<template> <div class="edit"> <!-- <div class="tab-header"> <el-row class="searchContent"> <el-col :span="24" style="margin:0 0 10px 18px;"> <el-radio-group v-model="scyclx" @change="scyclxChange"> <el-radio-button label="0">预测</el-radio-button> <el-radio-button label="1">实测</el-radio-button> </el-radio-group> <el-input maxlength="28" v-model="bdcdyh" :style="{ width: inputWidth + 'px' }" class="searchInput" placeholder="输入不动产单元号或室号"><i slot="suffix" class="el-input__icon el-icon-search" @click="inputChange"></i> </el-input> </el-col> </el-row> <el-row class="searchContent"> <el-col :span="24"> <div class="fl"> <el-button class="radioBtn" label="1" border @click="create"><i class="iconfont iconchuangjianloupan"></i>创建楼盘</el-button> <el-button class="radioBtn" v-show='this.scyclx == "0"' label="2" border @click="plScYcChange"><i class="iconfont iconshiyucezhuanhuan"></i>预测转实测</el-button> <el-button class="radioBtn" v-show='this.scyclx == "1"' label="2" border @click="plScYcChange"><i class="iconfont iconshiyucezhuanhuan"></i>实测转预测</el-button> <el-button class="radioBtn" label="3" border @click="openPl('h')"><i class="iconfont iconpilianghu"></i> 批量户 </el-button> <el-button class="radioBtn" label="4" border @click="openPlC"><i class="iconfont iconpiliangceng"></i>批量层 </el-button> <el-button class="radioBtn" label="5" border @click="openPl('sh')"><i class="iconfont iconpiliangshihao"></i>批量室号</el-button> <el-button class="radioBtn" label="6" border @click="openPl('zl')"><i class="iconfont iconpiliangzuola"></i>批量坐落</el-button> <el-button class="radioBtn" label="7" border @click="addBdcdyh"><i class="iconfont iconpiliangdanyuanhao"></i>批量单元号</el-button> <el-button class="radioBtn" label="7" border @click="batchCommit"><i class="iconfont iconhuzhongxinlazong"></i>批量提交</el-button> <el-button class="radioBtn" label="7" border @click="batchDelete"><i class="iconfont iconshanchu"></i>批量删除 </el-button> <el-button class="radioBtn" label="7" border @click="batchUpload"><i class="iconfont iconshangchuan"></i>批量上传</el-button> <el-button class="radioBtn" label="7" border @click="batchCancelChoosed"><i class="iconfont iconquxiaoxuanze"></i>取消选中</el-button> </div> </el-col> </el-row> <div class="change"> <i class="iconfont iconloupanbiaoxinxi" v-show="bjztFlag" @click="bjztChange" title="详细信息"></i> <i class="iconfont iconloupanbiaobianji" v-show="!bjztFlag" @click="bjztChange" title="编辑楼盘"></i> </div> </div> --> <div class="tab-content" ref="tabContent" :style="{ height: lpbContentHight + 'px' }" v-show="bjztFlag"> <!-- 左侧树结构 --> <!-- <div class="lp-tree" :class="createFlag ? 'w260' : 'w0'"> <LineTree :pd="pd" class="treeData" :islpb="islpb" @loading="loading"></LineTree> <p @click="createFlag = false" style="width:20px;float:left;margin-top: 12px;margin-left:10px;cursor:pointer;"> X </p> </div> --> <!-- 楼盘表主体 --> <div class="lp-overview" :style="{ width: lpbContentwidth + 'px' }"> <lpbContent ref="lpbContent" :zrzbsm="formData.bsm" :key="time"></lpbContent> </div> <!-- 右侧图例 --> <div class="lp-legend"> <div class="handleCol"> <div class="btn" @click="legendToggle"> <i v-show="!legendToggleFlag" class="el-icon-d-arrow-left"></i> <i v-show="legendToggleFlag" class="el-icon-d-arrow-right"></i> </div> <div :class="selectedZt == 'dyzt' ? 