBySlsq(this.ruleForm).then(res => {
116 if (res.code === 200) {
117 this.$message.success("保存成功")
118 this.refresh += 1
119 } else {
120 this.$message.error(res.message)
121 }
122 })
123 },
124 //打开常用意见列表弹窗
125 commonOpinion () {
126 this.$popupDialog("常用意见", "workflow/components/dialog/commonOpinion", {}, "70%", true)
127 },
128 //使用常用意见
129 useOpinion (opinion) {
130 this.ruleForm.shyj = opinion
131 }
132 }
133 }
134 </script>
135 <style scoped lang='scss'>
136 @import "~@/styles/mixin.scss";
138 .spyj {
139 width: 100%;
140 height: 100%;
141 background-color: #f5f5f5;
142 padding: 5px;
143 .box {
144 overflow-x: auto;
145 width: 100%;
146 height: 95%;
147 background: #fff;
148 text-align: center;
149 padding: 4px;
150 overflow-y: scroll;
151 padding-top: 20px;
152 padding: 20px 40px;
153 }
154 .spyj_title {
155 line-height: 68px;
156 border: 1px solid $borderColor;
157 text-align: center;
158 font-size: 22px;
159 font-weight: 400;
160 background-color: #eceef2;
161 display: block;
162 border-bottom: none;
163 }
165 /deep/.el-form-item {
166 margin-bottom: 0;
167 }
169 .bottom10 {
170 margin-bottom: 15px;
171 }
173 .spyj_form {
174 display: flex;
175 border: 1px solid $borderColor;
177 .item_left {
178 width: 150px;
179 background-color: #f8f8fa;
180 color: #606266;
181 display: flex;
182 font-size: 14px;
183 text-indent: 80px;
184 align-items: center;
185 border-right: 1px solid $borderColor;
186 }
188 .item_right {
189 flex: 1;
190 width: 100%;
192 /deep/.el-form-item__label {
193 background-color: #f8f8fa;
194 }
195 /deep/.el-form-item__content {
196 display: block;
197 text-align: left;
198 text-indent: 10px;
199 }
200 .opinion_item {
201 /deep/.el-form-item__error {
202 margin-top: -16px !important;
203 left: 3px;
204 }
206 border-bottom: 1px solid $borderColor;
207 }
209 .opinion {
210 position: relative;
211 font-size: 14px;
213 /deep/.el-textarea__inner {
214 border: none;
215 }
216 }
218 .opinion_btn {
219 position: absolute;
220 right: 15px;
221 bottom: 10px;
222 }
223 }
224 }
226 .submit_button {
227 text-align: center;
228 margin: 15px 0;
229 }
230 }
231 </style>
1 <!--
2 * @Description:
3 * @Autor: renchao
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-17 10:41:49
5 -->
6 <template>
7 <div class="szxx">
8 <el-card class="box-card" v-for="(item, index) in tableData" :key="index">
9 <div slot="header" class="szxx_header">
10 <span class="header_type">{{
11 item.bdcqzlx == 1 ? "不动产权证书" : "不动产登记证明"
12 }}</span>
13 <div class="header_text">{{ item.bdcqzh }}</div>
14 </div>
15 <div class="szxx_body card_padding">
16 <div class="text color_iray">
17 <span>{{ item.qllx }}</span>
18 </div>
19 <div class="text color_red">
20 <span>{{ item.qlr }}</span>
21 </div>
22 <div class="text color_iray">
23 <span>{{ item.gyqk }}</span>
24 </div>
25 <div class="text color_red">
26 <span>{{ item.bdcdyh }}</span>
27 </div>
28 <div class="text color_iray">
29 <span>{{ item.zl }}</span>
30 </div>
31 <div class="text color_red">
32 <span>{{ item.yt }}</span>
33 </div>
34 <div class="text color_iray">
35 <span>{{ item.mj }}</span>
36 </div>
37 <div class="text color_red">
38 <span>{{ item.syqx }}</span>
39 </div>
40 <div class="text color_iray">
41 <span>印刷序列号:{{ item.ysxlh }}</span>
42 </div>
43 </div>
44 <div class="card_padding">
45 <div class="top_line middle_margin"></div>
46 <div class="text" v-if="item.ysxlh">
47 <el-button class="operation_button" type="text" @click="openInvalidDiglog(item)">再次打印({{ item.szcs
48 }})</el-button>
49 <el-button class="operation_button" type="text" @click="openRecordPop(item)">缮证记录</el-button>
50 </div>
51 <div class="text" v-else>
52 <el-button class="operation_button" type="text" @click="openZsylDialog(item, 2)">证书打印1({{ item.szcs
53 }}</el-button>
54 <el-button class="operation_button" type="text" @click="openRecordPop(item)">缮证记录</el-button>
55 </div>
56 </div>
57 </el-card>
58 <el-dialog title="证书作废" :visible.sync="invalidDiglog" width="30%" :modal-append-to-body="false" top="30vh">
59 <div class="invalid-diglog">
60 <div class="invalid-title">
61 <i class="el-icon-question invalid-icon"></i>
62 <div class="invalid-body">您确定作废证书并再次打印?</div>
63 </div>
64 <div class="invalid-reson">作废原因:</div>
65 <el-input v-model="zfyy" placeholder="请输入作废原因" type="textarea" :rows="4"></el-input>
66 <div class="text-center pt-10">
67 <el-button @click="closeInvalidDiglog">取 消</el-button>
68 <el-button type="primary" @click="confirmInvalid">确 定</el-button>
69 </div>
70 </div>
71 </el-dialog>
72 <el-empty description="暂无数据" v-if="tableData.length == 0"></el-empty>
73 </div>
74 </template>
75 <script>
76 import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
77 import { getSlsqBdcqzList, invalidCertificate } from "@/api/bdcqz.js";
78 export default {
79 props: {},
80 data () {
81 return {
82 dialog: false,
83 tableData: [],
84 bdcqzlx: 1,
85 bdcqz: {},
86 zfyy: "",
87 invalidDiglog: false,
88 bsmSz: "",
89 bsmBdcqz: ""
90 };
91 },
92 computed: {
93 ...mapGetters(['isRefresh'])
94 },
95 watch: {
96 isRefresh: {
97 handler (newVal, oldVal) {
98 if (newVal) this.list()
99 }
100 }
101 },
102 created () {
103 this.list();
104 },
105 methods: {
106 //初始化列表
107 list () {
108 var bsmSlsq = this.$route.query.bsmSlsq;
109 getSlsqBdcqzList({ bsmSlsq: bsmSlsq }).then((res) => {
110 if (res.code === 200) {
111 this.tableData = res.result;
112 if (res.result) {
113 this.bdcqz = res.result[0];
114 }
115 }
116 });
117 },
118 //打开证书预览弹窗
119 openZsylDialog (item, type) {
120 if (type == 1) {
121 //证书预览
122 this.$popupDialog("证书预览", "workflow/components/dialog/zsyl", { bdcqz: item }, "70%", true);
123 } else {
124 this.$popupDialog("不动产权证书", "workflow/components/dialog/zsdy", { bdcqz: item }, "70%", true);
125 }
126 },
127 //再次打印
128 openInvalidDiglog (item) {
129 this.bsmSz = item.bsmSz;
130 this.invalidDiglog = true;
131 this.bsmBdcqz = item.bsmBdcqz
132 },
133 closeInvalidDiglog () {
134 this.invalidDiglog = false;
135 this.bsmSz = "";
136 this.zfyy = "";
137 },
138 //作废缮证信息
139 confirmInvalid () {
140 invalidCertificate({ bsmBdcqz: this.bsmBdcqz, zfyy: this.zfyy }).then((res) => {
141 if (res.code === 200) {
142 this.list();
143 this.$message.success("作废成功");
144 this.invalidDiglog = false;
145 this.zfyy = ''
146 this.openZsylDialog(this.bdcqz);
147 } else {
148 this.$message.error(res.message);
149 }
150 });
151 },
152 openRecordPop (item) {
153 this.$popupDialog("缮证记录", "workflow/components/dialog/szRecord", { bsmBdcqz: item.bsmBdcqz }, '60%', true)
154 }
155 },
156 };
157 </script>
158 <style scoped lang='scss'>
159 @import "~@/styles/public.scss";
160 .szxx {
161 box-sizing: border-box;
162 padding-right: 15px;
163 width: 100%;
164 height: 600px;
165 overflow-y: scroll;
167 .box-card {
168 float: left;
169 width: 300px;
170 margin-top: 10px;
171 margin-right: 10px;
173 .szxx_body {
174 height: 240px;
175 }
176 }
177 }
179 .szxx_header {
180 color: #ffffff;
181 font-weight: bolder;
182 font-size: 16px;
184 .header_type {
185 display: flex;
186 justify-content: center;
187 align-content: center;
188 }
190 .header_text {
191 text-align: center;
192 margin-top: 10px;
193 line-height: 30px;
194 }
195 }
197 .top_line {
198 border-top: 2px solid rgb(222, 222, 222);
199 }
201 .text {
202 margin-bottom: 10px;
203 text-align: center;
204 }
206 .color_iray {
207 color: rgb(153, 153, 153);
208 }
210 .color_red {
211 color: rgb(255, 89, 24);
212 }
214 .middle_margin {
215 margin-bottom: 10px;
216 }
218 .operation_button {
219 border: 1px solid rgb(0, 121, 254);
220 padding: 5px;
221 text-align: center;
222 }
224 .card_padding {
225 padding-top: 8px;
226 }
228 .invalid-diglog {
229 padding-bottom: 20px;
230 font-size: 16px;
231 font-weight: bold;
232 color: rgb(99, 99, 99);
234 .invalid-title {
235 display: flex;
236 align-content: center;
238 .invalid-icon {
239 color: rgb(254, 148, 0);
240 font-size: 34px;
241 margin-right: 10px;
242 }
244 .invalid-body {
245 line-height: 40px;
246 margin-bottom: 10px;
247 }
248 }
250 .invalid-reson {
251 margin-bottom: 10px;
252 }
254 .dialog-footer {
255 margin-top: 10px;
256 display: flex;
257 justify-content: flex-end;
258 }
259 }
261 /deep/.el-card__header {
262 background-color: rgb(198, 67, 83);
263 }
265 /deep/.el-card__body {
266 padding: 0px;
267 }
268 </style>
1 <!--
2 * @Description:
3 * @Autor: renchao
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-06-01 09:48:15
5 -->
6 <template>
7 <canvas id="mxcad">
8 </canvas>
9 </template>
10 <script>
11 import Mx from "mxdraw"
12 export default {
13 mounted () {
14 // 动态加载 js库核心代码
15 Mx.loadCoreCode().then(() => {
16 // Mx.MxFun.setMxServer("ws://localhost:5090") // 开启socket通信 可编辑图纸
17 // 创建控件对象
18 Mx.MxFun.createMxObject({
19 canvasId: "mxcad", // canvas元素的id
20 cadFile: "/buf/hhhh.dwg", // http方式(预览): 加载public/demo文件夹下转换后的图纸
21 // cadFile: "test2.dwg", // socket通信方式请直接提供图纸名称 如:text.dwg
22 callback: (mxDraw, {
23 canvas,
24 canvasParent
25 }) => {
26 // 可以拿到canvas元素和它的父级元素
27 console.log(canvas, canvasParent)
28 console.log(mxDraw)
29 // 拿到图层数据
30 mxDraw.addEvent('uiSetLayerData', (listLayer) => {
31 console.log(listLayer)
32 })
33 },
34 isNewFile: true // 是否新建文件
35 })
36 })
37 }
38 }
39 </script>
40 <style scoped lang='scss'>
41 #cad-container {
42 width: 100%;
43 height: 100%;
44 }
45 </style>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -111,28 +111,40 @@ export default { ...@@ -111,28 +111,40 @@ export default {
111 } 111 }
112 return name; 112 return name;
113 }, 113 },
114 AddDialog(row){ 114 // 编辑
115 this.$popupDialog("新增", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", {
116 datalist:this.columns,
117 data: ''
118 })
119 },
120 editDialog(row){ 115 editDialog(row){
121 this.$popupDialog("编辑", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", { 116 this.$confirm('此操作将新增一条补录信息, 是否继续?', '提示', {
122 datalist:this.columns, 117 confirmButtonText: '确定',
123 data: row, 118 cancelButtonText: '取消',
119 type: 'warning'
120 }).then(() => {
121 this.$parent.addRepairRecord(row)
123 this.$message({
124 type: 'success',
125 message: '补录成功!'
