4f6c4305 by renchao@pashanhoo.com


1 parent 7f417239
......@@ -17,8 +17,9 @@
<div class="thumb-wrap">
<div class="thumb-wrap-button">
<el-button type="primary" @click="clickImage">(放大) 显示(缩小)</el-button>
<el-upload class="fileUpdate" action="" :show-file-list="false" multiple :auto-upload="false"
:on-change="handleChange" accept=".JPG, .PNG, .JPEG,.jpg, .png, .jpeg" :before-upload="beforeUpload">
<el-upload class="fileUpdate" ref="upload" action="" :show-file-list="false" :multiple="true" :auto-upload="false"
accept=".JPG, .PNG, .JPEG,.jpg, .png, .jpeg" :before-upload="beforeUpload">
<el-button icon="el-icon-upload" type="primary" v-if="!this.$route.query.viewtype">上传</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-delete-solid" @click="handleDelete" v-if="!this.$route.query.viewtype">删除</el-button>
......@@ -36,262 +37,273 @@
import PhotoZoom from '@/components/PhotoZoom'
import { uploadSjClmx, deleteClmx } from "@/api/clxx.js";
import publicPicture from '@/components/publicPicture/index.vue'
export default {
name: 'PreviewImage',
props: {
previewImg: {
type: Object,
default: () => { }
components: {
data () {
return {
transform: {
scale: 1,
degree: 0
// 缩略图
thumbnailImages: [],
showViewer: false,
initialIndex: undefined,
allLi: [],
watch: {
previewImg: {
handler (newValue, oldValue) {
this.allLi = _.cloneDeep(newValue.imgList).map(item => item.fjurl)
this.thumbnailImages = newValue.imgList
deep: true
created () {
this.allLi = _.cloneDeep(this.previewImg.imgList).map(item => item.fjurl)
this.thumbnailImages = this.previewImg.imgList
computed: {
isFirst () {
return this.previewImg.index === 0
isLast () {
return this.previewImg.index === this.previewImg.imgList.length - 1
methods: {
prev () {
let len = this.previewImg.imgList.length
if (this.isFirst || len == 0) {
} else {
this.$parent.previewImg.index = (this.$parent.previewImg.index - 1 + len) % len
import PhotoZoom from '@/components/PhotoZoom'
import { uploadSjClmx, deleteClmx } from "@/api/clxx.js";
import publicPicture from '@/components/publicPicture/index.vue'
export default {
name: 'PreviewImage',
props: {
previewImg: {
type: Object,
default: () => { }
next () {
let len = this.previewImg.imgList.length
if (this.isLast || len == 0) {
} else {
this.$parent.previewImg.index = (this.$parent.previewImg.index + 1) % len
components: {
showCurrent (index) {
this.previewImg.index = index
data () {
return {
transform: {
scale: 1,
degree: 0
maxLength: 0,
// 缩略图
thumbnailImages: [],
showViewer: false,
initialIndex: undefined,
allLi: [],
closeViewer () {
this.showViewer = false
watch: {
previewImg: {
handler (newValue, oldValue) {
this.allLi = _.cloneDeep(newValue.imgList).map(item => item.fjurl)
this.thumbnailImages = newValue.imgList
deep: true
clickImage () {
this.showViewer = true
created () {
this.maxLength = 0;
this.allLi = _.cloneDeep(this.previewImg.imgList).map(item => item.fjurl)
this.thumbnailImages = this.previewImg.imgList
// 上传
beforeUpload (file) {
const isJPEG = file.type === 'image/jpeg'
const isPNG = file.type === 'image/png'
const isJPG = file.type === 'image/jpg'
const isGIF = file.type === 'image/gif'
const isLt5M = file.size / 1024 / 1024 < 5
if (!isJPEG && !isGIF && !isPNG && !isJPG && !isGIF) {
this.loading = false
if (!isLt5M) {
this.$message.error('上传图片大小不能超过 5MB!')
this.loading = false
computed: {
isFirst () {
return this.previewImg.index === 0
isLast () {
return this.previewImg.index === this.previewImg.imgList.length - 1
this.imgHidden = (isJPG || isJPEG || isPNG || isGIF) && isLt5M
return this.imgHidden
async handleChange (file) {
let data = _.cloneDeep(this.previewImg.imgList[this.previewImg.index])
var formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append("file", file.raw);
formdata.append("bsmSj", this.previewImg.bsmSj);
formdata.append("bsmSlsq", this.previewImg.bsmSlsq);
uploadSjClmx(formdata).then((res) => {
if (res.code == 200) {
this.$emit('updateList', res.result)
message: '上传成功!',
type: 'success'
methods: {
prev () {
let len = this.previewImg.imgList.length
if (this.isFirst || len == 0) {
} else {
this.$parent.previewImg.index = (this.$parent.previewImg.index - 1 + len) % len
handleDelete () {
let that = this
this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除, 是否继续?', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
type: 'warning'
}).then(async () => {
let bsmClmx = this.previewImg.imgList[this.previewImg.index].bsmClmx
deleteClmx(bsmClmx).then(res => {
if (res.code == 200) {
that.$emit('updateList', res.result)
message: '删除成功!',
type: 'success'
next () {
let len = this.previewImg.imgList.length
if (this.isLast || len == 0) {
} else {
this.$parent.previewImg.index = (this.$parent.previewImg.index + 1) % len
showCurrent (index) {
this.previewImg.index = index
closeViewer () {
this.showViewer = false
clickImage () {
this.showViewer = true
// 上传
beforeUpload (file) {
const isJPEG = file.type === 'image/jpeg'
const isPNG = file.type === 'image/png'
const isJPG = file.type === 'image/jpg'
const isGIF = file.type === 'image/gif'
const isLt5M = file.size / 1024 / 1024 < 5
if (!isJPEG && !isGIF && !isPNG && !isJPG && !isGIF) {
this.loading = false
if (!isLt5M) {
this.$message.error('上传图片大小不能超过 5MB!')