'dyzt selectedZt' : 'dyzt'" @click="selectedZt = 'dyzt'"> <span>单元状态</span> </div> <div :class="selectedZt == 'fwxz' ? 'fwxz selectedZt' : 'fwxz'" @click="selectedZt = 'fwxz'"> <span>房屋性质</span> </div> <div :class="selectedZt == 'fwyt' ? 'fwyt selectedZt' : 'fwyt'" @click="selectedZt = 'fwyt'"> <span>房屋用途</span> </div> <div :class="selectedZt == 'qsx' ? 'qsx selectedZt' : 'qsx'" @click="selectedZt = 'qsx'"> <span>缺失项</span> </div> </div> <div class="legendTable-wrap" :style="{ width: legendToggleFlag ? '204px' : '0' }"> <table class="legendTable" v-show="selectedZt == 'dyzt'" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1"> <tr> <th>状态</th> <th>套数</th> <th>面积</th> </tr> <tr v-for="(item, index) in dyztList" :key="index" class="cp" @click="handleChoosedH(item.bsms, item.color)"> <td> <i class="fa fa-circle" :style="{ color: item.color }"></i>{{ item.name }} </td> <td>{{ item.ts }}</td> <td>{{ item.mj }}</td> </tr> </table> <table class="legendTable" v-show="selectedZt == 'fwxz'" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1"> <tr> <th>性质</th> <th>套数</th> <th>面积</th> </tr> <tr v-for="(item, index) in fwxzList" :key="index" class="cp" @click="handleChoosedH(item.bsms, item.color)"> <td> <i class="fa fa-circle" :style="{ color: item.color }"></i>{{ item.name }} </td> <td>{{ item.ts }}</td> <td>{{ item.mj }}</td> </tr> <tr v-show="fwxzList.length < 1"> <td colspan="3" class="tac">暂无数据</td> </tr> </table> <table class="legendTable" v-show="selectedZt == 'fwyt'" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1"> <tr> <th>用途</th> <th>套数</th> <th>面积</th> </tr> <tr v-for="(item, index) in fwytList" :key="index" class="cp" @click="handleChoosedH(item.bsms, item.color)"> <td> <i class="fa fa-circle" :style="{ color: item.color }"></i>{{ item.name }} </td> <td>{{ item.ts }}</td> <td>{{ item.mj }}</td> </tr> <tr v-show="fwytList.length < 1"> <td colspan="3" class="tac">暂无数据</td> </tr> </table> <table class="legendTable" v-show="selectedZt == 'qsx'" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1"> <tr> <th>数据缺失项</th> <th>套数</th> <th>面积</th> </tr> <tr v-for="(item, index) in qsxList" :key="index" class="cp" @click="handleChoosedH(item.bsms, item.color)"> <td> <i class="fa fa-circle" :style="{ color: item.color }"></i>{{ item.name }} </td> <td>{{ item.ts }}</td> <td>0</td> </tr> <tr v-show="qsxList.length < 1"> <td colspan="3" class="tac">暂无数据</td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div> <!-- 详细信息 --> <!-- <xxxx v-show="!bjztFlag"></xxxx> --> <!-- 右键菜单弹出框 根据菜单类型(menuType)和右键点击的楼盘类型(treeData.type)来区分弹框内容 --> <!-- <el-dialog :close-on-click-modal="false" :title="taskTitle" :visible.sync="dialogVisible" width="50%"> <div class="addCh" v-if="menuType == 'ljz'"> <addLjz ref="ljz" :ljzbsm="curBsm"></addLjz> </div> <div class="addCh" v-if="menuType == 'zdy'"> <addZdy ref="zdy" :zdybsm="curBsm"></addZdy> </div> <div class="addCh" v-if="menuType == 'c'"> <editCinfo ref="c" :cbsm="curBsm"></editCinfo> </div> <div class="addCh" v-if="menuType == 'ch'"> <addCh ref="ch" :scyclx="scyclx" :dialogVisible="dialogVisible" :treeData="treeData"></addCh> </div> <div