54fb416c by 任超


1 parent 726d21d7
...@@ -24,20 +24,13 @@ export const constantRoutes = [ ...@@ -24,20 +24,13 @@ export const constantRoutes = [
24 ] 24 ]
25 }, 25 },
26 // 业务流程框架 26 // 业务流程框架
27 {
28 path: '/workFrame',
29 component: () => import('@/views/workflow/workFrame.vue'),
30 name: 'workFrame',
31 hidden: true,
32 meta: { title: '发起申请' }
33 },
34 // 业务流程框架 27 // 业务流程框架
35 { 28 {
36 path: '/workFramecs', 29 path: '/workFramecs',
37 component: () => import('@/views/workflow/workFrame1.vue'), 30 component: () => import('@/views/workflow/workFrame1.vue'),
38 name: 'workFramecs', 31 name: 'workFramecs',
39 hidden: true, 32 hidden: true,
40 meta: { title: '发起申请1' } 33 meta: { title: '发起申请' }
41 }, 34 },
42 // 业务流程只读框架 35 // 业务流程只读框架
43 { 36 {
...@@ -45,14 +38,6 @@ export const constantRoutes = [ ...@@ -45,14 +38,6 @@ export const constantRoutes = [
45 component: () => import('@/views/workflow/workFrameView1.vue'), 38 component: () => import('@/views/workflow/workFrameView1.vue'),
46 name: 'workFrameViewcs', 39 name: 'workFrameViewcs',
47 hidden: true, 40 hidden: true,
48 meta: { title: '发起申请2' }
49 },
50 // 业务流程只读框架
51 {
52 path: '/workFrameView',
53 component: () => import('@/views/workflow/workFrameView.vue'),
54 name: 'workFrameView',
55 hidden: true,
56 meta: { title: '发起申请' } 41 meta: { title: '发起申请' }
57 }, 42 },
58 { 43 {
1 <template>
2 <div class="container">
3 <!-- 顶部内容框 -->
4 <div class="topButton">
5 <!-- 左侧业务功能按钮 -->
6 <ul>
7 <li @click="operation(item)" v-for="(item, index) in leftButtonList" :key="index">
8 <svg-icon class="icon" :icon-class="item.icon" />
9 <span class="iconName">{{ item.name }}</span>
10 </li>
11 </ul>
12 <!-- 右侧流程按钮 -->
13 <ul>
14 <li @click="operation(item)" v-for="(item, index) in rightButtonList" :key="index">
15 <svg-icon class="icon" :icon-class="item.icon" />
16 <span class="iconName">{{ item.name }}</span>
17 </li>
18 </ul>
19 <NoticeBar class="NoticeBar" :noticeList="noticeList" />
20 </div>
21 <!-- 内容框架 -->
22 <div class="containerFrame">
23 <!-- 左侧菜单栏 -->
24 <div class="leftmenu" :class="{ 'animation-map-drawer': isShowdrawer }">
25 <div class="title" @click="unitClick(-1)" v-if="showBatch">{{ batchButtonName }}</div>
26 <div v-if="this.isShowdrawer">
27 <div class="title">
28 申请单元列表({{ unitData.length }})
29 <el-button type="text" class="batchDel" @click="handleBatchDel" v-if="unitData.length > 1">批量删除</el-button>
30 </div>
31 <el-menu :default-active="activeIndex" @select="unitClick">
32 <el-menu-item v-for="(item, index) in unitData" :index="index.toString()" :key="index">
33 <div>
34 <p>{{ item.bdcdyh }}</p>
35 <p class="title-detail">{{ item.zl }}</p>
36 </div>
37 <i class="el-icon-delete" v-if="unitData.length > 1" @click.stop="handleDel(item)"></i>
38 </el-menu-item>
39 </el-menu>
40 </div>
41 <div class="map-drawer-click map-drawer" v-if="!isShowdrawer" @click="
42 () => {
43 this.isShowdrawer = !this.isShowdrawer;
44 }
45 "></div>
46 <div class="map-drawer-expand map-drawer" v-else @click="
47 () => {
48 this.isShowdrawer = !this.isShowdrawer;
49 }
50 "></div>
51 </div>
52 <div class="leftCon">
53 <!-- 分屏左侧预览 -->
54 <div v-if="splitScreen" class="splitScreen-con">