this.loading = false
this.imgHidden = (isJPG || isJPEG || isPNG || isGIF) && isLt5M
return this.imgHidden
async handleChange (file, files) {
// 清空 fileList 数组
let length = files.length;
this.maxLength = Math.max(length, this.maxLength)
setTimeout(() => {
if (length !== this.maxLength) return
// let data = _.cloneDeep(this.previewImg.imgList[this.previewImg.index])
var formData = new FormData();
files.forEach(file => {
formData.append('file', file.raw)
formData.append("bsmSj", this.previewImg.bsmSj);
formData.append("bsmSlsq", this.previewImg.bsmSlsq);
uploadSjClmx(formData).then((res) => {
if (res.code == 200) {
this.$emit('updateList', res.result)
message: '上传成功!',
type: 'success'
}).catch(() => {
type: 'info',
message: '已取消删除'
handleDelete () {
let that = this
this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除, 是否继续?', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
type: 'warning'
}).then(async () => {
let bsmClmx = this.previewImg.imgList[this.previewImg.index].bsmClmx
deleteClmx(bsmClmx).then(res => {
if (res.code == 200) {
that.$emit('updateList', res.result)
message: '删除成功!',
type: 'success'
}).catch(() => {
type: 'info',
message: '已取消删除'
<style lang="scss" scoped>
// 查看大图
.rlPopup {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
height: 100%;
.handle-btn {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
transform: translateY(-100%);
width: 66px;
height: 66px;
line-height: 75px;
color: #fff;
background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);
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// 查看大图
.rlPopup {
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i {
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line-height: 75px;
color: #fff;
background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);
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transition: all 0.3s;
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i {
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.handle-btn:hover {
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height: calc(100% - 80px);
align-items: center;
background: rgba(194, 190, 190, 0.1);
overflow: scroll;
.prev {
left: 1%;
img {
display: block;
object-fit: scale-down;
transition: all 0.3s;
max-width: 100%;
.next {
right: 1%;
.thumb-wrap {
&-button {
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justify-content: center;
height: calc(100% - 80px);
align-items: center;
background: rgba(194, 190, 190, 0.1);
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img {
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transition: all 0.3s;
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li {
float: left;
width: 60px;
height: 45px;
border: solid 1px #ececec;
position: relative;
margin-right: 5px;
cursor: pointer;
.thumb-wrap {
&-button {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
&:last-child {
margin-right: 0;
.fileUpdate {
margin: 0 10px;
img {
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display: block;
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img {
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width: 100%;
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width: 100%;
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position: absolute;
opacity: 0;
transform-origin: top left;
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position: absolute;
opacity: 0;
transform-origin: top left;
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opacity: 1;
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opacity: 1;
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opacity: 0;
.zoom-on-hover.zoomed .normal {
opacity: 0;
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
<td>{{ zdjbxx.qlsdfs }}</td>
<td>{{zdjbxx.qlsdfs | qlsdfs}}</td>
<td>{{ zdjbxx.rjl }}</td>
......@@ -122,79 +122,87 @@
<td>{{ zdbhqks[0].dbr }}</td>
</tr> -->
import { getZdjjxxBybdcdyid } from "@/api/registerBook.js";
import store from '@/store/index.js'
import { getZdjjxxBybdcdyid } from "@/api/registerBook.js";
export default {
data () {
return {
bhqkColumns: [
prop: "ssywh",
label: "上手业务号",
prop: "zddm",
label: "宗地代码",
prop: "bhqzddm",
label: "变化前宗地代码",
prop: "bhnr",
label: "变化内容",
prop: "bhyy",
label: "变化原因",
prop: "djsj",
label: "登记时间",
prop: "dbr",
label: "登簿人",
prop: "fj",
label: "附记",
bhqkTableWidth: 745,
zdjbxx: {},
zdbhqks: [],
propsParam: this.$attrs,
showGroup: false,
bdclxList: ["", "宗地", "宗海", "自然幢", "多幢", "构筑物", "林权", "户"],
created () {
methods: {
loadData () {
getZdjjxxBybdcdyid({ bdcdyid: this.propsParam.bdcdyid }).then((res) => {
if (res.code === 200) {
