b7c5bcbe by 任超


1 parent a1f1df56
...@@ -26,11 +26,6 @@ export const constantRoutes = [ ...@@ -26,11 +26,6 @@ export const constantRoutes = [
26 hidden: true 26 hidden: true
27 }, 27 },
28 { 28 {
29 path: '/401',
30 component: () => import('@/views/error-page/401'),
31 hidden: true
32 },
33 {
34 path: '/', 29 path: '/',
35 component: Layout, 30 component: Layout,
36 redirect: '/home', 31 redirect: '/home',
...@@ -44,7 +39,6 @@ export const constantRoutes = [ ...@@ -44,7 +39,6 @@ export const constantRoutes = [
44 } 39 }
45 ] 40 ]
46 }, 41 },
47 // 404 page must be placed at the end !!!
48 { path: '*', redirect: '/404', hidden: true } 42 { path: '*', redirect: '/404', hidden: true }
49 ] 43 ]
50 44
...@@ -70,6 +64,182 @@ export const asyncRoutes = [ ...@@ -70,6 +64,182 @@ export const asyncRoutes = [
70 component: () => import('@/views/businessHandling/apply.vue'), 64 component: () => import('@/views/businessHandling/apply.vue'),
71 name: 'apply', 65 name: 'apply',
72 meta: { title: '业务申请' } 66 meta: { title: '业务申请' }
67 },
68 {
69 path: 'todoBox',
70 id: '5',
71 parentId: '3',
72 component: () => import('@/views/businessHandling/todoBox.vue'),
73 name: 'todoBox',
74 meta: { title: '待办箱' }
75 },
76 {
77 path: 'boxHandled',
78 id: '6',
79 parentId: '3',
80 component: () => import('@/views/businessHandling/boxHandled.vue'),
81 name: 'boxHandled',
82 meta: { title: '已办箱' }
83 }
84 ]
85 },
86 {
87 path: '/applicationQuery',
88 id: '9',
89 parentId: null,
90 component: Layout,
91 meta: { title: '申请查询', icon: 'fykf' },
92 redirect: '/applicationQuery/domesticPremises',
93 alwaysShow: true,
94 name: 'applicationQuery',
95 children: [
96 {
97 path: 'domesticPremises',
98 id: '10',
99 parentId: '9',
100 component: () => import('@/views/applicationQuery/domesticPremises.vue'),
101 name: 'domesticPremises',
102 meta: { title: '家庭房产' }
103 },
104 {
105 path: 'printRegister',
106 id: '12',
107 parentId: '9',
108 component: () => import('@/views/applicationQuery/printRegister.vue'),
109 name: 'printRegister',
110 meta: { title: '打印登记薄' }
111 },
112 {
113 path: 'queryRecord',
114 id: '11',
115 parentId: '9',
116 component: () => import('@/views/applicationQuery/queryRecord.vue'),
117 name: 'queryRecord',
118 meta: { title: '查询记录' }
119 }
120 ]
121 },
122 {
123 path: '/comprehensiveQuery',
124 id: '13',
125 parentId: null,
126 component: Layout,
127 meta: { title: '综合查询', icon: 'fykf' },
128 redirect: '/comprehensiveQuery/progressQuery',
129 alwaysShow: true,
130 name: 'comprehensiveQuery',
131 children: [
132 {
133 path: 'progressQuery',
134 id: '14',
135 parentId: '13',
136 component: () => import('@/views/comprehensiveQuery/progressQuery.vue'),
137 name: 'progressQuery',
138 meta: { title: '进度查询' }
139 },
140 {
141 path: 'registerQuery',
142 id: '15',
143 parentId: '13',
144 component: () => import('@/views/comprehensiveQuery/registerQuery.vue'),
145 name: 'registerQuery',
146 meta: { title: '登记簿查询' }
147 },
148 {
149 path: 'realestateInquiry',
150 id: '16',
151 parentId: '13',
152 component: () => import('@/views/comprehensiveQuery/realestateInquiry.vue'),
153 name: 'realestateInquiry',
154 meta: { title: '楼盘查询' }
155 }
156 ]
157 },
158 {
159 path: '/certificate',
160 id: '17',
161 parentId: null,
162 component: Layout,
163 meta: { title: '证书管理', icon: 'fykf' },
164 redirect: '/certificate/warehousing',
165 alwaysShow: true,
166 name: 'certificate',
167 children: [
168 {
169 path: 'warehousing',
170 id: '18',
171 parentId: '17',
172 component: () => import('@/views/certificate/warehousing.vue'),
173 name: 'warehousing',
174 meta: { title: '证书入库' }
175 },
176 {
177 path: 'distribution',
178 id: '19',
179 parentId: '17',
180 component: () => import('@/views/certificate/distribution.vue'),
181 name: 'distribution',