126 });
127 }).catch(() => {
128 this.$message({
129 type: 'info',
130 message: '取消编辑'
131 });
132 });
134 // this.$popupDialog("编辑", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", {
135 // datalist:this.columns,
136 // data: row,
138 // })
124 139
125 })
126 }, 140 },
127 // 删除 141 // 删除
128 deleteDialog(row){ 142 deleteDialog(row){
129 let that = this 143 this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除该文件, 是否继续?', '提示', {
130 this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除, 是否继续?', '提示', {
131 confirmButtonText: '确定', 144 confirmButtonText: '确定',
132 cancelButtonText: '取消', 145 cancelButtonText: '取消',
133 type: 'warning' 146 type: 'warning'
134 }).then(async () => { 147 }).then(() => {
136 // let bsmClmx = this.previewImg.imgList[this.previewImg.index].bsmClmx 148 // let bsmClmx = this.previewImg.imgList[this.previewImg.index].bsmClmx
137 // deleteClmx(bsmClmx).then(res => { 149 // deleteClmx(bsmClmx).then(res => {
138 // if (res.code == 200) { 150 // if (res.code == 200) {
...@@ -143,16 +155,16 @@ export default { ...@@ -143,16 +155,16 @@ export default {
143 // }) 155 // })
144 // } 156 // }
145 // }) 157 // })
146 that.$message({ 158 this.$message({
147 message: '删除成功!', 159 type: 'success',
148 type: 'success' 160 message: '删除成功!'
149 }) 161 });
150 }).catch(() => { 162 }).catch(() => {
151 this.$message({ 163 this.$message({
152 type: 'info', 164 type: 'info',
153 message: '已取消删除' 165 message: '已取消删除'
154 }) 166 });
155 }) 167 });
156 168
157 } 169 }
158 }, 170 },
1 <!--
2 * @Description:
3 * @Autor: renchao
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-17 10:39:57
5 -->
6 <template>
7 <div class="clmlmx-box">
8 <div class="title">申请材料目录1111</div>
9 <lb-table :column="column" :key="key" :heightNumSetting="true" :pagination="false" :data="formData.data">
10 </lb-table>
11 <div class="text-center">
12 <el-button @click="$popupCacel">取消11111</el-button>
13 </div>
14 </div>
15 </template>
16 <script>
17 import store from '@/store/index.js'
18 import { InitClml, saveClml, deleteSjClml, moveClml } from "@/api/clxx.js";
19 export default {
20 props: {
21 formData: {
22 type: Object,
23 default: () => {
24 return {}
25 }
26 }
27 },
28 data () {
29 return {
30 column: [
31 {
32 width: "50",
33 label: '序号',
34 type: 'index'
35 },
36 {
37 prop: "isrequired",
38 label: "是否必选",
39 width: "80",
40 render: (h, scope) => {
41 if (scope.row.sfxjcl === "1") {
42 return (
43 <div>
44 <span>可选</span>
45 </div>
46 );
47 }
48 else {
49 return (
50 <div>
51 <span>必选</span>
52 </div>
53 );
54 }
55 },
56 },
57 {
58 prop: "sjmc",
59 label: "材料名称",
60 },
61 {
62 prop: "sjlx",
63 label: "材料类型",
64 width: "80",
65 render: (h, scope) => {
66 return (
67 <div>
68 <span>{this.dicStatus(scope.row.sjlx, "A40")}</span>
69 </div>
70 );
71 },
72 },
73 {
74 prop: "sjsl",
75 label: "份数",
76 width: "50"
77 },
78 {
79 prop: "smzt",
80 label: "扫描状态",
81 width: "80",
82 render: (h, scope) => {
83 if (scope.row.children && scope.row.children.length > 0) {
84 return (
85 <div>
86 <span>已扫描</span>
87 </div>
88 );
89 } else {
90 return (
91 <div>
92 <span>未扫描</span>
93 </div>
94 );
95 }
96 },
97 },
98 {
99 label: "扫描页数",
100 width: "80",
101 render: (h, scope) => {
102 if (scope.row.children && scope.row.children.length > 0) {
103 return (
104 <div>
105 <span>{scope.row.children.length}</span>
106 </div>
107 );
108 } else {
109 return (
110 <div>
111 <span>0</span>
112 </div>
113 );
114 }
115 },
116 },
117 {
118 label: "操作",
119 width: "80",
120 render: (h, scope) => {
121 return (
122 <div>
123 <el-button
124 type="text"
125 disabled={scope.$index == 0}
126 onClick={() => {
127 this.moveUpward(scope.$index, scope.row);
128 }}
129 >
130 上移
131 </el-button>
132 <el-button
133 type="text"
134 disabled={scope.$index + 1 == this.tableData.length}
135 onClick={() => {
136 this.moveDown(scope.$index, scope.row);
137 }}
138 >
139 下移
140 </el-button>
141 </div>
142 );
143 },
144 },
145 ],
146 key: 0,
147 tableData: []
148 }
149 },
150 created () {
151 console.log(this.formData.data, 'formData');
152 },
153 methods: {
154 // 材料目录明细初始化
155 clmlInitList () {
156 return new Promise(resolve => {
157 this.unitData = this.$parent.unitData;
158 var formdata = new FormData();
159 formdata.append("bsmSldy", this.unitData[0]?.bsmSldy);
160 formdata.append("bsmSlsq", this.$route.query.bsmSlsq);
161 InitClml(formdata).then((res) => {
162 if (res.code == 200) {
163 resolve(res.code)
164 if (res.result && res.result.length > 0) {
165 this.data = res.result;
166 } else {
167 this.data = []
168 }
169 } else {
170 this.$message.error(res.message)
171 }
172 })
173 })
174 },
175 // 上移
176 moveUpward (index, row) {
177 let obj = {
178 xh: row.xh,
179 bsmSlsq: row.bsmSlsq,
180 moveDirection: "UP",
181 };
182 // 接口待调
183 moveClml(obj).then(async (res) => {
184 if (res.code == 200) {
185 let res = await this.clmlInitList()
186 if (res == 200) {
187 this.$message({
188 message: '上移成功',
189 type: 'success'
190 })
191 this.$parent.setTableData(this.data)
192 }
193 } else {
194 this.$message.error(res.message);
195 }
196 })
197 },
198 // 下移
199 moveDown (index, row) {
200 let obj = {
201 xh: row.xh,
202 bsmSlsq: row.bsmSlsq,
203 moveDirection: "DOWN",
204 }
205 // 接口待调
206 moveClml(obj).then(async (res) => {
207 if (res.code == 200) {
208 let res = await this.clmlInitList()
209 if (res == 200) {
210 this.$message({
211 message: '下移成功',
212 type: 'success'
213 })
214 }
215 } else {
216 this.$message.error(res.message);
217 }
218 })
219 },
220 // 材料目录删除
221 handleDelete (index, row) {
222 let that = this
223 this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除该 是否继续?', '提示', {
224 confirmButtonText: '确定',
225 cancelButtonText: '取消',
226 type: 'warning'
227 }).then(() => {
228 deleteSjClml({ sjBsm: row.bsmSj }).then(async (res) => {
229 if (res.code == 200) {
230 let res = await that.clmlInitList()
231 if (res == 200) {
232 that.$message({
233 message: "删除成功",
234 type: "success",
235 })
236 // this.$parent.setTableData(this.data)
237 }
238 }
239 })
240 }).catch(() => {
241 this.$message({
242 type: 'info',
243 message: '已取消删除'
244 })
245 })
246 },
247 // 字典
248 dicStatus (val, code) {
249 let data = store.getters.dictData[code],
250 name = "暂无";
251 if (data) {
252 data.map((item) => {
253 if (item.dcode == val) {
254 name = item.dname;
255 }
256 });
257 return name;
258 }
259 }
260 }
261 }
262 </script>
263 <style scoped lang='scss'>
264 @import "~@/styles/mixin.scss";
265 .clmlmx-box {
266 margin: 0 auto;
268 .title {
269 text-align: center;
270 height: 60px;
271 line-height: 60px;
272 border: 1px solid #dfe6ec;
273 font-size: 20px;
274 background: #81d3f81a;
275 margin-bottom: -1px;
276 }
277 }
278 </style>
1 <template>
2 <div class="jtfccx-edit">
3 <div class="jtfccx-edit-con">
4 <el-form ref="form" :model="form" label-width="160px">
5 <el-row>
6 <el-col :span="8">
7 <el-form-item label="权属状态" label-width="140px">
8 <el-select v-model="form.qszt">
9 <el-option v-for="item in qsztList" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value">
10 </el-option>
11 </el-select>
12 </el-form-item>
13 </el-col>
14 <el-col :span="8">
15 <el-form-item label="权利类型" label-width="140px">
16 <el-input v-model="form.qllxmc" ></el-input>
17 </el-form-item>
18 </el-col>
19 <el-col :span="8">
20 <el-form-item label="登记类型" label-width="140px">
21 <el-input v-model="form.djlxmc" ></el-input>
22 </el-form-item>
23 </el-col>
24 <el-col :span="8">
25 <el-form-item label="上手业务号" label-width="140px">
26 <el-input v-model="form.ssywh" ></el-input>
27 </el-form-item>
28 </el-col>
29 <el-col :span="8">
30 <el-form-item label="档案号" label-width="140px">
31 <el-input v-model="form.dah" ></el-input>
32 </el-form-item>
33 </el-col>
34 <el-col :span="8">
35 <el-form-item label="业务号" label-width="140px">
36 <el-input v-model="form.ywh" ></el-input>
37 </el-form-item>
38 </el-col>
39 <el-col :span="8">
40 <el-form-item label="不动产单元号" label-width="140px">
41 <el-input v-model="form.bdcdyh" ></el-input>
42 </el-form-item>
43 </el-col>
44 <el-col :span="8">
45 <el-form-item label="坐落" label-width="140px">