this.zdjbxx = res.result.zdjbxx;
this.zdbhqks = res.result.zdbhqkList;
if (this.zdbhqks != null && this.zdbhqks.length > 0) {
this.showGroup = true;
export default {
data () {
return {
bhqkColumns: [
prop: "ssywh",
label: "上手业务号",
prop: "zddm",
label: "宗地代码",
prop: "bhqzddm",
label: "变化前宗地代码",
prop: "bhnr",
label: "变化内容",
prop: "bhyy",
label: "变化原因",
prop: "djsj",
label: "登记时间",
prop: "dbr",
label: "登簿人",
prop: "fj",
label: "附记",
bhqkTableWidth: 745,
zdjbxx: {},
zdbhqks: [],
propsParam: this.$attrs,
showGroup: false,
bdclxList: ["", "宗地", "宗海", "自然幢", "多幢", "构筑物", "林权", "户"],
filters: {
qlsdfs: function (value) {
const foundItem = store.getters.dictData['A10'].find(item => item.dcode === String(value));
if (foundItem) {
console.log(foundItem.dname, 'foundItem.dname');
return foundItem.dname;
created () {
methods: {
loadData () {
getZdjjxxBybdcdyid({ bdcdyid: this.propsParam.bdcdyid }).then((res) => {
if (res.code === 200) {
this.zdjbxx = res.result.zdjbxx;
this.zdbhqks = res.result.zdbhqkList;
if (this.zdbhqks != null && this.zdbhqks.length > 0) {
this.showGroup = true;
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import "~@/styles/tablecss.scss";
@import "~@/styles/tablecss.scss";
......@@ -36,497 +36,496 @@
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
import clxxAddDialog from "./clxxAddDialog.vue";
import imagePreview from '@/views/components/imagePreview.vue'
import {InitClml,saveClml,deleteSjClml,moveClml} from "@/api/clxx.js";
export default {
components: { clxxAddDialog, imagePreview },
data () {
return {
isDialog: false,
menuList: [
id: "1",
label: "材料目录明细",
id: "2",
label: "材料预览",
iclass: "",
// 材料目录选中
treeCheckIndex: 0,
treeCheckId: "",
checkedId: "1",
column: [
width: "50",
renderHeader: (h, scope) => {
return (
this.$route.query.viewtype == 1 ? '序号' :
class="el-icon-plus pointer"
onClick={() => {
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
import clxxAddDialog from "./dialog/clxxAddDialog.vue";
import imagePreview from '@/views/components/imagePreview.vue'
import { InitClml, saveClml, deleteSjClml, moveClml } from "@/api/clxx.js";
export default {
components: { clxxAddDialog, imagePreview },
data () {
return {
isDialog: false,
menuList: [
id: "1",
label: "材料目录明细",
render: (h, scope) => {
// 新建的材料,可删除
// v-show='scope.row.sfxjcl == 1'
return (
this.$route.query.viewtype == 1 ? <span>{scope.$index + 1}</span> :
class="el-icon-minus pointer"
onClick={() => {
this.handleDelete(scope.$index, scope.row);
prop: "isrequired",
label: "是否必选",
width: "50",
render: (h, scope) => {
if (scope.row.sfxjcl === "1") {
id: "2",
label: "材料预览",
iclass: "",
// 材料目录选中
treeCheckIndex: 0,
treeCheckId: "",
checkedId: "1",
column: [
width: "50",
renderHeader: (h, scope) => {
return (
this.$route.query.viewtype == 1 ? '序号' :
class="el-icon-plus pointer"
onClick={() => {
else {
render: (h, scope) => {
// 新建的材料,可删除
// v-show='scope.row.sfxjcl == 1'
return (
this.$route.query.viewtype == 1 ? <span>{scope.$index + 1}</span> :
class="el-icon-minus pointer"
onClick={() => {
this.handleDelete(scope.$index, scope.row);
prop: "sjmc",
label: "材料名称",
prop: "sjlx",
label: "材料类型",
width: "80",
render: (h, scope) => {
return (
<span>{this.dicStatus(scope.row.sjlx, "A40")}</span>
prop: "isrequired",
label: "是否必选",
width: "50",
render: (h, scope) => {
if (scope.row.sfxjcl === "1") {
return (
else {
return (
prop: "sjmc",
label: "材料名称",
prop: "sjsl",
label: "份数",
width: "50"
prop: "smzt",
label: "扫描状态",
width: "80",
render: (h, scope) => {
if (scope.row.children.length > 0) {
prop: "sjlx",
label: "材料类型",
width: "80",
render: (h, scope) => {
return (
<span>{this.dicStatus(scope.row.sjlx, "A40")}</span>
} else {
prop: "sjsl",
label: "份数",
width: "50"
prop: "smzt",
label: "扫描状态",
width: "80",
render: (h, scope) => {
if (scope.row.children.length > 0) {
return (
} else {
return (
prop: "ys",
label: "扫描页数",
width: "50"
label: "操作",
width: "80",
render: (h, scope) => {
return (
disabled={scope.$index == 0}
onClick={() => {
this.moveUpward(scope.$index, scope.row);
disabled={scope.$index + 1 == this.tableData.length}
onClick={() => {
this.moveDown(scope.$index, scope.row);
prop: "ys",
label: "扫描页数",
width: "50"
label: "操作",
width: "80",
render: (h, scope) => {
return (
disabled={scope.$index == 0}
onClick={() => {
this.moveUpward(scope.$index, scope.row);
disabled={scope.$index + 1 == this.tableData.length}
onClick={() => {
this.moveDown(scope.$index, scope.row);
key: 0,
tableData: [],
previewImg: {
// 收件标识码
bsmSj: '',
bsmSlsq: this.$parent.bsmSlsq,
index: 0,
selectedIndex: 0,
imgList: []
computed: {
created () {
methods: {