55 <component :is="clxxForm" v-bind="currentSelectProps" :key="fresh" />
56 </div>
57 <!-- 表单内容区域 -->
58 <div class="rightContainer">
59 <el-tabs v-model="tabName" :before-leave="beforeLeave">
60 <el-tab-pane :label="item.name" :name="item.value" v-for="item in tabList" :key="item.value">
61 </el-tab-pane>
62 </el-tabs>
63 <component :key="fresh" :is="componentTag" v-bind="currentSelectProps" />
64 </div>
65 </div>
66 </div>
67 <fqsqDialog v-model="isDialog" :djywbm="$route.query.sqywbm" :isJump="true" @updateDialog="updateDialog" />
68 </div>
69 </template>
71 <style scoped lang='scss'>
72 @import "~@/styles/mixin.scss";
73 @import "./workFrame.scss";
74 </style>
75 <script>
76 import {
77 leftMenu,
78 stepExpandInfo,
79 record,
80 getNextLinkInfo,
81 completeTask,
82 getStepFormInfo,
83 } from "@/api/fqsq.js";
84 import { mapGetters } from "vuex"
85 import NoticeBar from '@/components/NoticeBar/index'
86 import { deleteFlow, unClaimTask } from "@/api/ywbl.js";
87 import ProcessViewer from './components/processViewer.vue'
88 import { getWorkFlowImage } from "@/api/workflow/jsydsyqFlow.js";
89 import { getForm } from "./flowform.js";
90 import fqsqDialog from "@/views/ywbl/ywsq/selectBdc.vue";
91 import { queueDjywmc } from "@/views/ywbl/ywsq/slectBdcdata.js";
92 export default {
93 components: {
94 fqsqDialog,
95 NoticeBar,
96 ProcessViewer
97 },
98 data () {
99 return {
100 noticeList: [],
101 isDialog: false,
102 // 流程图
103 // 折叠
104 isShowdrawer: true,
105 // 默认选中
106 activeIndex: "0",
107 //受理申请标识码
108 bsmSlsq: this.$route.query.bsmSlsq,
109 //当前流程所在环节
110 bestepid: this.$route.query.bestepid,
111 //是否展示批量按钮
112 showBatch: false,
113 //批量按钮名称
114 batchButtonName: '',
115 //顶部左侧按钮集合
116 leftButtonList: [],
117 //顶部右侧按钮集合
118 rightButtonList: [],
119 //左侧菜单数据集合
120 unitData: [],
121 //设置那个表单选中
122 tabName: "",
123 //表单集合
124 tabList: [],
125 //选择加载哪一个组件
126 componentTag: "",
127 //设置表单组件是否刷选值
128 fresh: 10,
129 //设置表单传递数据
130 currentSelectProps: {},
131 //是否开启材料分屏
132 splitScreen: false,
133 //材料分屏表单
134 clxxForm: "",
135 //材料信息选择卡索引
136 clxxIndex: "",
137 //材料信息选项卡对象
138 clxxTab: {},
139 //页面监听时间
140 _beforeUnload_time: "",
141 };
142 },
143 mounted () {
144 this.loadBdcdylist();
145 this.flowInitParam();
146 //添加页面监听事件
147 window.addEventListener('beforeunload', e => this.beforeunloadHandler(e))
148 window.addEventListener('unload', e => this.unloadHandler(e))
149 },
150 destroyed () {
151 window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', e => this.beforeunloadHandler(e))
152 window.removeEventListener('unload', e => this.unloadHandler(e))
153 },
154 methods: {
155 beforeunloadHandler () {
156 this._beforeUnload_time = new Date().getTime()
157 },
158 unloadHandler (e) {
159 thsi.$alert("234234");
160 this._gap_time = new Date().getTime() - this._beforeUnload_time
161 //判断是窗口关闭还是刷新
162 if (this._gap_time <= 10) {
163 //取消认领
164 unClaimTask(this.bsmSlsq, this.bestepid)
165 }
166 },
167 changeLoadIndex () {
168 this.loadIndex++
169 },
170 closeDialog () {
171 this.myValue = false
172 },
173 // 更新列表
174 updateDialog () {
175 this.loadBdcdylist();
176 },
177 // 删除左侧列表
178 handleDel (item) {
179 this.$confirm("确定要删除吗, 是否继续?", "提示", {
180 confirmButtonText: "确定",