46 <el-input v-model="form.zl" ></el-input>
47 </el-form-item>
48 </el-col>
49 <el-col :span="8">
50 <el-form-item label="共有情况" label-width="140px">
51 <el-input v-model="form.gyqk" ></el-input>
52 </el-form-item>
53 </el-col>
54 <el-col :span="8">
55 <el-form-item label="权利人类型" label-width="140px">
56 <el-input v-model="form.qlrlx" ></el-input>
57 </el-form-item>
58 </el-col>
59 <el-col :span="8">
60 <el-form-item label="权利人" label-width="140px">
61 <el-input v-model="form.qlrmc" ></el-input>
62 </el-form-item>
63 </el-col>
64 <el-col :span="8">
65 <el-form-item label="证件种类" label-width="140px">
66 <el-input v-model="form.qlrzjzl" ></el-input>
67 </el-form-item>
68 </el-col>
69 <el-col :span="8">
70 <el-form-item label="证件号" label-width="140px">
71 <el-input v-model="form.qlrzjhm" ></el-input>
72 </el-form-item>
73 </el-col>
74 <el-col :span="8">
75 <el-form-item label="使用权面积" label-width="140px">
76 <el-input v-model="form.mj" ></el-input>
77 </el-form-item>
78 </el-col>
79 <el-col :span="8">
80 <el-form-item label="权利性质" label-width="140px">
81 <el-input v-model="form.qlxzmc" ></el-input>
82 </el-form-item>
83 </el-col>
84 <el-col :span="8">
85 <el-form-item label="土地用途" label-width="140px">
86 <el-input v-model="form.ytmc" ></el-input>
87 </el-form-item>
88 </el-col>
89 <el-col :span="8">
90 <el-form-item label="使用权起止时间" label-width="140px">
91 <el-input v-model="form.syqqzsj" ></el-input>
92 </el-form-item>
93 </el-col>
94 <el-col :span="8">
95 <el-form-item label="土地使用期限" label-width="140px">
96 <el-input v-model="form.tdsyqx" ></el-input>
97 </el-form-item>
98 </el-col>
99 <el-col :span="8">
100 <el-form-item label="取得价格(万元)" label-width="140px">
101 <el-input v-model="form.qdjg" ></el-input>
102 </el-form-item>
103 </el-col>
104 <el-col :span="8">
105 <el-form-item label="登记原因" label-width="140px">
106 <el-input v-model="form.djyy" ></el-input>
107 </el-form-item>
108 </el-col>
109 <el-col :span="8">
110 <el-form-item label="不动产权证号" label-width="140px">
111 <el-input v-model="form.bdcqzh" ></el-input>
112 </el-form-item>
113 </el-col>
114 <el-col :span="8">
115 <el-form-item label="登记时间" label-width="140px">
116 <el-input v-model="form.djsj" ></el-input>
117 </el-form-item>
118 </el-col>
119 <el-col :span="8">
120 <el-form-item label="登簿人" label-width="140px">
121 <el-input v-model="form.dbr" ></el-input>
122 </el-form-item>
123 </el-col>
124 <el-col :span="8">
125 <el-form-item label="附记" label-width="140px">
126 <el-input v-model="form.fj" ></el-input>
127 </el-form-item>
128 </el-col>
129 </el-row>
130 <el-form-item class="btn">
131 <el-button type="primary" @click="submitForm">保存</el-button>
132 <el-button @click="closeDialog">取消</el-button>
133 </el-form-item>
134 </el-form>
136 </div>
138 </div>
139 </template>
140 <script>
141 export default {
142 props: {
143 formData: {
144 type: Object,
145 default: () => { },
146 },
147 },
148 data () {
149 return {
150 form:{},
151 qsztList: [
152 {
153 value: "0",
154 label: "临时",
155 },
156 {
157 value: "1",
158 label: "现势",
159 },
160 {
161 value: "2",
162 label: "历史",
163 },
165 ],
166 label:"",
167 };
168 },
169 mounted () {
170 if (this.formData.data) {
171 this.$nextTick(() => {
172 this.form = Object.assign({}, this.formData.data)
173 this.form.qszt=this.form.qszt=='0'?"临时":this.form.qszt=='1'?"现势":"历史"
174 })
175 }
176 },
178 methods: {
179 //新增常用意见
180 submitForm () {
182 this.$refs.form.validate(valid => {
183 if (valid) {
184 // addUserCommonOpinion({ commonOpinion: this.form.commonOpinion }).then(res => {
185 // if (res.code == 200) {
186 // this.$message.success("新增成功")
187 // this.closeaddDiglog();
188 // this.getList()
189 // } else {
190 // this.$message.error(res.message)
191 // }
192 // })
193 } else {
194 return false;
195 }
196 });
197 },
198 closeDialog () {
199 this.$popupCacel()
200 this.$refs['form'].resetFields();
201 // this.resetTableFields();
202 }
203 },
204 };
205 </script>
206 <style scoped lang="scss">
207 @import "~@/styles/mixin.scss";
208 @import "~@/styles/public.scss";
211 .jtfccx-edit {
212 @include flex;
213 flex-direction: column;
214 overflow-y: hidden;
215 max-height: 85vh;
216 padding: 0 2px;
219 .btn{
220 text-align: center;
222 }
223 }
224 </style>
...@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ ...@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-09 09:20:10 4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-09 09:20:10
5 --> 5 -->
6 <template> 6 <template>
7 <dialogBox title="新建材料信息1111111" width="20%" isMain v-model="myValue" @closeDialog="closeDialog" @submitForm="handleSubmit" 7 <dialogBox title="新建材料信息1111" width="20%" isMain v-model="myValue" @closeDialog="closeDialog" @submitForm="handleSubmit"
8 :isFullscreen="false"> 8 :isFullscreen="false">
9 <el-form :model="ruleForm" ref="ruleForm" label-width="70px"> 9 <el-form :model="ruleForm" ref="ruleForm" label-width="70px">
10 <el-row> 10 <el-row>
1 <!--
2 * @Description:
3 * @Autor: renchao
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-17 10:40:38
5 -->
6 <template>
7 <div class="clxx">
8 <div class="right">
9 <!-- 材料预览 -->
10 <div class="clyl-box">
11 <div class="menu-tree">
12 <el-button type="primary" native-type="submit" @click="viewDetail" style="width:100%;margin-top:10px;">查看明细111111</el-button>
13 <div class="item">
14 材料目录({{tableData.length}})
15 <div style="margin-top:10px">
16 <div style="text-align: center;line-height:20px;color:black;font-size:14px" v-if="tableData.length == 0">暂无数据</div>
17 <div v-for="(item,index) in tableData" :key="item.bsmSj"
18 :class="['child', treeCheckId == item.bsmSj ? 'checked' : '']" @click="treeClick(item,index)">
19 <span v-if="item.isrequired==1" class="required">必选</span>
20 {{ item.sjmc }}
21 <span class="cl_number">({{item.children ? item.children.length : 0}})</span>
22 </div>
23 </div>
24 </div>
25 <el-button type="primary" native-type="submit" style="width:100%" @click="handleAdd()" v-if="!this.$route.query.viewtype">新增</el-button>
26 </div>
27 <image-preview ref='imageRef' :previewImg="previewImg" @updateList="updateList" @nextPriview="nextPriview"
28 @prevPriview="prevPriview" />
29 </div>
30 </div>
31 <clxxAddDialog v-model="isDialog" />
32 </div>
33 </template>
34 <script>
35 import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
36 import clxxAddDialog from "./clxxAddDialog.vue";
37 import { InitClml, saveClml, deleteSjClml, moveClml } from "@/api/clxx.js";
38 export default {
39 components: { clxxAddDialog},
40 data () {
41 return {
42 isDialog: false,
43 iclass: "",
44 // 材料目录选中
45 treeCheckIndex: 0,
46 treeCheckId: "",
47 key: 0,
48 tableData: [],
49 previewImg: {
50 // 收件标识码
51 bsmSj: '',
52 bsmSlsq: this.$parent.bsmSlsq,
53 index: 0,
54 selectedIndex: 0,
55 imgList: []
56 }
57 }
58 },
59 computed: {
60 ...mapGetters(["dictData"])
61 },
62 created () {
63 this.clmlInitList(1)
64 },
65 methods: {
66 // 自动预览
67 nextPriview () {
68 if (this.treeCheckIndex < this.tableData.length) {
69 this.treeCheckIndex++
70 this.treeCheckId = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
71 this.previewImg.index = 0
72 this.previewImg.imgList = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].children
73 this.previewImg.bsmSj = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
74 }
75 },
76 prevPriview () {
77 if (this.treeCheckIndex >= 1) {
78 this.treeCheckIndex--
79 this.treeCheckId = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
80 this.previewImg.index = this.previewImg.imgList.length
81 this.previewImg.imgList = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].children
82 this.previewImg.bsmSj = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
83 }
84 },
85 // 材料目录明细初始化
86 clmlInitList (type) {
87 //type 1:列表初始化 2:新增材料
88 return new Promise(resolve => {
89 this.unitData = this.$parent.unitData;
90 var formdata = new FormData();
91 formdata.append("bsmSldy", this.unitData[0]?.bsmSldy);
92 formdata.append("bsmSlsq", this.$parent.bsmSlsq);
93 InitClml(formdata).then((res) => {
94 if (res.code == 200) {
95 resolve(res.code)
96 if (res.result && res.result.length > 0) {
97 this.tableData = res.result;