// 自动预览
nextPriview () {
if (this.treeCheckIndex < this.tableData.length) {
this.treeCheckId = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
this.previewImg.index = 0
this.previewImg.imgList = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].children
this.previewImg.bsmSj = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
key: 0,
tableData: [],
previewImg: {
// 收件标识码
bsmSj: '',
bsmSlsq: this.$parent.bsmSlsq,
index: 0,
selectedIndex: 0,
imgList: []
prevPriview () {
if (this.treeCheckIndex >= 1) {
this.treeCheckId = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
this.previewImg.index = this.previewImg.imgList.length
this.previewImg.imgList = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].children
this.previewImg.bsmSj = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
computed: {
// 材料目录明细初始化
clmlInitList () {
return new Promise(resolve => {
this.unitData = this.$parent.unitData;
var formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append("bsmSldy", this.unitData[0]?.bsmSldy);
formdata.append("bsmSlsq", this.$parent.bsmSlsq);
InitClml(formdata).then((res) => {
if(res.result.code == 200){
if (res.result.result && res.result.result.length > 0) {
this.tableData = res.result.result;
this.treeCheckId = this.tableData[0].bsmSj;
this.title = this.tableData[0].sjmc;
this.titleYs = 1;
this.titleNum = this.tableData[0].children.length;
this.previewImg.imgList = this.tableData[0]?.children;
this.previewImg.bsmSj = this.tableData[0]?.bsmSj;
created () {
updateList (val) {
let that = this
if (val != null) { //删除最后一张图片时 val=null
this.tableData.forEach(item => {
if (item.bsmSj === val.bsmSj) {
item.children = val.children
this.previewImg.imgList = _.cloneDeep(val.children)
if (this.previewImg.index == this.previewImg.imgList.length) {
this.previewImg.index = this.previewImg.index - 1
methods: {
// 自动预览
nextPriview () {
if (this.treeCheckIndex < this.tableData.length) {
this.treeCheckId = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
this.previewImg.index = 0
this.previewImg.imgList = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].children
this.previewImg.bsmSj = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
} else {
this.previewImg.imgList = []
this.tableData.forEach((item, index) => {
if (this.treeCheckId == item.bsmSj) {
item.children = []
that.treeCheckIndex = index
prevPriview () {
if (this.treeCheckIndex >= 1) {
this.treeCheckId = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
this.previewImg.index = this.previewImg.imgList.length
this.previewImg.imgList = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].children
this.previewImg.bsmSj = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
// 材料目录明细初始化
clmlInitList () {
return new Promise(resolve => {
this.unitData = this.$parent.unitData;
var formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append("bsmSldy", this.unitData[0]?.bsmSldy);
formdata.append("bsmSlsq", this.$parent.bsmSlsq);
InitClml(formdata).then((res) => {
if (res.result.code == 200) {
if (res.result.result && res.result.result.length > 0) {
this.tableData = res.result.result;
this.treeCheckId = this.tableData[0].bsmSj;
this.title = this.tableData[0].sjmc;
this.titleYs = 1;
this.titleNum = this.tableData[0].children.length;
// 左侧菜单点击
menuClick (item) {
this.checkedId = item.id
// 添加材料目录
handleAdd () {
this.isDialog = true;
// 上移
moveUpward (index, row) {
let obj = {
xh: row.xh,
bsmSlsq: row.bsmSlsq,
moveDirection: "UP",
// 接口待调
moveClml(obj).then(async (res) => {
if (res.code == 200) {
let res = await this.clmlInitList()
if (res == 200) this.$message({
message: '上移成功',
type: 'success'
this.previewImg.imgList = this.tableData[0]?.children;
this.previewImg.bsmSj = this.tableData[0]?.bsmSj;
} else {
} else {
// 下移
moveDown (index, row) {
let obj = {
xh: row.xh,
bsmSlsq: row.bsmSlsq,
moveDirection: "DOWN",
// 接口待调
moveClml(obj).then(async (res) => {
if (res.code == 200) {
let res = await this.clmlInitList()
if (res == 200) this.$message({
message: '下移成功',
type: 'success'
updateList (val) {
let that = this
if (val != null) { //删除最后一张图片时 val=null
this.tableData.forEach(item => {
if (item.bsmSj === val.bsmSj) {
item.children = val.children
this.previewImg.imgList = _.cloneDeep(val.children)
if (this.previewImg.index == this.previewImg.imgList.length) {
this.previewImg.index = this.previewImg.index - 1
} else {
// 新增弹窗保存
addSave (data) {
let obj = {
bsmSlsq: this.$parent.bsmSlsq,
isrequired: "1",
sjmc: data.clmc,
sjsl: 0,
smzt: '',
ys: 0,
sjlx: data.cllx,
sfxjcl: "1", // 是否必选
saveClml(obj).then(async (res) => {
if (res.code == 200) {