181 cancelButtonText: "取消",
182 type: "warning",
183 })
184 .then(() => {
185 var formdata = new FormData();
186 formdata.append("bsmSldyList", item.bsmSldy.split(","));
187 formdata.append("bsmSlsq", this.bsmSlsq);
188 deleteFlow(formdata).then((res) => {
189 if (res.code == 200) {
190 this.$message.success("删除成功");
191 this.loadBdcdylist();
192 } else {
193 this.$message.error(res.message);
194 }
195 });
196 })
197 .catch(() => {
198 this.$message({
199 type: "info",
200 message: "已取消删除",
201 });
202 });
203 },
204 handleBatchDel () {
205 let that = this;
206 this.$popup({
207 title: "批量删除",
208 width: "50%",
209 btnShow: true,
210 editItem: "workflow/components/batchDel",
211 height: "600px",
212 formData: {
213 bsmSlsq: this.bsmSlsq,
214 dataList: this.unitData,
215 },
216 cancel: function () { }, //取消事件的回调
217 confirm: function () {
218 that.loadBdcdylist();
219 }, //确认事件的回调
220 });
221 },
222 //加载流程初始参数
223 flowInitParam () {
224 var formdata = new FormData();
225 formdata.append("bsmSlsq", this.bsmSlsq);
226 formdata.append("bestepid", this.bestepid);
227 stepExpandInfo(formdata).then((res) => {
228 if (res.code === 200) {
229 this.leftButtonList = res.result.button;
230 this.rightButtonList = res.result.operation;
231 }
232 });
233 },
234 //流程环节操作按钮
235 operation (item) {
236 //按钮 B0:选择不动产单元 B1:流程图 B2:材料分屏 B3:材料导入 B4:登记簿 B5:证书预览 B6:打印申请书 B7:证书领取 B8:楼盘表 B9:登簿
237 //操作按钮 登簿:record 转件:transfer 退回:back 退出:signout
238 let that = this;
239 switch (item.value) {
240 case "B0":
241 // let type = queueDjywmc(this.$route.query.sqywbm)
242 this.isDialog = true;
243 break;
244 case "B1":
245 getWorkFlowImage(this.bsmSlsq, this.$route.query.bestepid).then(res => {
246 let { result } = res
247 this.$popup("流程图", "workflow/components/processViewer", {
248 formData: {
249 xml: result.xml,
250 finishedInfo: {
251 finishedTaskSet: result.finishedTaskSet,
252 unfinishedTaskSet: result.unfinishedTaskSet,
253 rejectedTaskSet: result.rejectedTaskSet,
254 finishedSequenceFlowSet: result.finishedSequenceFlowSet
255 },
256 allCommentList: result.historyTaskList
257 }
258 })
259 })
260 break;
261 case "B2": //材料分屏按钮
262 this.splitScreen = this.splitScreen ? false : true;
263 this.$store.dispatch("app/settScreen", this.splitScreen);
264 if (this.splitScreen) {
265 //如果当前选项卡为材料信息内容,递减到上一个选项卡内容
266 if (this.tabName == this.clxxTab.value) {
267 this.tabName = this.tabList[this.clxxIndex - 1].value;
268 this.getFromRouter(this.tabList[this.clxxIndex - 1].value);
269 }
270 //删除材料信息选项卡数据
271 this.tabList.splice(this.clxxIndex, 1);
272 } else {
273 //新增材料信息选项卡数据
274 this.tabList.splice(this.clxxIndex, 0, this.clxxTab);
275 }
276 break;
277 case "B4":
278 this.$popup("登记簿详情", "registerBook/djbFrame", {
279 formData: this.currentSelectProps,
280 width: "1220px",
281 height: "790px",
282 cancel: () => {
283 console.log("取消回调");
284 },
285 confirm: () => {
286 console.log("确认回调");
287 },
288 });
289 break;
290 case "B5":
291 this.$popup("证书预览", "workflow/components/zsyl", {
292 height: "850px",
293 width: "1070px",
294 formData: {
295 bsmSlsq: this.bsmSlsq,
296 entryType: '1'
297 },
298 cancel: () => {
299 console.log("取消回调");
300 },
301 confirm: () => {