98 if (type == 1) {
99 this.treeClick(this.tableData[0], 0);
100 } else {
101 //新增材料后刷新列表焦点置于新增的对象上
102 this.treeClick(this.tableData[this.tableData.length - 1], this.tableData.length - 1);
103 }
104 }
105 } else {
106 this.$message.error(res.message)
107 }
108 })
109 })
110 },
111 setChecked (item) {
112 this.treeCheckId = item.bsmSj;
113 this.title = item.sjmc;
114 this.titleYs = 1;
115 this.titleNum = item.children.length;
116 this.previewImg.imgList = item.children;
117 this.previewImg.bsmSj = item.bsmSj;
118 },
119 updateList (val) {
120 let that = this
121 if (val != null) { //删除最后一张图片时 val=null
122 this.tableData.forEach(item => {
123 if (item.bsmSj === val.bsmSj) {
124 item.children = val.children
125 }
126 })
127 this.previewImg.imgList = _.cloneDeep(val.children)
128 if (this.previewImg.index == this.previewImg.imgList.length) {
129 this.previewImg.index = this.previewImg.index - 1
130 }
131 } else {
132 this.previewImg.imgList = []
133 this.tableData.forEach((item, index) => {
134 if (this.treeCheckId == item.bsmSj) {
135 item.children = []
136 that.treeCheckIndex = index
137 }
138 })
139 }
141 },
142 // 添加材料目录
143 handleAdd () {
144 this.isDialog = true;
145 },
146 // 新增弹窗保存
147 addSave (data) {
148 let obj = {
149 bsmSlsq: this.$parent.bsmSlsq,
150 isrequired: "1",
151 sjmc: data.clmc,
152 sjsl: 0,
153 smzt: '',
154 ys: 0,
155 sjlx: data.cllx,
156 sfxjcl: "1", // 是否必选
157 };
158 saveClml(obj).then(async (res) => {
159 if (res.code == 200) {
160 let res = await this.clmlInitList(2)
161 if (res == 200) this.$message({
162 message: "新增成功",
163 type: "success",
164 })
165 }
166 });
167 },
168 // 材料目录点击选中
169 treeClick (item, index) {
170 this.previewImg.index = 0
171 this.treeCheckId = item?.bsmSj
172 this.treeCheckIndex = index
173 this.previewImg.imgList = item?.children
174 this.previewImg.bsmSj = item?.bsmSj
175 },
176 // 小图片点击
177 imgClick (item, index) {
178 this.showImg = item;
179 this.titleYs = index + 1;
180 },
181 // 字典
182 dicStatus (val, code) {
183 let data = this.$store.getters.dictData[code],
184 name = "暂无";
185 if (data) {
186 data.map((item) => {
187 if (item.dcode == val) {
188 name = item.dname
189 }
190 });
191 return name
192 }
193 },
194 //查看明细
195 viewDetail () {
196 this.$popupDialog("查看明细", "workflow/components/dialog/clxxDetailDialog", {
197 data: this.tableData
198 }, "60%")
199 },
200 //设置tableData
201 setTableData (tableData) {
202 this.$nextTick(res => {
203 this.tableData = tableData;
204 })
205 },
206 },
207 };
208 </script>
209 <style scoped lang='scss'>
210 @import "~@/styles/mixin.scss";
212 .active {
213 background: $light-blue !important;
214 color: #fff;
215 }
217 .required {
218 font-size: 12px;
219 color: $pink;
220 float: left;
221 }
223 .cl_number {
224 float: right;
225 }
227 .clxx {
228 width: 100%;
229 display: flex;
230 padding-left: 5px;
231 height: calc(100vh - 125px);
233 .left {
234 display: flex;
235 flex-direction: column;
236 justify-content: space-between;
238 .item {
239 width: 28px;
240 height: 49%;
241 @include flex-center;
242 background-color: #e4e7ed;
243 border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;
244 padding: 5px;
245 cursor: pointer;
246 transition: all 0.3s;
248 &:hover {
249 @extend .active;
250 }
251 }
252 }
254 .right {
255 width: 100%;
256 height: 100%;
258 .clmlmx-box {
259 margin: 0 auto;
261 .title {
262 text-align: center;
263 height: 60px;
264 line-height: 60px;
265 border: 1px solid #dfe6ec;
266 font-size: 20px;
267 background: #81d3f81a;
268 margin-bottom: -1px;
269 }
270 }
272 .clyl-box {
273 width: 100%;
274 height: 100%;
275 display: flex;
277 .menu-tree {
278 width: 20%;
279 min-width: 160px;
280 height: 100%;
281 margin-right: 10px;
282 border-right: 1px dotted #d9d9d9;
283 padding: 0 15px;
285 .item {
286 line-height: 30px;
287 padding-top: 5px;
288 border-bottom: 1px solid #e8e8e8;
289 font-size: 16px;
290 text-align: center;
291 color: $light-blue;
293 .itemIcon {
294 float: right;
295 line-height: 60px;
296 cursor: pointer;
297 }
299 .child {
300 line-height: 32px;
301 border-bottom: 1px solid #e8e8e8;
302 padding-left: 10px;
303 color: #6b6b6b;
304 cursor: pointer;
305 box-sizing: border-box;
306 border-radius: 6px;
307 line-height: 20px;
308 transition: all 0.3s;
309 padding: 8px 0;
310 }
312 .child:hover {
313 color: $light-blue;
314 transform: scale(1.1);
315 }
317 .checked {
318 border: 1px solid $light-blue;
319 color: $light-blue;
320 }
321 }
322 }
324 .clyl-img {
325 width: 75%;
326 height: 100%;
327 background: #f3f4f7;
328 margin: 0 auto;
329 position: relative;
330 }
331 }
332 }
333 }
334 </style>
1 <!--
2 * @Description: 功能:审批意见
3 * @Autor: renchao
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-17 10:41:24
5 -->
6 <template>
7 <div class='spyj loadingtext'>
8 <div class="box">
9 <b class="spyj_title">审批表11112222</b>
10 <el-form :model="ruleForm" :rules="rules" ref="ruleForm" label-width="120px">
11 <div class="spyj_form" v-for="(item, index) in tableData" :key="index">
12 <div class="item_left">
13 {{ item.jdmc }}意见
14 </div>
15 <div class="item_right">
16 <el-row>
17 <el-col :span="24">
18 <el-form-item label-width="0" class="opinion_item" prop="shyj">
19 <el-input type="textarea" :rows="4" class="opinion" placeholder="请输入审批意见"
20 v-if="item.stepShjy == '1' && ableOperation" v-model="ruleForm.shyj"></el-input>
21 <el-input type="textarea" :rows="4" class="opinion" v-model="item.shyj" v-else :disabled="true">
22 </el-input>
23 <el-button class="opinion_btn" @click="commonOpinion"
24 v-if="item.stepShjy == '1' && ableOperation">常用意见</el-button>
25 </el-form-item>
26 </el-col>
27 </el-row>
28 <el-row>
29 <el-col :span="16">
30 <el-form-item label="审查人" prop="shryxm">
31 {{ item.shryxm }}
32 </el-form-item>
33 </el-col>
34 <el-col :span="8">
35 <el-form-item label="审核时间" prop="shjssj" :key="refresh">
36 {{ item.shjssj }}
37 </el-form-item>
38 </el-col>
39 </el-row>
40 </div>
41 </div>
42 <div class="submit_button" v-if="ableOperation">
43 <el-button type="primary" @click="onSubmit">保存</el-button>
44 </div>
45 </el-form>
46 </div>
47 <el-empty v-if="isNoData" description="暂无数据"></el-empty>
48 </div>
49 </template>
50 <script>
51 import { getSpyjList, saveSpyj, saveSpyjBySlsq } from "@/api/fqsq.js";
52 import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
53 export default {
54 computed: {
55 ...mapGetters(['userData', 'yjsqOptions'])
56 },
57 data () {
58 return {
59 isNoData: false,
60 bsmSlsq: '',
61 //刷新值
62 refresh: 10,
63 ableOperation: true,
64 bsmSlsq: this.$route.query.bsmSlsq,
65 bestepid: this.$route.query.bestepid,
66 ruleForm: {},
67 rules: {
68 shyj: [
69 { required: true, message: '请输入审批意见', trigger: 'blur' }
70 ],
71 },
72 tableData: [],
73 propsParam: {}
74 }
75 },
76 watch: {
77 yjsqOptions: {
78 handler (val) {
79 this.ruleForm.shyj = val
80 },
81 deep: true,
82 immediate: true
83 },
84 },
85 mounted () {
86 this.propsParam = this.$attrs;
87 if (this.$route.query.viewtype) {
88 this.ableOperation = false
89 }
90 this.list();
91 },
92 methods: {
93 //审批意见数据初始化
94 list () {
95 let that = this
96 this.$startLoading()
97 var formdata = new FormData();
98 formdata.append("bsmBusiness", this.propsParam.bsmBusiness);
99 formdata.append("bestepid", this.$route.query.bestepid);
100 formdata.append("ableOperation", this.ableOperation)
101 getSpyjList(formdata).then((res) => {
102 this.$endLoading()
103 if (res.code === 200 && res.result) {
104 this.tableData = res.result ? res.result : []
105 if (res.result.length == 0) {
106 that.isNoData = true
107 }
108 this.ruleForm = res.result[res.result.length - 1]
109 }
110 })
111 },
112 onSubmit () {
113 this.ruleForm.bsmSlsq = this.bsmSlsq
114 this.ruleForm.bestepid = this.bestepid
115 saveSpyjBySlsq(this.ruleForm).then(res => {
116 if (res.code === 200) {
117 this.$message.success("保存成功")
118 this.refresh += 1
119 } else {
120 this.$message.error(res.message)
121 }
122 })
123 },
124 //打开常用意见列表弹窗
125 commonOpinion () {
126 this.$popupDialog("常用意见", "workflow/components/dialog/commonOpinion", {}, "70%", true)
127 },
128 //使用常用意见
129 useOpinion (opinion) {
