 * @Description:
 * @Autor: renchao
 * @LastEditTime: 2023-09-22 10:09:05
  <div class="from-clues loadingtext" v-Loading="loading" element-loading-text="拼命加载中..." style="height:720px;text-align: center;">
    <!-- 表单部分 -->
    <el-tabs v-model="activeName" @tab-click="handleClick" v-if="headTabBdcqz.length >1">
      <el-tab-pane :label="item.qlr + (item.bdcqzh !== null ? '(' + item.bdcqzh + ')' : '')" :name="item.bsmBdcqz"
        v-for="(item, index) in headTabBdcqz" :key="index">
    <el-empty description="暂无数据" v-if="headTabBdcqz.length == 0 && noData"></el-empty>
    <div :style="{'width':'1180px','height': `calc(100% - ${hdiffHeight}px)`,'overflow-y': 'auto'}">
      <canvas ref="zs" width="1000" v-show="this.bdcqz.bdcqzlx==1" height="700"></canvas>
      <canvas ref="zm" width="1180" v-show="this.bdcqz.bdcqzlx==2" height="780"></canvas>

  import { datas } from "../../javascript/zsyl.js";
  import { getSlsqBdcqzList } from "@/api/bdcqz.js"
  export default {
    name: "zsyl",
    props: {
      formData: {
        type: Object,
        default: {}
    data () {
      return {
        key: 0,
        noData: false,
        imgSrc: require('@/image/bdcqz/bdcqzs2.jpg'),
        bdczmSrc: require('@/image/bdcqz/bdczm.jpg'),
        loading: false,
        ysxlh: [],
        columns: [],
        bdcqz: '',
        //证书打开类型 是否需要展示打印按钮
        isToPrint: false,
        headTabBdcqz: [],
        activeName: '',
        previewImage: '',
        ruleForm: {
          bsmBdcqz: '',
          szmc: '不动产权证书',
          bsmBdcqz: '',
          szzh: '',
          ysxlh: '',
    mounted () {
      this.columns = datas.columns();
      if (this.formData.bdcqz) {
        this.bdcqz = this.formData.bdcqz
      } else {
    methods: {
       * @description: 获取证书内容
       * @param {*} code
       * @author: renchao
      getRowValue (code) {
        var value = this.bdcqz[code];
        return value;
       * @description: 获取受理申请下全部不动产权证
       * @author: renchao
      getHeadTabBdcqz () {
        this.loading = true
        getSlsqBdcqzList({ bsmSlsq: this.formData.bsmSlsq }).then(res => {
          if (res.code == 200) {
            this.noData = true
            if (res.result && res.result.length > 0) {
              this.bdcqz = res.result[0]
              this.headTabBdcqz = res.result
              if (this.formData.bsmBdcqz) {
                this.activeName = this.formData.bsmBdcqz
              } else {
                this.activeName = res.result[0].bsmBdcqz
              if (this.bdcqz.bdcqzlx == 1) {
              } else {
          this.loading = false
       * @description: tab表头切换方法
       * @param {*} e
       * @author: renchao
      handleClick (tab, event) {
        this.bdcqz = this.headTabBdcqz[tab.index]
        if (this.bdcqz.bdcqzlx == 1) {
        } else {
       * @description: 不动产证书
       * @author: renchao
      drawTextOnImage () {
        function getByteLen (val) {
          var len = 0;
          if (!val) return len;
          for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
            var length = val.charCodeAt(i);
            if (length >= 0 && length <= 128) {
              len += 1;
            } else {
              len += 2;
          return len;
        const canvas = this.$refs.zs;
        const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
        const image = new Image();
        image.onload = () => {
          context.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
          context.font = '18px 楷体';
          context.fillStyle = '#000000';
          context.fillText(this.bdcqz.sjjc ? this.bdcqz.sjjc : '', 60, 56);
          context.fillText(this.bdcqz.djnd ? this.bdcqz.djnd : '', 113, 56);
          context.fillText(this.bdcqz.sxqc ? this.bdcqz.sxqc : '', 180, 56);
          context.fillText(this.bdcqz.sxh ? this.bdcqz.sxh : '', 370, 56);
          context.fillText(this.bdcqz.qlr ? this.bdcqz.qlr : '', 129, 97);
          context.fillText(this.bdcqz.gyqk ? this.bdcqz.gyqk : '', 129, 136);