class="btnGroup"> <el-button type="primary" @click="saveInfo">保存</el-button> <el-button type="primary" @click="resetInfo" icon="el-icon-refresh">重置</el-button> <el-button type="primary" @click="dialogVisible = false">取消</el-button> </div> </el-dialog> 批量操作弹出框 <pl-h :plh-visible="plhVisible" :bsms="bsms" @close="plhClose" @lodding="lodding"></pl-h> <pl-zl :pl-zl-visible="plzlVisible" :bsms="bsms" @close="plZlClose" @lodding="lodding"></pl-zl> <pl-c :plc-visible="plcVisible" :bsms="cbsmList" @close="plcClose" @lodding="lodding"></pl-c> <pl-sh :plShVisible="plShVisible" :bsms="bsms" @close="plshClose" @lodding="lodding"></pl-sh> <el-dialog :close-on-click-modal="false" title="批量上传" :visible.sync="uploadVisible" width="30%"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="main-button"> <el-upload class="upload-demo" action="/api/file/uploadListByGlbsm" :data="fileData" :on-preview="handlePreview" :on-remove="handleRemove" :before-remove="beforeRemove" :before-upload="uploadProgress" :on-success="uploadSuccess" :on-error="uploadError" :show-file-list="false" multiple :limit="1" :on-exceed="handleExceed"> <el-button type="primary" icon="iconfont iconshangchuan">上传附件</el-button> </el-upload> </div> <el-button type="primary" class="download" @click="uploadVisible = false">取消</el-button> </div> <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer"> </span> </el-dialog> --> </div> </template> <script> import { Message } from "element-ui" import PlC from "@/components/plc/plC"; import PlSh from "@/components/plsh/plSh"; import PlH from "@/components/plh/plH"; import PlZl from "@/components/plzl/plZl"; // import LineTree from "@/components/lineTree/lineTree"; import addLjz from "./ljz/index"; import addZdy from "./zdy/index"; import addCh from "./ch/index"; import editCinfo from "./c/index"; import lpbContent from "./lpbContent/index"; // import { getLpbMenuTree, batchScYcChange, getLpbTj, batchGeneratorBdcdyh, getLpbFwytAndQlxz, batchCommit, batchDelete, getLpbQsxtj } from "@api/lpb"; // import xxxx from '../xxxx/index' export default { name: "bjlp", props: { formData: { type: Object, default: {} } }, components: { // LineTree, addLjz, addZdy, addCh, lpbContent, PlC, PlSh, PlH, PlZl, // xxxx, editCinfo }, data () { return { bsms: [], dialogVisible: false, plcVisible: false, plhVisible: false, plShVisible: false, plzlVisible: false, scyclx: "0", //1是实测 0是预测 radio1: "", radio2: "", createFlag: false, bdcdyh: "", islpb: true, pd: [], //创建楼盘的树结构数据 menuType: "", treeData: {}, inputWidth: 200, selectedZt: "dyzt", //图例选中项,默认选中单元状态 dyztList: [ { name: "未确权", color: "#83AAFE", ts: "12", mj: "1633", }, { name: "已确权", color: "#6EDEE1", ts: "22", mj: "3109", }, { name: "已备案", color: "#8ADC88", ts: "3", mj: "409", }, { name: "预抵押", color: "#F2AD67", ts: "11", mj: "1466", }, { name: "在建抵押", color: "#F191C8", ts: "13", mj: "1792", }, { name: "抵押", color: "#FF8282", ts: "14", mj: "13", }, { name: "查封", color: "#D7CECF", ts: "9", mj: "1436", }, { name: "异议", color: "#D4A3EB", ts: "34", mj: "4342", }, { name: "限制", color: "#A5A3FB", ts: "2", mj: "285", }, ], fwxzList: [], fwytList: [], qsxList: [], legendToggleFlag: false, lpbContentHight: "", lpbContentwidth: "", time: "", dyztBsmList: {}, //单元状态bsmList cbsmList: [], // 层bsmlist bjztFlag: true, taskTitle: '添加', curBsm: '', qsztList: [], uploadVisible: false, //批量上传弹框 fileData: { glbsmList: [], dylx: 'h' } }; }, created () { window.addEventListener("resize", this.getHeight); this.getHeight(); }, mounted () { //获取楼盘表树结构 // this.getLpbMenuTree(formData.zrzbsm); //获取各项单元状态的户bsm // this.getDyztBsmList(); //获取房屋用途统计数据 // this.getLpbFwytAndQlxz(); // 楼盘表绘制区域宽度计算:楼盘表区域宽度-图例宽度34-滚动条宽度6 setTimeout(() => { this.lpbContentwidth = ((document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth) - 340) - 34 - 6; }, 100); }, methods: { //批量提交 batchCommit () { if (this.bsms.length <= 0) { Message.warning("请选择操作户") return } else { if (this.qsztList.indexOf('1') > -1) { Message.warning("已提交的户无法继续操作") } else { batchCommit(this.bsms).then(res => { if (res.code === 200) { Message.success("提交成功"); this.getlpbData(); } else { this.$message.error(res.message); } }) } } }, //批量删除 batchDelete () { if (this.bsms.length <= 0) { Message.warning("请选择操作户") return } else { if (this.qsztList.indexOf('1') > -1) { Message.warning("已提交的户无法继续操作") } else { batchDelete(this.bsms).then(res => { if (res.code === 200) { Message.success("删除成功"); this.getlpbData(); } else { this.$message.error(res.message); } }) } } }, //批量上传 start batchUpload () { if (this.bsms.length < 1) { Message.warning("请选择操作户") return } else { this.uploadVisible = true } }, //取消选中 batchCancelChoosed () { this.cbsmList = []; this.bsms = []; this.qsztList = []; this.$refs.lpbContent.hbsmList = []; this.$refs.lpbContent.cbsmList = []; this.$refs.lpbContent.choosedList = []; this.$refs.lpbContent.$refs.hBsm.forEach((item) => { item.style.border = ''; item.className = ""; }); this.$refs.lpbContent.$refs.cBsm.forEach((item) => { item.style.border = ''; item.className = ""; }); }, uploadError (err, file, fileList) { Message.error("上传文件失败") console.log("上传文件失败", err) }, uploadProgress () { vm.loadingShow('正在上传中') }, uploadSuccess (res, file, fileList) { vm.loadingHide(); Message.success("上传成功") this.uploadVisible = false; }, handleRemove (file, fileList) { console.log(file, fileList); }, handlePreview (file) { console.log(file); }, handleExceed (files, fileList) { // this.$message.warning(`当前限制选择 3 个文件,本次选择了 ${files.length} 个文件,共选择了 ${files.length + fileList.length} 个文件`); this.$message.warning("上传失败") }, beforeRemove (file, fileList) { return this.$confirm(`确定移除 ${file.name}?`); }, //批量上传 end loading () { this.getLpbMenuTree(this.$store.state.zrzbsm); }, openPlC () { if (this.cbsmList.length <= 0) { Message.warning("请选择层") return } this.plcVisible = true }, openPl (val) { if (this.bsms.length <= 0) { Message.warning("请选择操作户") return } else { if (this.qsztList.indexOf('1') > -1) { Message.warning("已提交的户无法继续操作") } else { switch (val) { case 'h': this.plhVisible = true; break; case 'zl': this.plzlVisible = true; break; case 'sh': this.plShVisible = true; break; default: break; } } } }, lodding () { this.getlpbData(); }, plZlClose () { this.plzlVisible = false; }, plcClose () { this.plcVisible = false; }, plhClose () { this.plhVisible = false; }, plshClose () { this.plShVisible = false; }, //改变编辑或详细信息状态 bjztChange () { this.bjztFlag = !this.bjztFlag; }, //改变实预测数据类型 scyclxChange (val) { //清空已选中层户 this.cbsmList = []; this.bsms = []; this.qsztList = []; this.