302 console.log("确认回调");
303 },
304 })
305 break;
306 case "B7":
307 this.$popup("证书领取", "workflow/components/zslq", {
308 width: '900px',
309 formData: { bsmSlsq: this.$route.query.bsmSlsq },
310 })
311 break;
312 case "back": //退回按钮
313 this.$popup({
314 title: "退回",
315 editItem: "workflow/components/th",
316 height: "400px",
317 width: '30%',
318 formData: {
319 bsmSlsq: this.bsmSlsq,
320 bestepid: this.bestepid
321 },
322 btnShow: true,
323 cancel: () => {
324 console.log("取消回调");
325 },
326 confirm: () => {
327 console.log("确认回调");
328 },
329 })
330 break;
331 case "transfer": //转件按钮
332 getNextLinkInfo({
333 bsmSlsq: this.bsmSlsq,
334 bestepid: this.bestepid,
335 }).then((res) => {
336 if (res.code === 200) {
337 if (res.result) {
338 this.sendToNext(res.result);
339 } else {
340 this.sendToEnd();
341 }
342 }
343 });
344 break;
345 case "stop": //终止按钮
346 this.$popup("终止", "workflow/components/stop", {
347 height: "330px",
348 width: '30%',
349 formData: {
350 bsmSlsq: this.bsmSlsq,
351 bestepid: this.bestepid,
352 },
353 btnShow: true,
354 cancel: () => {
355 console.log("取消回调");
356 },
357 confirm: () => {
358 console.log("确认回调");
359 },
360 })
361 break;
362 case "signout":
363 window.close();
364 //取消认领
365 unClaimTask(this.bsmSlsq, this.bestepid)
366 break;
367 case "B9":
368 var formdata = new FormData();
369 formdata.append("bsmSlsq", this.bsmSlsq);
370 formdata.append("bestepid", this.bestepid);
371 this.$confirm("请确认是否登簿", "提示", {
372 iconClass: "el-icon-question", //自定义图标样式
373 confirmButtonText: "确认", //确认按钮文字更换
374 cancelButtonText: "取消", //取消按钮文字更换
375 showClose: true, //是否显示右上角关闭按钮
376 type: "warning", //提示类型 success/info/warning/error
377 }).then(function () {
378 record(formdata).then((res) => {
379 if (res.code === 200) {
380 if (res.result.length === 1) {
381 res.result[0].state ? that.$alert("登簿成功!") : that.$alert(res.result[0].msg);;
382 }
383 else {
384 that.$alert('<div>' + res.result[0].ywh + ',' + res.result[0].msg + '</div>', '登簿明细', {
385 dangerouslyUseHTMLString: true
386 });
387 }
388 } else {
389 that.$alert(res.message);
390 }
391 });
392 });
393 break;
394 }
395 },
396 //读取申请单元信息
397 loadBdcdylist () {
398 var formdata = new FormData();
399 formdata.append("bsmSlsq", this.bsmSlsq);
400 formdata.append("bestepid", this.bestepid);
401 leftMenu(formdata).then((res) => {
402 if (res.code === 200) {
403 if (res.result) {
404 this.unitData = res.result;
405 this.currentSelectProps = res.result[0];
406 this.judgeBatchShow();
407 if (this.showBatch) {
408 //满足批量查封/批量抵押按钮出现 即先展示批量表单
409 this.unitClick(-1);
410 } else {
411 //默认选择单元列表第一个
412 this.unitClick(0);
413 }
414 }
415 }
416 });
417 },
418 //申请单元点击事件
419 unitClick (index) {
420 if (index >= 0) {
421 this.currentSelectProps = this.unitData[index];
422 this.currentSelectProps.batchOperation = false;
423 } else {
424 this.currentSelectProps.batchOperation = true;
425 }
426 getStepFormInfo(this.currentSelectProps).then((res) => {
427 if (res.code === 200) {
428 this.fresh += 1;
429 //获取单元对应的所有表单信息
430 this.tabList = res.result;
431 //默认加载第一个表单信息
432 this.tabName = res.result[0].value;
433 //处理分屏材料信息
434 let that = this;
435 this.tabList.forEach(function (item, index) {