          this.bdcdyh = this.bdcqz.bdcdyh.slice(0, 6) + ' ' + this.bdcqz.bdcdyh.slice(6, 12) + ' ' +
            this.bdcqz.bdcdyh.slice(12, 19) + ' ' + this.bdcqz.bdcdyh.slice(19, this.bdcqz.bdcdyh.length)
          context.fillText(this.bdcdyh ? this.bdcdyh : '', 129, 223);

          context.fillText(this.bdcqz.qllx ? this.bdcqz.qllx : '', 129, 263);
          context.fillText(this.bdcqz.qlxz ? this.bdcqz.qlxz : '', 129, 303);
          context.fillText(this.bdcqz.yt ? this.bdcqz.yt : '', 129, 346);
          // context.fillText(this.bdcqz.mj ? this.bdcqz.mj : '', 129, 386);
          let lines6 = this.bdcqz.mj ? this.bdcqz.mj.split(' ') : [];
          if (getByteLen(this.bdcqz.mj) > 41) {
            lines6.forEach((line, index) => {
              const y = 378 + (index * 27); // 每行文本的垂直位置
              let currentLine = '';
              let arr = [];
              for (let word of line) {
                const testLine = currentLine + word;
                const lineWidth = context.measureText(testLine).width;
                if (lineWidth <= 330) {
                  currentLine = testLine;
                } else {
                  currentLine = word;
              arr.forEach((line, index) => {
                context.fillText(line, 129, y + (index * 20)); // 调整行高
          } else {
            lines6.forEach((line, index) => {
              const y = 386 + (index * 27); // 每行文本的垂直位置
              let currentLine = '';
              let arr = [];
              for (let word of line) {
                const testLine = currentLine + word;
                const lineWidth = context.measureText(testLine).width;
                if (lineWidth <= 330) {
                  currentLine = testLine;
                } else {
                  currentLine = word;
              arr.forEach((line, index) => {
                context.fillText(line, 129, y + (index * 20)); // 调整行高
          // 权利其他状态
          let lines = this.bdcqz.qlqtzk ? this.bdcqz.qlqtzk.split('\n') : [];
          for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
            let num = Math.ceil(getByteLen(lines[i]) / 38)
            if (getByteLen(lines[i]) > 38) {
              let currentLine = '';
              let arr = [];
              for (let word of lines[i]) {
                const testLine = currentLine + word;
                const lineWidth = context.measureText(testLine).width;
                if (lineWidth <= 323) {
                  currentLine = testLine;
                } else {
                  currentLine = word;
              if (i > 0) {
                arr.forEach((line, index) => {
                  context.fillText(line, 129, 485 + (24 * (i - 1)) + 4 * num + (index * 14)); // 调整行高
              } else {
                arr.forEach((line, index) => {
                  context.fillText(line, 129, 495 + (26 * (i - 1)) + (index * 14)); // 调整行高
            } else {
              if (i > 0) {
                context.fillText(lines[i] ? lines[i] : '', 129, 495 + 4 * num + (24 * (i - 1)));
              } else {
                context.fillText(lines[i] ? lines[i] : '', 129, 500 + (24 * (i - 1)));