$refs.lpbContent.hbsmList = []; this.$nextTick(() => { //户 if (this.$refs.lpbContent.$refs.hBsm) { this.$refs.lpbContent.$refs.hBsm.forEach(item => { item.style.borderColor = 'rgb(230, 230, 230)'; if (item.className == "tdSelect") { item.className = ""; } }); } //层 if (this.$refs.lpbContent.$refs.cBsm) { this.$refs.lpbContent.$refs.cBsm.forEach(item => { console.log(item.className, 'item.className'); item.className = "floor"; }); } }) //获取图例数据 this.getDyztBsmList(); this.getLpbFwytAndQlxz(); //重新渲染楼盘表 this.$refs.lpbContent.dataChange(); }, //获取高度计算lpb内容区高度 getHeight () { this.lpbContentHight = window.innerHeight - 190; }, //创建楼盘 create () { this.createFlag = true; }, //获取自然幢树结构数据 getLpbMenuTree (zrzbsm) { getLpbMenuTree(zrzbsm) .then((res) => { this.pd = res.result; }) .catch((error) => { }); }, //打开新建楼盘树结构右键菜单唤起的弹框 openLpbDialog (data, type) { this.treeData = data; this.menuType = type; this.$nextTick(() => { this.resetInfo(); }); this.dialogVisible = true; this.taskTitle = '添加'; this.curBsm = ''; }, //弹框中的保存按钮,根据不同菜单点击类型调用不同子组件的保存方法 saveInfo () { switch (this.menuType) { case "ljz": this.$refs.ljz.onSave(this.$refs.ljz.form, this.treeData.bsm); break; case "zdy": this.$refs.zdy.submitForm("form", this.pd[0].bsm, this.treeData.bsm); break; case "ch": this.$refs.ch.onSave(this.pd[0].bsm); break; case "c": this.$refs.c.onSave(this.pd[0].bsm); break; default: break; } }, //弹框中的重置按钮 resetInfo () { switch (this.menuType) { case "ljz": this.$refs.ljz.reset(); break; case "zdy": this.$refs.zdy.reset(); break; case "ch": this.$refs.ch.reset(); break; case "c": this.$refs.c.reset(); break; default: break; } }, //关闭弹框 closeDaialog () { this.dialogVisible = false; }, //图例的展开收起 legendToggle () { this.legendToggleFlag = !this.legendToggleFlag; }, //获取选中户bsm getHbsm (data, type) { if (type) { // 双击 } else { //单击 TO DO this.bsms = data; } }, //获取选中户信息 getQsztList (data, type) { if (type) { // 双击 } else { //单击 TO DO this.qsztList = data; } }, //获取选中层bsmlist getCbsm (data) { this.cbsmList = data; }, inputChange () { console.log(this.bdcdyh, 'this.bdcdyh'); if (this.bdcdyh != "") { // console.log("查询" + this.bdcdyh); this.$refs.lpbContent.lpbDataMap(this.bdcdyh); } else { this.$message({ message: "请输入内容后查询", type: "warning", }); } }, //调用楼盘表信息查询和图例统计接口 getlpbData () { this.$refs.lpbContent.loadingData(this.$store.state.zrzbsm, this.scyclx); this.getDyztBsmList(); this.getLpbFwytAndQlxz(); //改变楼盘表子组件的key值,重新渲染 // this.time = new Date().getTime(); }, //实预测装换 plScYcChange () { let data = { zrzbsm: this.$store.state.zrzbsm, scyclx: this.scyclx, }; batchScYcChange(data).then((res) => { if (res.code === 200) { this.$message.success("实预测转换成功"); this.$refs.lpbContent.loadingData(this.$store.state.zrzbsm, '1'); this.$refs.lpbContent.loadingData(this.$store.state.zrzbsm, '0'); } else if (res.code === 500) { this.$message.warning(res.message); } }); }, //切换房屋状态 handleChoosedH (bsms, color) { //每次切换房屋状态,将之前高亮的户边框颜色重置为默认 this.$refs.lpbContent.choosedList = []; this.$refs.lpbContent.$refs.hBsm.forEach((item) => { item.style.border = ''; item.className = ''; }); this.bsms = bsms; //清除选中户 this.