130 this.ruleForm.shyj = opinion
131 }
132 }
133 }
134 </script>
135 <style scoped lang='scss'>
136 @import "~@/styles/mixin.scss";
138 .spyj {
139 width: 100%;
140 height: 100%;
141 background-color: #f5f5f5;
142 padding: 5px;
143 .box {
144 overflow-x: auto;
145 width: 100%;
146 height: 95%;
147 background: #fff;
148 text-align: center;
149 padding: 4px;
150 overflow-y: scroll;
151 padding-top: 20px;
152 padding: 20px 40px;
153 }
154 .spyj_title {
155 line-height: 68px;
156 border: 1px solid $borderColor;
157 text-align: center;
158 font-size: 22px;
159 font-weight: 400;
160 background-color: #eceef2;
161 display: block;
162 border-bottom: none;
163 }
165 /deep/.el-form-item {
166 margin-bottom: 0;
167 }
169 .bottom10 {
170 margin-bottom: 15px;
171 }
173 .spyj_form {
174 display: flex;
175 border: 1px solid $borderColor;
177 .item_left {
178 width: 150px;
179 background-color: #f8f8fa;
180 color: #606266;
181 display: flex;
182 font-size: 14px;
183 text-indent: 80px;
184 align-items: center;
185 border-right: 1px solid $borderColor;
186 }
188 .item_right {
189 flex: 1;
190 width: 100%;
192 /deep/.el-form-item__label {
193 background-color: #f8f8fa;
194 }
195 /deep/.el-form-item__content {
196 display: block;
197 text-align: left;
198 text-indent: 10px;
199 }
200 .opinion_item {
201 /deep/.el-form-item__error {
202 margin-top: -16px !important;
203 left: 3px;
204 }
206 border-bottom: 1px solid $borderColor;
207 }
209 .opinion {
210 position: relative;
211 font-size: 14px;
213 /deep/.el-textarea__inner {
214 border: none;
215 }
216 }
218 .opinion_btn {
219 position: absolute;
220 right: 15px;
221 bottom: 10px;
222 }
223 }
224 }
226 .submit_button {
227 text-align: center;
228 margin: 15px 0;
229 }
230 }
231 </style>
...@@ -104,26 +104,40 @@ export default { ...@@ -104,26 +104,40 @@ export default {
104 } 104 }
105 return name; 105 return name;
106 }, 106 },
107 AddDialog(row){ 107 // 编辑
108 this.$popupDialog("新增", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", {
109 data: ''
110 })
111 },
112 editDialog(row){ 108 editDialog(row){
113 this.$popupDialog("编辑", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", { 109 this.$confirm('此操作将新增一条补录信息, 是否继续?', '提示', {
114 datalist:this.columns, 110 confirmButtonText: '确定',
115 data: row, 111 cancelButtonText: '取消',
112 type: 'warning'
113 }).then(() => {
114 this.$parent.addRepairRecord(row)
116 this.$message({
117 type: 'success',
118 message: '补录成功!'
119 });
120 }).catch(() => {
121 this.$message({
122 type: 'info',
123 message: '取消编辑'
124 });
125 });
127 // this.$popupDialog("编辑", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", {
128 // datalist:this.columns,
129 // data: row,
131 // })
116 132
117 })
118 }, 133 },
119 // 删除 134 // 删除
120 deleteDialog(row){ 135 deleteDialog(row){
121 let that = this 136 this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除该文件, 是否继续?', '提示', {
122 this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除, 是否继续?', '提示', {
123 confirmButtonText: '确定', 137 confirmButtonText: '确定',
124 cancelButtonText: '取消', 138 cancelButtonText: '取消',
125 type: 'warning' 139 type: 'warning'
126 }).then(async () => { 140 }).then(() => {
127 // let bsmClmx = this.previewImg.imgList[this.previewImg.index].bsmClmx 141 // let bsmClmx = this.previewImg.imgList[this.previewImg.index].bsmClmx
128 // deleteClmx(bsmClmx).then(res => { 142 // deleteClmx(bsmClmx).then(res => {
129 // if (res.code == 200) { 143 // if (res.code == 200) {
...@@ -134,16 +148,16 @@ export default { ...@@ -134,16 +148,16 @@ export default {
134 // }) 148 // })
135 // } 149 // }
136 // }) 150 // })
137 that.$message({ 151 this.$message({
138 message: '删除成功!', 152 type: 'success',
139 type: 'success' 153 message: '删除成功!'
140 }) 154 });
141 }).catch(() => { 155 }).catch(() => {
142 this.$message({ 156 this.$message({
143 type: 'info', 157 type: 'info',
144 message: '已取消删除' 158 message: '已取消删除'
145 }) 159 });
146 }) 160 });
147 161
148 } 162 }
149 }, 163 },
...@@ -104,27 +104,40 @@ export default { ...@@ -104,27 +104,40 @@ export default {
104 } 104 }
105 return name; 105 return name;
106 }, 106 },
107 AddDialog(row){ 107 // 编辑
108 this.$popupDialog("新增", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", {
109 data: ''
110 })
111 },
112 editDialog(row){ 108 editDialog(row){
113 this.$popupDialog("编辑", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", { 109 this.$confirm('此操作将新增一条补录信息, 是否继续?', '提示', {
114 datalist:this.columns, 110 confirmButtonText: '确定',
115 data: row, 111 cancelButtonText: '取消',
112 type: 'warning'
113 }).then(() => {
114 this.$parent.addRepairRecord(row)
116 this.$message({
117 type: 'success',
118 message: '补录成功!'
119 });
120 }).catch(() => {
121 this.$message({
122 type: 'info',
123 message: '取消编辑'
124 });
125 });
127 // this.$popupDialog("编辑", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", {
128 // datalist:this.columns,
129 // data: row,
131 // })
116 132
117 })
118 }, 133 },
119 // 删除 134 // 删除
120 deleteDialog(row){ 135 deleteDialog(row){
121 let that = this 136 this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除该文件, 是否继续?', '提示', {
122 this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除, 是否继续?', '提示', {
123 confirmButtonText: '确定', 137 confirmButtonText: '确定',
124 cancelButtonText: '取消', 138 cancelButtonText: '取消',
125 type: 'warning' 139 type: 'warning'
126 }).then(async () => { 140 }).then(() => {
128 // let bsmClmx = this.previewImg.imgList[this.previewImg.index].bsmClmx 141 // let bsmClmx = this.previewImg.imgList[this.previewImg.index].bsmClmx
129 // deleteClmx(bsmClmx).then(res => { 142 // deleteClmx(bsmClmx).then(res => {
130 // if (res.code == 200) { 143 // if (res.code == 200) {
...@@ -135,16 +148,16 @@ export default { ...@@ -135,16 +148,16 @@ export default {
135 // }) 148 // })
136 // } 149 // }
137 // }) 150 // })
138 that.$message({ 151 this.$message({
139 message: '删除成功!', 152 type: 'success',
140 type: 'success' 153 message: '删除成功!'
141 }) 154 });
142 }).catch(() => { 155 }).catch(() => {
143 this.$message({ 156 this.$message({
144 type: 'info', 157 type: 'info',
145 message: '已取消删除' 158 message: '已取消删除'
146 }) 159 });
147 }) 160 });
148 161
149 } 162 }
150 }, 163 },
...@@ -109,27 +109,40 @@ ...@@ -109,27 +109,40 @@
109 } 109 }
110 return name; 110 return name;
111 }, 111 },
112 AddDialog(row){ 112 // 编辑
113 this.$popupDialog("新增", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", {
114 data: ''
115 })
116 },
117 editDialog(row){ 113 editDialog(row){
118 this.$popupDialog("编辑", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", { 114 this.$confirm('此操作将新增一条补录信息, 是否继续?', '提示', {
119 datalist:this.columns, 115 confirmButtonText: '确定',
120 data: row, 116 cancelButtonText: '取消',
117 type: 'warning'
118 }).then(() => {
119 this.$parent.addRepairRecord(row)
121 this.$message({
122 type: 'success',
123 message: '补录成功!'
124 });
125 }).catch(() => {
126 this.$message({
127 type: 'info',
128 message: '取消编辑'
129 });
130 });
132 // this.$popupDialog("编辑", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", {
133 // datalist:this.columns,
134 // data: row,
136 // })
121 137
122 })
123 }, 138 },
124 // 删除 139 // 删除
125 deleteDialog(row){ 140 deleteDialog(row){
126 let that = this 141 this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除该文件, 是否继续?', '提示', {
127 this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除, 是否继续?', '提示', {
128 confirmButtonText: '确定', 142 confirmButtonText: '确定',
129 cancelButtonText: '取消', 143 cancelButtonText: '取消',
130 type: 'warning' 144 type: 'warning'
131 }).then(async () => { 145 }).then(() => {
133 // let bsmClmx = this.previewImg.imgList[this.previewImg.index].bsmClmx 146 // let bsmClmx = this.previewImg.imgList[this.previewImg.index].bsmClmx
134 // deleteClmx(bsmClmx).then(res => { 147 // deleteClmx(bsmClmx).then(res => {
135 // if (res.code == 200) { 148 // if (res.code == 200) {
...@@ -140,16 +153,16 @@ ...@@ -140,16 +153,16 @@
140 // }) 153 // })
141 // } 154 // }
142 // }) 155 // })
143 that.$message({ 156 this.$message({
144 message: '删除成功!', 157 type: 'success',
145 type: 'success' 158 message: '删除成功!'