let res = await this.clmlInitList()
if (res == 200) this.$message({
message: "新增成功",
type: "success",
this.previewImg.imgList = []
this.tableData.forEach((item, index) => {
if (this.treeCheckId == item.bsmSj) {
item.children = []
that.treeCheckIndex = index
// 材料目录删除
handleDelete (index, row) {
let that = this
this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除该 是否继续?', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
type: 'warning'
}).then(() => {
deleteSjClml({ sjBsm: row.bsmSj }).then(async (res) => {
// 左侧菜单点击
menuClick (item) {
this.checkedId = item.id
// 添加材料目录
handleAdd () {
this.isDialog = true;
// 上移
moveUpward (index, row) {
let obj = {
xh: row.xh,
bsmSlsq: row.bsmSlsq,
moveDirection: "UP",
// 接口待调
moveClml(obj).then(async (res) => {
if (res.code == 200) {
let res = await that.clmlInitList()
if (res == 200) that.$message({
message: "删除成功",
type: "success",
let res = await this.clmlInitList()
if (res == 200) this.$message({
message: '上移成功',
type: 'success'
} else {
}).catch(() => {
type: 'info',
message: '已取消删除'
// 下移
moveDown (index, row) {
let obj = {
xh: row.xh,
bsmSlsq: row.bsmSlsq,
moveDirection: "DOWN",
// 接口待调
moveClml(obj).then(async (res) => {
if (res.code == 200) {
let res = await this.clmlInitList()
if (res == 200) this.$message({
message: '下移成功',
type: 'success'
} else {
// 材料目录点击选中
treeClick (item, index) {
this.previewImg.index = 0
this.treeCheckId = item?.bsmSj
this.treeCheckIndex = index
this.previewImg.imgList = item?.children
this.previewImg.bsmSj = item?.bsmSj
// 小图片点击
imgClick (item, index) {
this.showImg = item;
this.titleYs = index + 1;
// 字典
dicStatus (val, code) {
let data = this.$store.getters.dictData[code],
name = "暂无";
if (data) {
data.map((item) => {
if (item.dcode == val) {
name = item.dname;
// 新增弹窗保存
addSave (data) {
let obj = {
bsmSlsq: this.$parent.bsmSlsq,
isrequired: "1",
sjmc: data.clmc,
sjsl: 0,
smzt: '',
ys: 0,
sjlx: data.cllx,
sfxjcl: "1", // 是否必选
saveClml(obj).then(async (res) => {
if (res.code == 200) {
let res = await this.clmlInitList()
if (res == 200) this.$message({
message: "新增成功",
type: "success",
return name;
// 材料目录删除
handleDelete (index, row) {
let that = this
this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除该 是否继续?', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
type: 'warning'
}).then(() => {
deleteSjClml({ sjBsm: row.bsmSj }).then(async (res) => {
if (res.code == 200) {
let res = await that.clmlInitList()
if (res == 200) that.$message({
message: "删除成功",
type: "success",
}).catch(() => {
type: 'info',
message: '已取消删除'
// 材料目录点击选中
treeClick (item, index) {
this.previewImg.index = 0
this.treeCheckId = item?.bsmSj
this.treeCheckIndex = index
this.previewImg.imgList = item?.children
this.previewImg.bsmSj = item?.bsmSj
// 小图片点击
imgClick (item, index) {
this.showImg = item;
this.titleYs = index + 1;
// 字典
dicStatus (val, code) {
let data = this.$store.getters.dictData[code],
name = "暂无";
if (data) {
data.map((item) => {
if (item.dcode == val) {
name = item.dname;
return name;
<style scoped lang='scss'>
@import "~@/styles/mixin.scss";
.active {
background: $light-blue !important;
color: #fff;
.required {
font-size: 12px;
color: $pink;
float: left;
@import "~@/styles/mixin.scss";
.cl_number {
float: right;
.clxx {
width: 100%;
display: flex;
padding-left: 5px;
height: calc(100vh - 125px);
.left {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-between;
.active {
background: $light-blue !important;
color: #fff;
.item {
width: 28px;
height: 49%;
@include flex-center;
background-color: #E4E7ED;
border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;
padding: 5px;
cursor: pointer;
transition: all 0.3s;
.required {
font-size: 12px;
color: $pink;
float: left;
&:hover {
@extend .active;
.cl_number {
float: right;
.right {
.clxx {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
padding-left: 5px;
height: calc(100vh - 125px);
.clmlmx-box {
margin: 0 auto;
.left {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-between;
.title {
text-align: center;
height: 60px;
line-height: 60px;
border: 1px solid #dfe6ec;
font-size: 20px;
background: #81d3f81a;
margin-bottom: -1px;
.item {
width: 28px;
height: 49%;
@include flex-center;
background-color: #e4e7ed;
border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;
padding: 5px;
cursor: pointer;
transition: all 0.3s;
&:hover {
@extend .active;
.clyl-box {
.right {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
.menu-tree {
width: 20%;
min-width: 160px;
height: 100%;
margin-right: 10px;
border-right: 1px dotted #d9d9d9;
padding: 0 15px;
.clmlmx-box {
margin: 0 auto;
.item {