          let lines1 = this.bdcqz.fj ? this.bdcqz.fj.split('\n') : [];
          lines1.forEach((line, index) => {
            const y = 100 + (index * 30); // 每行文本的垂直位置
            let currentLine = '';
            let arr = [];
            for (let word of line) {
              const testLine = currentLine + word;
              const lineWidth = context.measureText(testLine).width;
              if (lineWidth <= 395) {
                currentLine = testLine;
              } else {
                currentLine = word;
            arr.forEach((line, index) => {
              context.fillText(line, 580, y + (index * 30)); // 调整行高
          let lines3 = this.bdcqz.syqx ? this.bdcqz.syqx.split(' ') : [];
          if (getByteLen(this.bdcqz.syqx) > 41) {
            lines3.forEach((line, index) => {
              const y = 423 + (index * 27); // 每行文本的垂直位置
              let currentLine = '';
              let arr = [];
              for (let word of line) {
                const testLine = currentLine + word;
                const lineWidth = context.measureText(testLine).width;
                if (lineWidth <= 330) {
                  currentLine = testLine;
                } else {
                  currentLine = word;
              arr.forEach((line, index) => {
                context.fillText(line, 129, y + (index * 20)); // 调整行高
          } else {
            lines3.forEach((line, index) => {
              const y = 430 + (index * 27); // 每行文本的垂直位置
              let currentLine = '';
              let arr = [];
              for (let word of line) {
                const testLine = currentLine + word;
                const lineWidth = context.measureText(testLine).width;
                if (lineWidth <= 315) {
                  currentLine = testLine;
                } else {
                  currentLine = word;
              arr.forEach((line, index) => {
                context.fillText(line, 129, y + (index * 20)); // 调整行高

          let lines2 = this.bdcqz.zl ? this.bdcqz.zl.split(' ') : [];
          if (getByteLen(this.bdcqz.zl) > 41) {
            lines2.forEach((line, index) => {
              const y = 170 + (index * 20); // 每行文本的垂直位置
              let currentLine = '';
              let arr = [];
              for (let word of line) {
                const testLine = currentLine + word;
                const lineWidth = context.measureText(testLine).width;
                if (lineWidth <= 336) {
                  currentLine = testLine;
                } else {
                  currentLine = word;
              arr.forEach((line, index) => {
                context.fillText(line, 129, y + (index * 20)); // 调整行高
          } else {
            lines2.forEach((line, index) => {
              const y = 180 + (index * 20); // 每行文本的垂直位置
              let currentLine = '';
              let arr = [];
              for (let word of line) {
                const testLine = currentLine + word;
                const lineWidth = context.measureText(testLine).width;
                if (lineWidth <= 336) {
                  currentLine = testLine;
                } else {
                  currentLine = word;
              arr.forEach((line, index) => {
                context.fillText(line, 129, y + (index * 20)); // 调整行高
        image.src = this.imgSrc
       * @description: 不动产证明
       * @author: renchao
      drawTextzmImage () {
        function getByteLen (val) {
          var len = 0;
          if (!val) return len;
          for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
            var length = val.charCodeAt(i);
            if (length >= 0 && length <= 128) {
              len += 1;
            } else {
              len += 2;
          return len;

        const canvas = this.$refs.zm;
        const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
        const image = new Image();
        image.onload = () => {
          context.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
          context.font = '18px 楷体';
          context.fillStyle = '#000000';
          // ysxlh
          context.fillText(this.bdcqz.ysxlh ? this.bdcqz.ysxlh : '', 280, 712);
          // djsj
          if (this.bdcqz.djsj) {
            let djsjList = this.bdcqz.djsj.split(' ')[0].split('/')
            context.fillText(djsjList[0] ? djsjList[0] : '', 327, 580);
            context.fillText(djsjList[1] ? djsjList[1] : '', 393, 580);
            context.fillText(djsjList[2] ? djsjList[2] : '', 443, 580);
          context.fillText(this.bdcqz.sjjc ? this.bdcqz.sjjc : '', 620, 125);
          context.fillText(this.bdcqz.djnd ? this.bdcqz.djnd : '', 665, 125);
          context.fillText(this.bdcqz.sxqc ? this.bdcqz.sxqc : '', 750, 125);
          context.fillText(this.bdcqz.sxh ? this.bdcqz.sxh : '', 960, 123);
          context.fillText(this.bdcqz.zmqlhsx ? this.bdcqz.zmqlhsx : '', 775, 180);
          context.fillText(this.bdcqz.qlr ? this.bdcqz.qlr : '', 775, 228);
          // 义务人
          context.fillText(this.bdcqz.ywr ? this.bdcqz.ywr : '', 775, 275);
          // context.fillText(this.bdcqz.zl ? this.bdcqz.zl : '', 775, 325);