436 if (item.value == "clxx") {
437 that.clxxIndex = index;
438 that.clxxForm = getForm(item.value, that.$route.query.sqywbm);
439 that.clxxTab = item;
440 }
441 });
442 }
443 });
444 },
445 //批量按钮判断
446 judgeBatchShow () {
447 this.showBatch = false;
448 let qllx = this.$route.query.sqywbm.substring(0, 3);
449 if (this.unitData.length > 1) {
450 switch (qllx) {
451 case 'B39':
452 this.showBatch = true;
453 this.batchButtonName = '批量查封';
454 break;
455 case 'A37':
456 this.showBatch = true;
457 this.batchButtonName = '批量抵押';
458 break;
459 }
460 }
461 },
462 //表单选项卡事件
463 beforeLeave (activeName, oldActiveName) {
464 if (activeName && activeName != 0) this.getFromRouter(activeName)
465 },
466 //切换选项卡内容组件
467 getFromRouter (tabname) {
468 console.log(tabname, 'tabnametabname');
469 this.componentTag = getForm(tabname, this.$route.query.sqywbm);
470 },
471 //发送下一个环节
472 sendToNext (obj) {
473 const h = this.$createElement;
474 this.$msgbox({
475 title: "您确定转出吗?",
476 message: h("div", { style: "margin: auto" }, [
477 h("span", null, "下个环节名称:"),
478 h("i", { style: "color: teal" }, obj.taskName),
479 h("div", null, ""),
480 h("span", null, "下个环节经办人: "),
481 h("i", { style: "color: teal" }, obj.usernames.join(",")),
482 ]),
483 showCancelButton: true,
484 beforeClose: (action, instance, done) => {
485 if (action === "confirm") {
486 instance.confirmButtonLoading = true;
487 instance.confirmButtonText = "执行中...";
488 completeTask({
489 bsmSlsq: this.bsmSlsq,
490 shyj: "this.bestepid",
491 stepform: JSON.stringify(this.tabList),
492 }).then((res) => {
493 if (res.code === 200) {
494 instance.confirmButtonLoading = false;
495 this.$message.success("转件成功");
496 setTimeout(() => {
497 window.opener = null;
498 window.open("about:blank", "_self");
499 window.close();
500 this.$emit("input", false);
501 }, 1000);
502 } else {
503 instance.confirmButtonLoading = false;
504 instance.confirmButtonText = "确定";
505 this.$message.error(res.message);
506 }
507 });
508 } else {
509 done();
510 }
511 },
512 }).then((action) => {
513 this.$message({
514 type: "info",
515 message: "action: " + action,
516 });
517 });
518 },
519 sendToEnd () {
520 const h = this.$createElement;
521 this.$msgbox({
522 title: "您确定转出吗?",
523 message: "此环节为流程结束环节,转出后流程将结束",
524 showCancelButton: true,
525 beforeClose: (action, instance, done) => {
526 if (action === "confirm") {
527 instance.confirmButtonLoading = true;
528 instance.confirmButtonText = "执行中...";
529 completeTask({
530 bsmSlsq: this.bsmSlsq,
531 shyj: "this.bestepid",
532 stepform: JSON.stringify(this.tabList),
533 }).then((res) => {
534 if (res.code === 200) {
535 instance.confirmButtonLoading = false;
536 this.$message.success("转件成功");
537 setTimeout(() => {
538 window.opener = null;
539 window.open("about:blank", "_self");
540 window.close();
541 this.$emit("input", false);
542 }, 1000);
543 } else {
544 instance.confirmButtonLoading = false;
545 instance.confirmButtonText = "确定";
546 this.$message.error(res.message);
547 }
548 });
549 } else {
550 done();
551 }
552 },
553 }).then((action) => {
554 this.$message({
555 type: "info",
556 message: "action: " + action,
557 });
558 });
559 }
560 },
561 };