182 meta: { title: '证书分发' }
183 },
184 {
185 path: 'usageRecord',
186 id: '20',
187 parentId: '17',
188 component: () => import('@/views/certificate/usageRecord.vue'),
189 name: 'usageRecord',
190 meta: { title: '证书使用记录' }
191 }
192 ]
193 },
194 {
195 path: '/system',
196 id: '21',
197 parentId: null,
198 component: Layout,
199 meta: { title: '系统管理', icon: 'fykf' },
200 redirect: '/system/dictionaries',
201 alwaysShow: true,
202 name: 'system',
203 children: [
204 {
205 path: 'dictionaries',
206 id: '22',
207 parentId: '21',
208 component: () => import('@/views/system/dictionaries.vue'),
209 name: 'dictionaries',
210 meta: { title: '字典管理' }
211 },
212 {
213 path: 'menu',
214 id: '24',
215 parentId: '21',
216 component: () => import('@/views/system/menu.vue'),
217 name: 'menu',
218 meta: { title: '菜单管理' }
219 },
220 {
221 path: 'userOpinion',
222 id: '23',
223 parentId: '21',
224 component: () => import('@/views/system/userOpinion.vue'),
225 name: 'userOpinion',
226 meta: { title: '用户意见管理' }
227 },
228 {
229 path: 'businessRule',
230 id: '23',
231 parentId: '21',
232 component: () => import('@/views/system/businessRule.vue'),
233 name: 'businessRule',
234 meta: { title: '业务规则配置' }
235 },
236 {
237 path: 'registrationMaterial',
238 id: '23',
239 parentId: '21',
240 component: () => import('@/views/system/registrationMaterial.vue'),
241 name: 'registrationMaterial',
242 meta: { title: '登记材料配置' }
73 } 243 }
74 ] 244 ]
75 } 245 }
1 <template>
2 <div>
3 22222222222222
4 </div>
5 </template>
6 <script>
7 export default {
8 components: {},
9 props: {},
10 name: '该组件名称',
11 data () {
12 return {
14 };
15 }
16 }
17 </script>
18 <style scoped lang='scss'>
19 </style>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <div class="errPage-container">
3 <el-button icon="el-icon-arrow-left" class="pan-back-btn" @click="back">
4 返回
5 </el-button>
6 <el-row>
7 <el-col :span="12">
8 <h1 class="text-jumbo text-ginormous">
9 Oops!
10 </h1>
11 gif来源<a href="https://zh.airbnb.com/" target="_blank">airbnb</a> 页面
12 <h2>你没有权限去该页面</h2>
13 <h6>如有不满请联系你领导</h6>
14 <ul class="list-unstyled">
15 <li>或者你可以去:</li>
16 <li class="link-type">
17 <router-link to="/home">
18 回首页
19 </router-link>
20 </li>
21 <li class="link-type">
22 <a href="https://www.taobao.com/">随便看看</a>
23 </li>
24 <li><a href="#" @click.prevent="dialogVisible=true">点我看图</a></li>
25 </ul>
26 </el-col>
27 <el-col :span="12">
28 <img :src="errGif" width="313" height="428" alt="Girl has dropped her ice cream.">
29 </el-col>
30 </el-row>
31 <el-dialog :visible.sync="dialogVisible" title="随便看">
32 <img :src="ewizardClap" class="pan-img">
33 </el-dialog>
34 </div>
35 </template>
37 <script>
38 import errGif from '@/assets/401_images/401.gif'
40 export default {
41 name: 'Page401',
42 data() {
43 return {
44 errGif: errGif + '?' + +new Date(),
45 ewizardClap: 'https://wpimg.wallstcn.com/007ef517-bafd-4066-aae4-6883632d9646',
46 dialogVisible: false
47 }
48 },
49 methods: {
50 back() {
51 if (this.$route.query.noGoBack) {
52 this.$router.push({ path: '/dashboard' })
53 } else {
54 this.$router.go(-1)
55 }
56 }
57 }
58 }
59 </script>
61 <style lang="scss" scoped>
62 .errPage-container {
63 width: 800px;
64 max-width: 100%;
65 margin: 100px auto;
66 .pan-back-btn {
67 background: #008489;
68 color: #fff;
69 border: none!important;
70 }
71 .pan-gif {
72 margin: 0 auto;
73 display: block;
74 }
75 .pan-img {
76 display: block;
77 margin: 0 auto;
78 width: 100%;
79 }
80 .text-jumbo {
81 font-size: 60px;
82 font-weight: 700;
83 color: #484848;
84 }
85 .list-unstyled {
86 font-size: 14px;
87 li {
88 padding-bottom: 5px;
89 }
90 a {
91 color: #008489;
92 text-decoration: none;
93 &:hover {
94 text-decoration: underline;
95 }
96 }
97 }
98 }
99 </style>
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