line-height: 30px;
padding-top: 5px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #e8e8e8;
font-size: 16px;
.title {
text-align: center;
color: $light-blue;
height: 60px;
line-height: 60px;
border: 1px solid #dfe6ec;
font-size: 20px;
background: #81d3f81a;
margin-bottom: -1px;
.itemIcon {
float: right;
line-height: 60px;
cursor: pointer;
.clyl-box {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
.child {
line-height: 32px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #e8e8e8;
padding-left: 10px;
color: #6b6b6b;
cursor: pointer;
box-sizing: border-box;
border-radius: 6px;
line-height: 20px;
transition: all 0.3s;
padding: 8px 0;
.menu-tree {
width: 20%;
min-width: 160px;
height: 100%;
margin-right: 10px;
border-right: 1px dotted #d9d9d9;
padding: 0 15px;
.child:hover {
.item {
line-height: 30px;
padding-top: 5px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #e8e8e8;
font-size: 16px;
text-align: center;
color: $light-blue;
transform: scale(1.1);
.checked {
border: 1px solid $light-blue;
color: $light-blue;
.itemIcon {
float: right;
line-height: 60px;
cursor: pointer;
.child {
line-height: 32px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #e8e8e8;
padding-left: 10px;
color: #6b6b6b;
cursor: pointer;
box-sizing: border-box;
border-radius: 6px;
line-height: 20px;
transition: all 0.3s;
padding: 8px 0;
.child:hover {
color: $light-blue;
transform: scale(1.1);
.checked {
border: 1px solid $light-blue;
color: $light-blue;
.clyl-img {
width: 75%;
height: 100%;
background: #f3f4f7;
margin: 0 auto;
position: relative;
.clyl-img {
width: 75%;
height: 100%;
background: #f3f4f7;
margin: 0 auto;
position: relative;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<!-- 材料预览 -->
<div class="clyl-box">
<div class="menu-tree">
<el-button type="primary" native-type="submit" @click="viewDetail" style="width:100%;margin-top:10px;">查看明细</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" native-type="submit" @click="viewDetail" style="width:100%;margin-top:10px;">查看明细</el-button>
<div class="item">
<div style="margin-top:10px">
......@@ -24,310 +24,309 @@
<clxxAddDialog v-model="isDialog" />
<clxxDetailDialog v-model="detailDialog" :data="tableData"/>
<clxxDetailDialog v-model="detailDialog" :data="tableData" />
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
import clxxAddDialog from "./clxxAddDialog.vue";
import clxxDetailDialog from "./clxxDetailDialog.vue";
import imagePreview from '@/views/components/imagePreview.vue'
import {InitClml,saveClml,deleteSjClml,moveClml} from "@/api/clxx.js";
import { popupDialog } from "@/utils/popup.js";
export default {
components: { clxxAddDialog, imagePreview,clxxDetailDialog },
data () {
return {
isDialog: false,
detailDialog: false,
iclass: "",
// 材料目录选中
treeCheckIndex: 0,
treeCheckId: "",
key: 0,
tableData: [],
previewImg: {
// 收件标识码
bsmSj: '',
bsmSlsq: this.$parent.bsmSlsq,
index: 0,
selectedIndex: 0,
imgList: []
computed: {
created () {
methods: {
// 自动预览
nextPriview () {
if (this.treeCheckIndex < this.tableData.length) {
this.treeCheckId = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
this.previewImg.index = 0
this.previewImg.imgList = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].children
this.previewImg.bsmSj = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
import clxxAddDialog from "./dialog/clxxAddDialog.vue";
import clxxDetailDialog from "./clxxDetailDialog.vue";
import imagePreview from '@/views/components/imagePreview.vue'
import { InitClml, saveClml, deleteSjClml, moveClml } from "@/api/clxx.js";
import { popupDialog } from "@/utils/popup.js";
export default {
components: { clxxAddDialog, imagePreview, clxxDetailDialog },
data () {
return {
isDialog: false,
detailDialog: false,
iclass: "",
// 材料目录选中
treeCheckIndex: 0,
treeCheckId: "",
key: 0,
tableData: [],
previewImg: {
// 收件标识码
bsmSj: '',
bsmSlsq: this.$parent.bsmSlsq,
index: 0,
selectedIndex: 0,
imgList: []
prevPriview () {
if (this.treeCheckIndex >= 1) {
this.treeCheckId = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
this.previewImg.index = this.previewImg.imgList.length
this.previewImg.imgList = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].children
this.previewImg.bsmSj = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
computed: {
// 材料目录明细初始化
clmlInitList (type) {
//type 1:列表初始化 2:新增材料
return new Promise(resolve => {
this.unitData = this.$parent.unitData;
var formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append("bsmSldy", this.unitData[0]?.bsmSldy);
formdata.append("bsmSlsq", this.$parent.bsmSlsq);
InitClml(formdata).then((res) => {