562 </script>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <div class="container">
3 <!-- 顶部内容框 -->
4 <div class="topButton">
5 <!-- 左侧业务功能按钮 -->
6 <ul>
7 <li @click="operation(index, item)" v-for="(item, index) in leftButtonList" :key="index">
8 <svg-icon :icon-class="item.icon" />
9 <span class="iconName">{{ item.name }}</span>
10 </li>
11 </ul>
12 <!-- 右侧流程按钮 -->
13 <ul>
14 <li @click="operation(index, item)" v-for="(item, index) in rightButtonList" :key="index">
15 <svg-icon class="icon" :icon-class="item.icon" />
16 <span class="iconName">{{ item.name }}</span>
17 </li>
18 </ul>
19 </div>
20 <!-- 内容框架 -->
21 <div class="containerFrame">
22 <!-- 左侧菜单栏 -->
23 <div class="leftmenu" :class="{ 'animation-map-drawer': isShowdrawer }">
24 <div v-if="this.isShowdrawer">
25 <div class="title">申请单元列表({{ unitData.length }})</div>
26 <el-menu :default-active="activeIndex" @select="unitClick">
27 <el-menu-item v-for="(item, index) in unitData" :index="index.toString()" :key="index">
28 <div>
29 <p>{{ item.bdcdyh }}</p>
30 <p class="title-detail">{{ item.zl }}</p>
31 </div>
32 </el-menu-item>
33 </el-menu>
34 </div>
35 <div class="map-drawer-click map-drawer" v-if="!isShowdrawer" @click="
36 () => {
37 this.isShowdrawer = !this.isShowdrawer;
38 }
39 "></div>
40 <div class="map-drawer-expand map-drawer" v-else @click="
41 () => {
42 this.isShowdrawer = !this.isShowdrawer;
43 }
44 "></div>
45 </div>
46 <div class="leftCon">
47 <!-- 分屏左侧预览 -->
48 <div v-if="splitScreen" class="splitScreen-con">
49 <component :is="clxxForm" v-bind="currentSelectProps" :key="fresh" />
50 </div>
51 <!-- 表单内容区域 -->
52 <div class="rightContainer">
53 <el-tabs v-model="tabName" @tab-click="tabClick">
54 <el-tab-pane :label="item.name" :name="item.value" v-for="(item, index) in tabList" :key="index">
55 </el-tab-pane>
56 </el-tabs>
57 <component :key="fresh" :is="componentTag" v-bind="currentSelectProps" />
58 </div>
59 </div>
60 </div>
61 </div>
62 </template>
64 <style scoped lang='scss'>
65 @import "~@/styles/mixin.scss";
66 @import "./workFrame.scss";
67 </style>
69 <script>
70 import {
71 leftMenu,
72 stepExpandInfo,
73 record,
74 getNextLinkInfo,
75 completeTask,
76 getStepFormInfo
77 } from "@/api/fqsq.js"
78 import { getWorkFlowImage } from "@/api/workflow/jsydsyqFlow.js"
79 import { getForm } from "./flowform.js"
80 export default {
81 data () {
82 return {
83 // 流程图
84 imgSrc: '',
85 // 折叠
86 isShowdrawer: true,
87 // 默认选中
88 activeIndex: '0',
89 //受理申请标识码
90 bsmSlsq: this.$route.query.bsmSlsq,
91 //当前流程所在环节
92 bestepid: this.$route.query.bestepid,
93 //顶部左侧按钮集合
94 leftButtonList: [],
95 //顶部右侧按钮集合
96 rightButtonList: [],
97 //左侧菜单数据集合
98 unitData: [],
99 //设置那个表单选中
100 tabName: "",
101 //表单集合
102 tabList: [],
103 //选择加载哪一个组件
104 componentTag: "",
105 //设置表单组件是否刷选值
106 fresh: 10,
107 //设置表单传递数据
108 currentSelectProps: {},
109 //是否开启材料分屏
110 splitScreen: false,
111 //材料分屏表单
112 clxxForm: "",
113 //材料信息选择卡索引
114 clxxIndex: "",
115 //材料信息选项卡对象
116 clxxTab: {},
117 }
118 },
119 mounted () {
120 this.loadBdcdylist();
121 this.flowInitParam();
122 },
123 methods: {
124 //加载流程初始参数
125 flowInitParam () {
126 var formdata = new FormData();
127 formdata.append("bsmSlsq", this.bsmSlsq);