146 }) 159 });
147 }).catch(() => { 160 }).catch(() => {
148 this.$message({ 161 this.$message({
149 type: 'info', 162 type: 'info',
150 message: '已取消删除' 163 message: '已取消删除'
151 }) 164 });
152 }) 165 });
153 166
154 } 167 }
155 }, 168 },
...@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ export default { ...@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ export default {
105 } 105 }
106 return name; 106 return name;
107 }, 107 },
109 // 编辑
108 editDialog(row){ 110 editDialog(row){
109 this.$confirm('此操作将新增一条补录信息, 是否继续?', '提示', { 111 this.$confirm('此操作将新增一条补录信息, 是否继续?', '提示', {
110 confirmButtonText: '确定', 112 confirmButtonText: '确定',
...@@ -132,7 +134,6 @@ export default { ...@@ -132,7 +134,6 @@ export default {
132 134
133 }, 135 },
134 // 删除 136 // 删除
135 // 删除
136 deleteDialog(row){ 137 deleteDialog(row){
137 this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除该文件, 是否继续?', '提示', { 138 this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除该文件, 是否继续?', '提示', {
138 confirmButtonText: '确定', 139 confirmButtonText: '确定',
...@@ -113,29 +113,40 @@ ...@@ -113,29 +113,40 @@
113 } 113 }
114 return name; 114 return name;
115 }, 115 },
116 AddDialog(row){ 116 // 编辑
117 this.$popupDialog("新增", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", {
118 datalist:this.columns,
119 data: ''
121 })
122 },
123 editDialog(row){ 117 editDialog(row){
124 this.$popupDialog("编辑", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", { 118 this.$confirm('此操作将新增一条补录信息, 是否继续?', '提示', {
125 datalist:this.columns, 119 confirmButtonText: '确定',
126 data: row, 120 cancelButtonText: '取消',
121 type: 'warning'
122 }).then(() => {
123 this.$parent.addRepairRecord(row)
125 this.$message({
126 type: 'success',
127 message: '补录成功!'
128 });
129 }).catch(() => {
130 this.$message({
131 type: 'info',
132 message: '取消编辑'
133 });
134 });
136 // this.$popupDialog("编辑", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", {
137 // datalist:this.columns,
138 // data: row,
140 // })
127 141
128 })
129 }, 142 },
130 // 删除 143 // 删除
131 deleteDialog(row){ 144 deleteDialog(row){
132 let that = this 145 this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除该文件, 是否继续?', '提示', {
133 this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除, 是否继续?', '提示', {
134 confirmButtonText: '确定', 146 confirmButtonText: '确定',
135 cancelButtonText: '取消', 147 cancelButtonText: '取消',
136 type: 'warning' 148 type: 'warning'
137 }).then(async () => { 149 }).then(() => {
139 // let bsmClmx = this.previewImg.imgList[this.previewImg.index].bsmClmx 150 // let bsmClmx = this.previewImg.imgList[this.previewImg.index].bsmClmx
140 // deleteClmx(bsmClmx).then(res => { 151 // deleteClmx(bsmClmx).then(res => {
141 // if (res.code == 200) { 152 // if (res.code == 200) {
...@@ -146,16 +157,16 @@ ...@@ -146,16 +157,16 @@
146 // }) 157 // })
147 // } 158 // }
148 // }) 159 // })
149 that.$message({ 160 this.$message({
150 message: '删除成功!', 161 type: 'success',
151 type: 'success' 162 message: '删除成功!'
152 }) 163 });
153 }).catch(() => { 164 }).catch(() => {
154 this.$message({ 165 this.$message({
155 type: 'info', 166 type: 'info',
156 message: '已取消删除' 167 message: '已取消删除'
157 }) 168 });
158 }) 169 });
159 170
160 } 171 }
161 }, 172 },
...@@ -138,27 +138,40 @@ ...@@ -138,27 +138,40 @@
138 } 138 }
139 return name; 139 return name;
140 }, 140 },
141 AddDialog(row){ 141 // 编辑
142 this.$popupDialog("新增", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", {
143 data: ''
144 })
145 },
146 editDialog(row){ 142 editDialog(row){
147 this.$popupDialog("编辑", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", { 143 this.$confirm('此操作将新增一条补录信息, 是否继续?', '提示', {
148 datalist:this.columns, 144 confirmButtonText: '确定',
149 data: row, 145 cancelButtonText: '取消',
146 type: 'warning'
147 }).then(() => {
148 this.$parent.addRepairRecord(row)
150 this.$message({
151 type: 'success',
152 message: '补录成功!'
153 });
154 }).catch(() => {
155 this.$message({
156 type: 'info',
157 message: '取消编辑'
158 });
159 });
161 // this.$popupDialog("编辑", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", {
162 // datalist:this.columns,
163 // data: row,
165 // })
150 166
151 })
152 }, 167 },
153 // 删除 168 // 删除
154 deleteDialog(row){ 169 deleteDialog(row){
155 let that = this 170 this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除该文件, 是否继续?', '提示', {
156 this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除, 是否继续?', '提示', {
157 confirmButtonText: '确定', 171 confirmButtonText: '确定',
158 cancelButtonText: '取消', 172 cancelButtonText: '取消',
159 type: 'warning' 173 type: 'warning'
160 }).then(async () => { 174 }).then(() => {
162 // let bsmClmx = this.previewImg.imgList[this.previewImg.index].bsmClmx 175 // let bsmClmx = this.previewImg.imgList[this.previewImg.index].bsmClmx
163 // deleteClmx(bsmClmx).then(res => { 176 // deleteClmx(bsmClmx).then(res => {
164 // if (res.code == 200) { 177 // if (res.code == 200) {
...@@ -169,16 +182,16 @@ ...@@ -169,16 +182,16 @@
169 // }) 182 // })
170 // } 183 // }
171 // }) 184 // })
172 that.$message({ 185 this.$message({
173 message: '删除成功!', 186 type: 'success',
174 type: 'success' 187 message: '删除成功!'
175 }) 188 });
176 }).catch(() => { 189 }).catch(() => {
177 this.$message({ 190 this.$message({
178 type: 'info', 191 type: 'info',
179 message: '已取消删除' 192 message: '已取消删除'
180 }) 193 });
181 }) 194 });
182 195
183 } 196 }
184 }, 197 },
...@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ ...@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
6 <template> 6 <template>
7 <div class='spyj loadingtext'> 7 <div class='spyj loadingtext'>
8 <div class="box"> 8 <div class="box">
9 <b class="spyj_title">审批表11111111111111111111</b> 9 <b class="spyj_title">审批表</b>
10 <el-form :model="ruleForm" :rules="rules" ref="ruleForm" label-width="120px"> 10 <el-form :model="ruleForm" :rules="rules" ref="ruleForm" label-width="120px">
11 <div class="spyj_form" v-for="(item, index) in tableData" :key="index"> 11 <div class="spyj_form" v-for="(item, index) in tableData" :key="index">
12 <div class="item_left"> 12 <div class="item_left">
13 {{ item.jdmc }}意见 13 {{ item.jdmc }}初审意见
14 </div> 14 </div>
15 <div class="item_right"> 15 <div class="item_right">
16 <el-row> 16 <el-row>
...@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ ...@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
123 }, 123 },
124 //打开常用意见列表弹窗 124 //打开常用意见列表弹窗
125 commonOpinion () { 125 commonOpinion () {
126 this.$popupDialog("常用意见", "workflow/components/dialog/commonOpinion", {}, "70%", true) 126 this.$popupDialog("常用意见", "djbworkflow/components/dialog/commonOpinion", {}, "70%", true)
127 }, 127 },
128 //使用常用意见 128 //使用常用意见
129 useOpinion (opinion) { 129 useOpinion (opinion) {
1 <!-- 1 <!--
2 * @Description :预告登记 2 * @Description :预告登记
3 * @Autor : miaofang 3 * @Autor : miaofang
4 * @LastEditTime : 2023-06-13 13:57:01 4 * @LastEditTime : 2023-06-15 13:50:25
5 --> 5 -->
6 <template> 6 <template>
7 <div class="djxxTable"> 7 <div class="djxxTable">
...@@ -104,27 +104,40 @@ export default { ...@@ -104,27 +104,40 @@ export default {
104 } 104 }
105 return name; 105 return name;
106 }, 106 },
107 AddDialog(row){ 107 // 编辑
108 this.$popupDialog("新增", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", {
109 data: ''
110 })
111 },
112 editDialog(row){ 108 editDialog(row){
113 this.$popupDialog("编辑", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", { 109 this.$confirm('此操作将新增一条补录信息, 是否继续?', '提示', {
114 datalist:this.columns, 110 confirmButtonText: '确定',
115 data: row, 111 cancelButtonText: '取消',
112 type: 'warning'
113 }).then(() => {
114 this.$parent.addRepairRecord(row)
116 this.$message({
117 type: 'success',
118 message: '补录成功!'
119 });
120 }).catch(() => {
121 this.$message({
122 type: 'info',
123 message: '取消编辑'
124 });
125 });
127 // this.$popupDialog("编辑", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", {
128 // datalist:this.columns,
129 // data: row,
131 // })
116 132
117 })
118 }, 133 },
119 // 删除 134 // 删除
120 deleteDialog(row){ 135 deleteDialog(row){
121 let that = this 136 this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除该文件, 是否继续?', '提示', {
122 this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除, 是否继续?', '提示', {
123 confirmButtonText: '确定', 137 confirmButtonText: '确定',
124 cancelButtonText: '取消', 138 cancelButtonText: '取消',
125 type: 'warning' 139 type: 'warning'
126 }).then(async () => { 140 }).then(() => {
128 // let bsmClmx = this.previewImg.imgList[this.previewImg.index].bsmClmx 141 // let bsmClmx = this.previewImg.imgList[this.previewImg.index].bsmClmx
129 // deleteClmx(bsmClmx).then(res => { 142 // deleteClmx(bsmClmx).then(res => {
130 // if (res.code == 200) { 143 // if (res.code == 200) {
...@@ -135,16 +148,16 @@ export default { ...@@ -135,16 +148,16 @@ export default {
135 // }) 148 // })
136 // } 149 // }
137 // }) 150 // })
138 that.$message({ 151 this.$message({
139 message: '删除成功!', 152 type: 'success',
140 type: 'success' 153 message: '删除成功!'