$nextTick(() => { //给hBsmList传值 // console.log(bsms,'bsms'); this.$refs.lpbContent.choosedList = bsms; this.$refs.lpbContent.borderColor = color; }) }, //批量添加不动产单元号 addBdcdyh () { if (this.qsztList.indexOf('1') > -1) { Message.warning("已提交的户无法继续操作") } else { batchGeneratorBdcdyh(this.$store.state.zrzh, this.pd[0].bsm, 0).then( (res) => { if (res.code === 200) { this.$message.success("生成完成!"); } else if (res.code === 206) { let hasGenerateCount = res.result.hasGenerateCount; let unGenerateCount = res.result.unGenerateCount; if (+unGenerateCount === 0) { this.$message.warning("不存在未生成不动产单元号的户,无需生成不动产单元号!") return } this.open(hasGenerateCount, unGenerateCount); } else { this.$message.warning(res.message) } } ); } }, open (hasGenerateCount, unGenerateCount) { this.$confirm('未生成单元号有' + unGenerateCount + '户,已经生成单元号有' + hasGenerateCount + '户,是否覆盖全部重新生成?', '确认信息', { distinguishCancelAndClose: true, confirmButtonText: '覆盖全部生成', cancelButtonText: '跳过已生成单元号户' }) .then(() => { batchGeneratorBdcdyh(this.$store.state.zrzh, this.pd[0].bsm, 2).then( (res) => { if (res.code === 200) { this.$message.success("生成完成!"); } }); }) .catch(action => { if (action === 'cancel') { batchGeneratorBdcdyh(this.$store.state.zrzh, this.pd[0].bsm, 1).then( (res) => { if (res.code === 200) { this.$message.success("生成完成!"); } }); } }); }, //获取各项单元状态统计数据 getDyztBsmList () { let data = { zrzbsm: this.$store.state.zrzbsm, scyclx: this.scyclx, }; getLpbTj(data).then((res) => { if (res.code === 200) { this.dyztList = res.result; this.dyztList.splice(1, 0, this.dyztList[8]); this.dyztList.pop(); this.dyztList.forEach(item => { item.ts = item.bsms.length; switch (item.name) { case 'Qqzt': item.color = "#6EDEE1"; item.name = "已确权" break; case 'Wqqzt': item.color = "#83AAFE"; item.name = "未确权" break; case 'Bazt': item.color = "#8ADC88"; item.name = "已备案" break; case 'Ydyzt': item.color = "#F2AD67"; item.name = "预抵押" break; case 'Zjgcdyzt': item.color = "#F191C8"; item.name = "在建抵押" break; case 'Dyzt': item.color = "#FF8282"; item.name = "抵押" break; case 'Cfzt': item.color = "#D7CECF"; item.name = "查封" break; case 'Yyzt': item.color = "#D4A3EB"; item.name = "异议" break; case 'Xzzt': item.color = "#A5A3FB"; item.name = "限制" break; default: break; } }) } }); }, // 获取房屋用途和房屋性质及缺失项统计数据 getLpbFwytAndQlxz () { let data = { zrzbsm: this.$store.state.zrzbsm, scyclx: this.scyclx, }; getLpbFwytAndQlxz(data).then((res) => { if (res.code === 200) { // this.fwytList = res.result this.fwytList = res.result.fwyt; this.fwxzList = res.result.qlxz; if (this.fwytList.length > 0) { this.fwytList.forEach(item => { item.color = "#2591FD"; item.ts = item.bsms.length }) } if (this.fwxzList.length > 0) { this.fwxzList.forEach(item => { item.color = "#2591FD"; item.ts = item.bsms.length }) } } }); getLpbQsxtj(data).then((res) => { if (res.code === 200) { this.qsxList = [ { name: '坐落', bsms: res.result.zl.bsms, color: '#2591FD', ts: res.result.zl.bsms.length }, { name: '分层分户图', bsms: res.result.fcfht.bsms, color: '#2591FD', ts: res.result.fcfht.bsms.length }, { name: '室号', bsms: res.result.shbw.bsms, color: '#2591FD', ts: res.result.shbw.bsms.length } ] } }); 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