128 formdata.append("bestepid", this.bestepid);
129 formdata.append("type", "READ_ONLY");
130 stepExpandInfo(formdata).then((res) => {
131 if (res.code === 200) {
132 this.leftButtonList = res.result.button;
133 this.rightButtonList = res.result.operation;
134 // this.tabList = res.result.form;
135 // //默认选择第一个选项卡内容
136 // this.tabName = res.result.form[0].value;
137 // let that = this;
138 // this.tabList.forEach(function (item, index) {
139 // if (item.value == "clxx") {
140 // that.clxxIndex = index;
141 // that.clxxForm = getForm(item.value);
142 // that.clxxTab = item;
143 // }
144 // });
145 // //默认加载第一个选项卡的组件内容
146 // this.getFromRouter(res.result.form[0].value);
147 }
148 })
149 },
150 //流程环节操作按钮
151 operation (index, item) {
152 //按钮 B1:流程图 B2:材料分屏 B3:材料导入 B4:登记簿 B5:证书预览 B6:打印申请书
153 //操作按钮 登簿:record 转件:transfer 退回:back 退出:signout
154 let that = this;
155 switch (item.value) {
156 case "B1":
157 getWorkFlowImage(this.bsmSlsq).then(res => {
158 this.imgSrc = URL.createObjectURL(res)
159 this.$popup({
160 title: '流程图',
161 editItem: 'workflow/components/flowChart',
162 formData: this.imgSrc
163 })
164 })
165 break;
166 case "B5":
167 this.zsylFlag = true;
168 break;
169 case "B2": //材料分屏按钮
170 this.splitScreen = this.splitScreen ? false : true;
171 this.$store.dispatch('app/settScreen', this.splitScreen)
172 if (this.splitScreen) {
173 //如果当前选项卡为材料信息内容,递减到上一个选项卡内容
174 if (this.tabName == this.clxxTab.value) {
175 this.tabName = this.tabList[this.clxxIndex - 1].value;
176 this.getFromRouter(this.tabList[this.clxxIndex - 1].value);
177 }
178 this.tabList.splice(this.clxxIndex, 1);
179 } else {
180 this.tabList.splice(this.clxxIndex, 1, this.clxxTab);
181 }
182 break;
183 case "signout":
184 window.close();
185 break;
186 }
187 },
188 //读取申请单元信息
189 loadBdcdylist () {
190 var formdata = new FormData();
191 formdata.append("bsmSlsq", this.bsmSlsq);
192 formdata.append("bestepid", this.bestepid);
193 leftMenu(formdata).then((res) => {
194 if (res.code === 200) {
195 this.unitData = res.result;
196 this.currentSelectProps = res.result[0];
197 this.unitClick(0);
198 }
199 })
200 },
201 //申请单元点击事件
202 unitClick (index) {
203 this.currentSelectProps = this.unitData[index];
204 this.currentSelectProps.type = 'ONLY_READ';
205 getStepFormInfo(this.currentSelectProps).then((res) => {
206 if (res.code === 200) {
207 this.fresh += 1;
208 //获取单元对应的所有表单信息
209 this.tabList = res.result;
210 //默认加载第一个表单信息
211 this.tabName = res.result[0].value;
212 //处理分屏材料信息
213 // let that = this;
214 // this.tabList.forEach(function (item, index) {
215 // if (item.value == "clxx") {
216 // that.clxxIndex = index;
217 // that.clxxForm = getForm(item.value, that.$route.query.sqywbm);
218 // that.clxxTab = item;
219 // }
220 // });
221 }
222 });
223 // if (this.currentSelectProps.bsmSldy != this.unitData[index].bsmSldy) {
224 // this.currentSelectProps = this.unitData[index];
225 // this.fresh += 1;
226 // }
227 },
228 //表单选项卡事件
229 tabClick (tab, event) {
230 this.getFromRouter(tab.name);
231 },
232 //切换选项卡内容组件
233 getFromRouter (tabname) {
234 this.componentTag = getForm(tabname);
235 },
236 }
237 }
238 </script>
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