141 }) 154 });
142 }).catch(() => { 155 }).catch(() => {
143 this.$message({ 156 this.$message({
144 type: 'info', 157 type: 'info',
145 message: '已取消删除' 158 message: '已取消删除'
146 }) 159 });
147 }) 160 });
148 161
149 } 162 }
150 }, 163 },
1 <!-- 1 <!--
2 * @Description :异议登记 2 * @Description :异议登记
3 * @Autor : miaofang 3 * @Autor : miaofang
4 * @LastEditTime : 2023-06-13 13:57:04 4 * @LastEditTime : 2023-06-15 13:50:58
5 --> 5 -->
6 <template> 6 <template>
7 <div class="djxxTable"> 7 <div class="djxxTable">
...@@ -105,27 +105,40 @@ export default { ...@@ -105,27 +105,40 @@ export default {
105 } 105 }
106 return name; 106 return name;
107 }, 107 },
108 AddDialog(row){ 108 // 编辑
109 this.$popupDialog("新增", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", {
110 data: ''
111 })
112 },
113 editDialog(row){ 109 editDialog(row){
114 this.$popupDialog("编辑", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", { 110 this.$confirm('此操作将新增一条补录信息, 是否继续?', '提示', {
115 datalist:this.columns, 111 confirmButtonText: '确定',
116 data: row, 112 cancelButtonText: '取消',
113 type: 'warning'
114 }).then(() => {
115 this.$parent.addRepairRecord(row)
117 this.$message({
118 type: 'success',
119 message: '补录成功!'
120 });
121 }).catch(() => {
122 this.$message({
123 type: 'info',
124 message: '取消编辑'
125 });
126 });
128 // this.$popupDialog("编辑", "djbworkflow/djbBook/components/djbeditDialog", {
129 // datalist:this.columns,
130 // data: row,
132 // })
117 133
118 })
119 }, 134 },
120 // 删除 135 // 删除
121 deleteDialog(row){ 136 deleteDialog(row){
122 let that = this 137 this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除该文件, 是否继续?', '提示', {
123 this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除, 是否继续?', '提示', {
124 confirmButtonText: '确定', 138 confirmButtonText: '确定',
125 cancelButtonText: '取消', 139 cancelButtonText: '取消',
126 type: 'warning' 140 type: 'warning'
127 }).then(async () => { 141 }).then(() => {
129 // let bsmClmx = this.previewImg.imgList[this.previewImg.index].bsmClmx 142 // let bsmClmx = this.previewImg.imgList[this.previewImg.index].bsmClmx
130 // deleteClmx(bsmClmx).then(res => { 143 // deleteClmx(bsmClmx).then(res => {
131 // if (res.code == 200) { 144 // if (res.code == 200) {
...@@ -136,16 +149,16 @@ export default { ...@@ -136,16 +149,16 @@ export default {
136 // }) 149 // })
137 // } 150 // }
138 // }) 151 // })
139 that.$message({ 152 this.$message({
140 message: '删除成功!', 153 type: 'success',
141 type: 'success' 154 message: '删除成功!'
142 }) 155 });
143 }).catch(() => { 156 }).catch(() => {
144 this.$message({ 157 this.$message({
145 type: 'info', 158 type: 'info',
146 message: '已取消删除' 159 message: '已取消删除'
147 }) 160 });
148 }) 161 });
149 162
150 } 163 }
151 }, 164 },
1 <!-- 1 <!--
2 * @Description :宗地基本信息 2 * @Description :宗地基本信息
3 * @Autor : miaofang 3 * @Autor : miaofang
4 * @LastEditTime : 2023-05-31 13:59:27 4 * @LastEditTime : 2023-06-15 13:57:20
5 --> 5 -->
6 <template> 6 <template>
7 <div class="tableDivCss"> 7 <div class="tableDivCss">
...@@ -7,99 +7,110 @@ ...@@ -7,99 +7,110 @@
7 export function getForm (tabName, djywbm) { 7 export function getForm (tabName, djywbm) {
8 let form; 8 let form;
9 switch (tabName) { 9 switch (tabName) {
10 case "jsydsyqslxx100": 10 // case "jsydsyqslxx100":
11 form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/jsydsyq/slxx.vue"); 11 // form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/jsydsyq/slxx.vue");
12 break; 12 // break;
13 case "jsydsyqslxx300": 13 // case "jsydsyqslxx300":
14 form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/jsydsyq/slxx300.vue"); 14 // form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/jsydsyq/slxx300.vue");
15 break; 15 // break;
16 case "fwsyqslxx100": 16 // case "fwsyqslxx100":
17 form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/fdcq2/slxx.vue"); 17 // form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/fdcq2/slxx.vue");
18 break; 18 // break;
19 case "fwsyqslxx300": 19 // case "fwsyqslxx300":
20 form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/fdcq2/slxx300.vue"); 20 // form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/fdcq2/slxx300.vue");
21 break; 21 // break;
22 case "nydsyqslxx100": 22 // case "nydsyqslxx100":
23 form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/nydsyq/slxx.vue"); 23 // form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/nydsyq/slxx.vue");
24 break; 24 // break;
25 case "nydsyqslxx200": 25 // case "nydsyqslxx200":
26 form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/nydsyq/slxx200.vue"); 26 // form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/nydsyq/slxx200.vue");
27 break; 27 // break;
28 case "tdslxxCfdj": 28 // case "tdslxxCfdj":
29 form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/cfdj/tdslxx.vue"); 29 // form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/cfdj/tdslxx.vue");
30 break; 30 // break;
31 case "plslxxCfdj": 31 // case "plslxxCfdj":
32 form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/cfdj/plcfslxx.vue"); 32 // form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/cfdj/plcfslxx.vue");
33 break; 33 // break;
34 case "diyaqSlxx": 34 // case "diyaqSlxx":
35 form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/diyaq/slxx.vue"); 35 // form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/diyaq/slxx.vue");
36 break; 36 // break;
37 case "clxx": 37 // case "ygmm100":
38 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/components/clxxUnify.vue"); 38 // form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/ygdj/slxx.vue");
39 break; 39 // break;
40 case "spyj": 40 // case "ygmm300":
41 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/components/spyj.vue"); 41 // form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/ygdj/slxx300.vue");
42 break; 42 // break;
43 // case "ygdy100":
44 // case "ygdy300":
45 // form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/ygdy/slxx.vue");
46 // break;
47 // case "zjgcdyqSlxx":
48 // form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/zjgcdy/slxx.vue");
49 // break;
50 // case "szxx":
51 // form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/components/szxx.vue");
52 // break;
53 // case "fzxx":
54 // form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/components/fzxx.vue");
55 // break;
56 // case "zdt":
57 // form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/components/zdt.vue");
58 // break;
59 // 宗地基本信息
43 case "zdjbxx": 60 case "zdjbxx":
44 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/zdjbxx.vue"); 61 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/zdjbxx.vue");
45 break; 62 break;
46 case "ygmm100": 63 // 查封登记
47 form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/ygdj/slxx.vue");
48 break;
49 case "ygmm300":
50 form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/ygdj/slxx300.vue");
51 break;
52 case "ygdy100":
53 case "ygdy300":
54 form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/ygdy/slxx.vue");
55 break;
56 case "zjgcdyqSlxx":
57 form = require("@/views/ywbl/slsqxx/zjgcdy/slxx.vue");
58 break;
59 case "cfdj": 64 case "cfdj":
60 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/cfdj.vue"); 65 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/cfdj.vue");
61 break; 66 break;
67 // 国有建设用地使用权
62 case "jsydsyq": 68 case "jsydsyq":
63 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/jsydsyq.vue"); 69 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/jsydsyq.vue");
64 break; 70 break;
71 // 农用地使用权
65 case "nydsyq": 72 case "nydsyq":
66 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/nydsyq.vue"); 73 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/nydsyq.vue");
67 break; 74 break;
75 // 房屋产权2
68 case "fdcq2": 76 case "fdcq2":
69 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/fdcq2.vue"); 77 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/fdcq2.vue");
70 break; 78 break;
79 // 抵押权
71 case "diyaq": 80 case "diyaq":
72 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/diyaq.vue"); 81 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/diyaq.vue");
73 break; 82 break;
83 // 预告登记
74 case "ygdj": 84 case "ygdj":
75 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/ygdj.vue"); 85 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/ygdj.vue");
76 break; 86 break;
87 // 地役权
77 case "diyiq": 88 case "diyiq":
78 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/diyiq.vue"); 89 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/diyiq.vue");
79 break; 90 break;
91 // 登记簿封面
80 case "djbfm": 92 case "djbfm":
81 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/djbfm.vue"); 93 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/djbfm.vue");
82 break; 94 break;
95 // 异议登记
83 case "yydj": 96 case "yydj":
84 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/yydj.vue"); 97 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/yydj.vue");
85 break; 98 break;
86 case "szxx": 99 // 受理信息
87 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/components/szxx.vue");
88 break;
89 case "fzxx":
90 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/components/fzxx.vue");