if(res.code == 200){
if (res.result && res.result.length > 0) {
this.tableData = res.result;
if(type == 1){
this.treeClick(this.tableData[this.tableData.length - 1],this.tableData.length - 1);
created () {
methods: {
// 自动预览
nextPriview () {
if (this.treeCheckIndex < this.tableData.length) {
this.treeCheckId = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
this.previewImg.index = 0
this.previewImg.imgList = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].children
this.previewImg.bsmSj = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
prevPriview () {
if (this.treeCheckIndex >= 1) {
this.treeCheckId = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
this.previewImg.index = this.previewImg.imgList.length
this.previewImg.imgList = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].children
this.previewImg.bsmSj = this.tableData[this.treeCheckIndex].bsmSj
// 材料目录明细初始化
clmlInitList (type) {
//type 1:列表初始化 2:新增材料
return new Promise(resolve => {
this.unitData = this.$parent.unitData;
var formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append("bsmSldy", this.unitData[0]?.bsmSldy);
formdata.append("bsmSlsq", this.$parent.bsmSlsq);
InitClml(formdata).then((res) => {
if (res.code == 200) {
if (res.result && res.result.length > 0) {
this.tableData = res.result;
if (type == 1) {
this.treeClick(this.tableData[0], 0);
} else {
this.treeClick(this.tableData[this.tableData.length - 1], this.tableData.length - 1);
} else {
this.treeCheckId = item.bsmSj;
this.title = item.sjmc;
this.titleYs = 1;
this.titleNum = item.children.length;
this.previewImg.imgList = item.children;
this.previewImg.bsmSj = item.bsmSj;
updateList (val) {
let that = this
if (val != null) { //删除最后一张图片时 val=null
this.tableData.forEach(item => {
if (item.bsmSj === val.bsmSj) {
item.children = val.children
this.previewImg.imgList = _.cloneDeep(val.children)
if (this.previewImg.index == this.previewImg.imgList.length) {
this.previewImg.index = this.previewImg.index - 1
} else {
this.previewImg.imgList = []
this.tableData.forEach((item, index) => {
if (this.treeCheckId == item.bsmSj) {
item.children = []
that.treeCheckIndex = index
setChecked (item) {
this.treeCheckId = item.bsmSj;
this.title = item.sjmc;
this.titleYs = 1;
this.titleNum = item.children.length;
this.previewImg.imgList = item.children;
this.previewImg.bsmSj = item.bsmSj;
updateList (val) {
let that = this
if (val != null) { //删除最后一张图片时 val=null
this.tableData.forEach(item => {
if (item.bsmSj === val.bsmSj) {
item.children = val.children
this.previewImg.imgList = _.cloneDeep(val.children)
if (this.previewImg.index == this.previewImg.imgList.length) {
this.previewImg.index = this.previewImg.index - 1
// 添加材料目录
handleAdd () {
this.isDialog = true;
// 新增弹窗保存
addSave (data) {
let obj = {
bsmSlsq: this.$parent.bsmSlsq,
isrequired: "1",
sjmc: data.clmc,
sjsl: 0,
smzt: '',
ys: 0,
sjlx: data.cllx,
sfxjcl: "1", // 是否必选
saveClml(obj).then(async (res) => {
if (res.code == 200) {
let res = await this.clmlInitList(2)
if (res == 200) this.$message({
message: "新增成功",
type: "success",
} else {
this.previewImg.imgList = []
this.tableData.forEach((item, index) => {
if (this.treeCheckId == item.bsmSj) {
item.children = []
that.treeCheckIndex = index
// 材料目录点击选中
treeClick (item, index) {
this.previewImg.index = 0
this.treeCheckId = item?.bsmSj
this.treeCheckIndex = index
this.previewImg.imgList = item?.children
this.previewImg.bsmSj = item?.bsmSj
// 小图片点击
imgClick (item, index) {
this.showImg = item;
this.titleYs = index + 1;
// 字典
dicStatus (val, code) {
let data = this.$store.getters.dictData[code],
name = "暂无";
if (data) {
data.map((item) => {
if (item.dcode == val) {
name = item.dname;
// 添加材料目录
handleAdd () {
this.isDialog = true;
// 新增弹窗保存
addSave (data) {
let obj = {
bsmSlsq: this.$parent.bsmSlsq,
isrequired: "1",
sjmc: data.clmc,
sjsl: 0,
smzt: '',
ys: 0,
sjlx: data.cllx,
sfxjcl: "1", // 是否必选
saveClml(obj).then(async (res) => {
if (res.code == 200) {
let res = await this.clmlInitList(2)
if (res == 200) this.$message({
message: "新增成功",
type: "success",
return name;
// 材料目录点击选中
treeClick (item, index) {
this.previewImg.index = 0
this.treeCheckId = item?.bsmSj
this.treeCheckIndex = index
this.previewImg.imgList = item?.children
this.previewImg.bsmSj = item?.bsmSj
// 小图片点击
imgClick (item, index) {
this.showImg = item;
this.titleYs = index + 1;
// 字典
dicStatus (val, code) {
let data = this.$store.getters.dictData[code],
name = "暂无";
if (data) {
data.map((item) => {
if (item.dcode == val) {
name = item.dname;
return name;
viewDetail () {
this.detailDialog = true;
this.$nextTick(res => {