          let lines2 = this.bdcqz.zl ? this.bdcqz.zl.split(' ') : [];
          if (getByteLen(this.bdcqz.zl) > 41) {
            lines2.forEach((line, index) => {
              const y = 315 + (index * 20); // 每行文本的垂直位置
              let currentLine = '';
              let arr = [];
              for (let word of line) {
                const testLine = currentLine + word;
                const lineWidth = context.measureText(testLine).width;
                if (lineWidth <= 295) {
                  currentLine = testLine;
                } else {
                  currentLine = word;
              arr.forEach((line, index) => {
                context.fillText(line, 775, y + (index * 20)); // 调整行高
          } else {
            lines2.forEach((line, index) => {
              const y = 325 + (index * 20); // 每行文本的垂直位置
              let currentLine = '';
              let arr = [];
              for (let word of line) {
                const testLine = currentLine + word;
                const lineWidth = context.measureText(testLine).width;
                if (lineWidth <= 295) {
                  currentLine = testLine;
                } else {
                  currentLine = word;
              arr.forEach((line, index) => {
                context.fillText(line, 775, y + (index * 20)); // 调整行高

          // bdcdyh
          this.bdcdyh = this.bdcqz.bdcdyh.slice(0, 6) + ' ' + this.bdcqz.bdcdyh.slice(6, 12) + ' ' +
            this.bdcqz.bdcdyh.slice(12, 19) + ' ' + this.bdcqz.bdcdyh.slice(19, this.bdcqz.bdcdyh.length)
          context.fillText(this.bdcdyh ? this.bdcdyh : '', 775, 373);
          // qlqtzk
          const maxWidth = 295; // 最大宽度限制
          let lines = this.bdcqz.qlqtzk ? this.bdcqz.qlqtzk.split('\n') : [];
          for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
            let num = Math.ceil(getByteLen(lines[i]) / 37)
            if (getByteLen(lines[i]) > 37) {
              let currentLine = '';
              let arr = [];
              for (let word of lines[i]) {
                const testLine = currentLine + word;
                const lineWidth = context.measureText(testLine).width;
                if (lineWidth <= maxWidth) {
                  currentLine = testLine;
                } else {
                  currentLine = word;
              if (i > 0) {
                arr.forEach((line, index) => {
                  context.fillText(line, 770, 428 + (25 * (i - 1)) + 5 * num + (index * 15)); // 调整行高
              } else {
                arr.forEach((line, index) => {
                  context.fillText(line, 770, 435 + (25 * (i - 1)) + (index * 14)); // 调整行高
            } else {
              if (i > 0) {
                context.fillText(lines[i] ? lines[i] : '', 770, 440 + 5 * num + (24 * (i - 1)));
              } else {
                context.fillText(lines[i] ? lines[i] : '', 770, 440 + (24 * (i - 1)));
          // fj
          let lines1 = this.bdcqz.fj ? this.bdcqz.fj.split('\n') : [];
          for (let i = 0; i < lines1.length; i++) {
            let num = Math.ceil(getByteLen(lines1[i]) / 37)
            if (getByteLen(lines1[i]) > 37) {
              let currentLine = '';
              let arr = [];
              for (let word of lines1[i]) {
                const testLine = currentLine + word;
                const lineWidth = context.measureText(testLine).width;
                if (lineWidth <= maxWidth) {
                  currentLine = testLine;
                } else {
                  currentLine = word;
              if (i > 0) {
                arr.forEach((line, index) => {
                  context.fillText(line, 770, 610 + (25 * (i - 1)) + 5 * num + (index * 15)); // 调整行高
              } else {
                arr.forEach((line, index) => {
                  context.fillText(line, 770, 610 + (25 * (i - 1)) + (index * 15)); // 调整行高
            } else {
              if (i > 0) {
                context.fillText(lines1[i] ? lines1[i] : '', 770, 610 + 5 * num + (23 * (i - 1)));
              } else {
                context.fillText(lines1[i] ? lines1[i] : '', 770, 610 + (23 * (i - 1)));

        image.src = this.bdczmSrc;
    computed: {
      hdiffHeight () {
        return this.headTabBdcqz.length > 1 ? 54 : 0
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