91 break;
92 case "zdt":
93 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/components/zdt.vue");
94 break;
95 case "slxx": 100 case "slxx":
96 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/slxx.vue"); 101 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/slxx.vue");
97 break; 102 break;
98 // case "spyj": 103 case "clxx":
99 // form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/spyj.vue"); 104 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/clxx.vue");
100 // break; 105 break;
106 case "spyj":
107 form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/spyj.vue");
108 break;
101 // case "clxx": 109 // case "clxx":
102 // form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/djbBook/clxx.vue"); 110 // form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/components/clxxUnify.vue");
111 // break;
112 // case "spyj":
113 // form = require("@/views/djbworkflow/components/spyj.vue");
103 // break; 114 // break;
104 default: 115 default:
105 form = require("@/views/error-page/404.vue"); 116 form = require("@/views/error-page/404.vue");
1 /*
2 * @Description:
3 * @Autor: renchao
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-17 10:38:57
5 */
6 import filter from '@/utils/filter.js'
7 let vm = null
9 const sendThis = (_this) => {
10 vm = _this
11 }
12 class data extends filter {
13 constructor() {
14 super()
15 }
16 columns () {
17 return {
18 //发证列表
19 fzgrid: [
20 {
21 label: '序号',
22 type: 'index',
23 width: '50'
24 },
25 {
26 prop: "bdcqzlx",
27 label: "不动产权证类型",
28 render: (h, scope) => {
29 return (
30 <div>
31 <span v-show={scope.row.bdcqzlx == '1'}>不动产权证书</span>
32 <span v-show={scope.row.bdcqzlx == '2'}>不动产登记证明</span>
33 </div>
34 )
35 }
36 },
37 {
38 prop: "qllx",
39 label: "权利类型"
40 },
41 {
42 prop: "ysxlh",
43 label: "印刷序列号",
44 width: '100',
45 },
46 {
47 prop: "bdcqzh",
48 label: "不动产权证号",
49 width: '200',
50 },
51 {
52 prop: "qlr",
53 label: "权利人"
54 },
55 {
56 prop: "ywr",
57 label: "义务人"
58 },
59 {
60 prop: "mj",
61 label: "面积(㎡)"
62 },
63 {
64 prop: "zl",
65 label: "坐落"
66 },
67 {
68 prop: "fzsj",
69 label: "发证时间",
70 width: '140',
71 },
72 {
73 prop: "lzrxm",
74 label: "领证人姓名"
75 },
76 ],
77 //领证证列表
78 lzgrid: [
79 {
80 type: 'selection'
81 },
82 {
83 label: '序号',
84 type: 'index',
85 width: '50'
86 },
87 {
88 prop: "bdcqzlx",
89 label: "不动产权证类型",
90 width: '120',
91 render: (h, scope) => {
92 return (
93 <div>
94 <span v-show={scope.row.bdcqzlx == '1'}>不动产权证书</span>
95 <span v-show={scope.row.bdcqzlx == '2'}>不动产登记证明</span>
96 </div>
97 )
98 }
99 },
100 {
101 prop: "qllx",
102 label: "权利类型"
103 },
104 {
105 prop: "ysxlh",
106 label: "印刷序列号",
107 width: '100',
108 },
109 {
110 prop: "bdcqzh",
111 label: "不动产权证号"
112 },
113 {
114 prop: "qlr",
115 label: "权利人"
116 },
117 {
118 prop: "ywr",
119 label: "义务人"
120 },
121 {
122 prop: "mj",
123 label: "面积(㎡)",
124 width: '100',
125 },
126 {
127 prop: "zl",
128 label: "坐落"
129 }
130 ]
131 }
132 }
133 }
134 let datas = new data()
135 export {
136 datas,
137 sendThis
138 }
1 /*
2 * @Description:
3 * @Autor: renchao
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-17 10:39:03
5 */
6 import filter from '@/utils/filter.js'
7 let vm = null
9 const sendThis = (_this) => {
10 vm = _this
11 }
12 class data extends filter {
13 constructor() {
14 super()
15 }
16 columns () {
17 return [
18 {
19 label: '序号',
20 type: 'index',
21 render: (h, scope) => {
22 return (
23 <div>
24 {scope.$index + 1}
25 </div>
26 )
27 }
28 },
29 {
30 prop: "szzh",
31 label: "缮证证号",
32 },
33 {
34 prop: "ysxlh",
35 label: "印刷序列号",
36 },
37 {
38 prop: "szry",
39 label: "缮证人员",
40 },
41 {
42 prop: "szsj",
43 label: "缮证时间",
44 },
45 {
46 label: "是否作废",
47 render: (h, scope) => {
48 if (scope.row.sfzf == '0') {
49 return <div></div>
50 } else {
51 return <div>已作废</div>
52 }
53 }
54 },
55 {
56 prop: "bz",
57 label: "备注信息",
58 },
59 ]
60 }
61 }
62 let datas = new data()
63 export {
64 datas,
65 sendThis
66 }
1 /*
2 * @Description:
3 * @Autor: renchao
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-17 10:39:07
5 */
6 import filter from '@/utils/filter.js'
7 class data extends filter {
8 constructor() {
9 super()
10 }
11 columns () {
12 return [
13 {
14 prop: "qlr",
15 label: "权利人",
16 },
17 {
18 prop: "gyqk",
19 label: "共有情况",
20 },
21 {
22 prop: "zl",
23 label: "坐落",
24 },
25 {
26 prop: "bdcdyh",
27 label: "不动产单元号",
28 },
29 {
30 prop: "qllx",
31 label: "权利类型",
32 },
33 {
34 prop: "qlxz",
35 label: "权利性质",
36 },
37 {
38 prop: "yt",
39 label: "用途",
40 },
41 {
42 prop: "mj",
43 label: "面积",
44 },
45 {
46 prop: "syqx",
47 label: "使用期限",
48 },
49 {
50 prop: "qlqtzk",
51 label: "权利其他状况",
52 },
53 ]
54 }
55 }
57 let datas = new data()
59 export {
60 datas
61 }
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 /* 1 /*
2 * @Description:workFramezu.vue组件的方法 2 * @Description:workFramezu.vue组件的方法 头部按钮弹框方法
3 * @Autor: renchao 3 * @Autor: miaofang
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-18 15:01:31 4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-06-14 15:01:31
5 */ 5 */
6 import { getWorkFlowImage } from "@/api/workflow/jsydsyqFlow.js"; 6 import { getWorkFlowImage } from "@/api/workflow/jsydsyqFlow.js";
7 import { getPrintTemplateByCode } from "@/api/system"; 7 import { getPrintTemplateByCode } from "@/api/system";
1 /*
2 * @Description:
3 * @Autor: renchao
4 * @LastEditTime: 2023-05-24 14:42:24
5 */
6 import { getForm } from "../flowform";
7 import { getHomeNoticeList } from "@/api/home.js"
8 import { log } from "bpmn-js-token-simulation";
9 export default {
10 data () {
11 return {
12 noticeList: []
13 }
14 },
15 created () {
16 this.getHomeNotice()
17 },
18 mounted () {
19 let _this = this
20 window.addEventListener('message', function (messageEvent) {
21 _this.getHomeNotice()
22 }, false)
23 },
24 methods: {
25 getHomeNotice () {
26 getHomeNoticeList().then(res => {
27 if (res.result) {
28 this.noticeList = res.result.noticeList
29 }
30 })
31 },
34 }
35 }
...@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ export default { ...@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ export default {
122 }, 122 },
123 123
124 methods: { 124 methods: {
125 // 获取右侧选项卡
125 getCurrentSelectProps (val) { 126 getCurrentSelectProps (val) {
126 this.currentSelectProps = val 127 this.currentSelectProps = val
127 if(this.currentSelectProps.bsmRepair){ 128 if(this.currentSelectProps.bsmRepair){
...@@ -158,27 +159,8 @@ export default { ...@@ -158,27 +159,8 @@ export default {
158 159
159 }, 160 },
160 161
161 // 增加补录记录
162 addRepairRecord(row){
163 let from={
164 bsmQlxx:"",
165 bsmSlsq:this.bsmSlsq,
166 bsmSldy:this.currentSelectProps.bsmSldy,
167 operate:"C",
168 qllx:this.currentSelectProps.qllx
169 }
170 if(row){
171 from.bsmQlxx=row.bsmQlxx
172 from.operate="U"
173 }
175 addRepairRecord(from).then((res) => {
176 this.$nextTick(() => {
177 this.$refs.Menu.getleftMenubl(res.result);
178 });
179 });
180 },
181 tabset(){ 162 tabset(){
163 this.tabName = '';
182 this.tabList = [ 164 this.tabList = [
183 { 165 {
184 name: "受理信息", 166 name: "受理信息",
...@@ -196,7 +178,11 @@ export default { ...@@ -196,7 +178,11 @@ export default {
196 sort: 2, 178 sort: 2,
197 }, 179 },
198 ]; 180 ];
182 this.$nextTick(function () {
199 this.tabName = 'slxx'; 183 this.tabName = 'slxx';
184 });
200 }, 186 },
201 187
202 // stepForm(index){ 188 // stepForm(index){
...@@ -209,8 +195,35 @@ export default { ...@@ -209,8 +195,35 @@ export default {
209 }, 195 },
210 //切换选项卡内容组件 196 //切换选项卡内容组件
211 getFromRouter (tabname) { 197 getFromRouter (tabname) {
198 for (let item of this.tabList) {
199 if (item.value === tabname) {
200 this.currentSelectTab = item
201 break;
202 }
203 }
212 this.componentTag = getForm(tabname, this.$route.query.sqywbm); 204 this.componentTag = getForm(tabname, this.$route.query.sqywbm);
205 },
207 // 增加补录记录
208 addRepairRecord(row){
209 let from={
210 bsmQlxx:"",
211 bsmSlsq:this.bsmSlsq,
212 bsmSldy:this.currentSelectProps.bsmSldy,
213 operate:"C",
214 qllx:this.currentSelectProps.qllx
213 } 215 }
216 if(row){
217 from.bsmQlxx=row.bsmQlxx
218 from.operate="U"
219 }
221 addRepairRecord(from).then((res) => {
222 this.$nextTick(() => {
223 this.$refs.Menu.getleftMenubl(res.result);
224 });
225 });
226 },
214 }, 227 },
215 }; 228 };
216 </script> 229 </script>
...@@ -125,6 +125,8 @@ export default { ...@@ -125,6 +125,8 @@ export default {
125 }, 125 },
126 mounted () { 126 mounted () {
127 if (this.formData.bsmBatch) { 127 if (this.formData.bsmBatch) {
128 this.tableForm[0].jsysxlh = null;
129 this.tableForm[1].jsysxlh = null;
128 this.getDetailInfo(this.formData.bsmBatch); 130 this.getDetailInfo(this.formData.bsmBatch);
129 } else { 131 } else {
130 this.ywhSerial(); 132 this.ywhSerial();
...@@ -132,6 +132,8 @@ export default { ...@@ -132,6 +132,8 @@ export default {
132 }, 132 },
133 mounted () { 133 mounted () {
134 if (this.formData.bsmBatch) { 134 if (this.formData.bsmBatch) {
135 this.tableForm[0].bs = null;
136 this.tableForm[1].bs = null;
135 this.getDetailInfo(this.formData.bsmBatch); 137 this.getDetailInfo(this.formData.bsmBatch);
136 } else { 138 } else {
137 this.ywhSerial(); 139 this.ywhSerial();