this.tableData = tableData;
setTableData (tableData) {
this.$nextTick(res => {
this.tableData = tableData;
<style scoped lang='scss'>
@import "~@/styles/mixin.scss";
.active {
background: $light-blue !important;
color: #fff;
.required {
font-size: 12px;
color: $pink;
float: left;
@import "~@/styles/mixin.scss";
.cl_number {
float: right;
.clxx {
width: 100%;
display: flex;
padding-left: 5px;
height: calc(100vh - 125px);
.left {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-between;
.active {
background: $light-blue !important;
color: #fff;
.item {
width: 28px;
height: 49%;
@include flex-center;
background-color: #E4E7ED;
border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;
padding: 5px;
cursor: pointer;
transition: all 0.3s;
.required {
font-size: 12px;
color: $pink;
float: left;
&:hover {
@extend .active;
.cl_number {
float: right;
.right {
.clxx {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
padding-left: 5px;
height: calc(100vh - 125px);
.left {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-between;
.clmlmx-box {
margin: 0 auto;
.item {
width: 28px;
height: 49%;
@include flex-center;
background-color: #e4e7ed;
border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;
padding: 5px;
cursor: pointer;
transition: all 0.3s;
.title {
text-align: center;
height: 60px;
line-height: 60px;
border: 1px solid #dfe6ec;
font-size: 20px;
background: #81d3f81a;
margin-bottom: -1px;
&:hover {
@extend .active;
.clyl-box {
.right {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
.menu-tree {
width: 20%;
min-width: 160px;
height: 100%;
margin-right: 10px;
border-right: 1px dotted #d9d9d9;
padding: 0 15px;
.clmlmx-box {
margin: 0 auto;
.item {
line-height: 30px;
padding-top: 5px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #e8e8e8;
font-size: 16px;
.title {
text-align: center;
color: $light-blue;
height: 60px;
line-height: 60px;
border: 1px solid #dfe6ec;
font-size: 20px;
background: #81d3f81a;
margin-bottom: -1px;
.itemIcon {
float: right;
line-height: 60px;
cursor: pointer;
.clyl-box {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
.child {
line-height: 32px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #e8e8e8;
padding-left: 10px;
color: #6b6b6b;
cursor: pointer;
box-sizing: border-box;
border-radius: 6px;
line-height: 20px;
transition: all 0.3s;
padding: 8px 0;
.menu-tree {
width: 20%;
min-width: 160px;
height: 100%;
margin-right: 10px;
border-right: 1px dotted #d9d9d9;
padding: 0 15px;
.child:hover {
.item {
line-height: 30px;
padding-top: 5px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #e8e8e8;
font-size: 16px;
text-align: center;
color: $light-blue;
transform: scale(1.1);
.checked {
border: 1px solid $light-blue;
color: $light-blue;
.itemIcon {
float: right;
line-height: 60px;
cursor: pointer;
.child {
line-height: 32px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #e8e8e8;
padding-left: 10px;
color: #6b6b6b;
cursor: pointer;
box-sizing: border-box;
border-radius: 6px;
line-height: 20px;
transition: all 0.3s;
padding: 8px 0;
.child:hover {
color: $light-blue;
transform: scale(1.1);
.checked {
border: 1px solid $light-blue;
color: $light-blue;
.clyl-img {
width: 75%;
height: 100%;
background: #f3f4f7;
margin: 0 auto;
position: relative;
.clyl-img {
width: 75%;
height: 100%;
background: #f3f4f7;
margin: 0 auto;
position: relative;
\ No newline at end of file
* @Description:
* @Autor: renchao
* @LastEditTime: 2023-05-09 09:20:10
<dialogBox title="新建材料信息" width="20%" isMain v-model="myValue" @closeDialog="closeDialog" @submitForm="handleSubmit"
......@@ -24,48 +29,52 @@
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
props: {
value: { type: Boolean, default: false },
data () {
return {
myValue: this.value,
ruleForm: {
cllx: "",
clmc: "",
computed: {
watch: {
value (val) {
this.myValue = val;
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
props: {
value: { type: Boolean, default: false },
data () {
return {
myValue: this.value,
ruleForm: {
cllx: "",
clmc: "",
computed: {
methods: {
closeDialog () {
this.$emit("input", false);
this.ruleForm = {
cllx: "",
clmc: "",
watch: {
value (val) {
this.myValue = val;
handleSubmit () {
this.$emit("input", false);
methods: {
closeDialog () {
this.$emit("input", false);
this.ruleForm = {
cllx: "",
clmc: "",
handleSubmit () {
this.ruleForm = {
cllx: "",
clmc: "",
this.$emit("input", false);
<style scoped lang="scss">
.submit-button {
text-align: center;
height: 52px;
padding-top: 10px;
background-color: #fff;
.submit-button {
text-align: center;
height: 52px;
padding-top: 10px;
background-color: #fff;