b7381189 by renchao@pashanhoo.com


1 parent d51a12a3
* @Description: log
* @Autor: renchao
* @LastEditTime: 2023-03-23 16:29:12
* @LastEditTime: 2023-05-12 09:27:35
<el-menu router :default-active="activeMenu" mode="horizontal">
<!-- 权限菜单 -->
<sidebar-item v-for="route in permission_routes.slice(4, 7)" :key="route.path" :item="route"
<sidebar-item v-for="route in permission_routes.slice(3, 6)" :key="route.path" :item="route"
:base-path="route.path" />
<!-- 菜单全部展示 -->
<!-- <sidebar-item v-for="route in asyncRoutes" :key="route.path" :item="route" :base-path="route.path" /> -->
......@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
* @Author: xiaomiao 1158771342@qq.com
* @Date: 2023-01-10 09:03:06
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @LastEditTime: 2023-03-23 16:29:24
* @LastEditTime: 2023-05-12 09:27:42
* @FilePath: \监管系统\js-web-jianguan\src\layout\components\Sidebar\sidebarRight.vue
* @Description: 这是默认设置,请设置`customMade`, 打开koroFileHeader查看配置 进行设置: https://github.com/OBKoro1/koro1FileHeader/wiki/%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE
<el-menu router :default-active="activeMenu" mode="horizontal">
<!-- 权限菜单 -->
<sidebar-item v-for="route in permission_routes.slice(7, 10)" :key="route.path" :item="route"
<sidebar-item v-for="route in permission_routes.slice(6, 9)" :key="route.path" :item="route"
:base-path="route.path" />
<!-- 菜单全部展示 -->
<!-- <sidebar-item v-for="route in asyncRoutes" :key="route.path" :item="route" :base-path="route.path" /> -->
* @Description:
* @Autor: renchao
* @LastEditTime: 2023-05-11 17:18:37
* @LastEditTime: 2023-05-12 10:26:11
import Vue from 'vue'
import router from "./router";
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ router.beforeEach(async (to, from, next) => {
let hasAddDict = store.state.dict.addDict;
let hasUser = store.state.user.hasUser;
let hasAddRoute = store.state.permission.addRoutes;
if (to.path == "/jg") {
if (to.path == "/login") {
} else {
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ router.beforeEach(async (to, from, next) => {
{ path: "*", redirect: "/404", hidden: true },
const routeTo = Cookies.get("routerTo");
if (routeTo && routeTo !== "/" && routeTo !== "/jg") {
if (routeTo && routeTo !== "/" && routeTo !== "/login") {
next({ ...to, replace: true });
} else {
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ router.beforeEach(async (to, from, next) => {
} else {
......@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ export const constantRoutes = [
path: "/jg",
name: "loginjg",
component: () => import("@/views/loginjg/index.vue"),
path: "/login",
name: "login",
component: () => import("@/views/login/index.vue"),
path: '/',
redirect: to => {
return { path: '/jg' }
return { path: '/login' }
// 监管首页
......@@ -50,15 +50,21 @@ export const constantRoutes = [
* the routes that need to be dynamically loaded based on user roles
export const asyncRoutes = [
// 接收报文查询
// 区县接入
path: '/jsbwcx',
component: Layout,
children: [
// {
// path: 'xxcx',
// component: () => import('@/views/gbxxcx/index'),
// name: 'xxcx',
// meta: { title: '信息查询', icon: 'xxcx' }
// },
path: 'index',
path: 'qxjr',
component: () => import('@/views/jsbwcx/index'),
name: 'jsbwcx',
name: 'qxjr',
meta: { title: '区县接入', icon: 'zsgl' }
......@@ -99,6 +105,24 @@ export const asyncRoutes = [
component: () => import('@/views/jktj/bsxljk/index'),
name: 'jktj',
meta: { title: '办事效率监控', icon: 'zhcx' }
path: 'dataReceiveQuality',
component: () => import('@/views/jktj/dataReceiveQuality/index'),
name: 'dataReceiveQuality',
meta: { title: '接入质量评价表', icon: 'dataReceiveQuality' }
path: 'nullTermRatio',
component: () => import('@/views/jktj/nullTermRatio/index'),
name: 'nullTermRatio',
meta: { title: '相关字段空置率统计', icon: 'nullTermRatio' }
path: 'registerBookQuality',
component: () => import('@/views/jktj/registerBookQuality/index'),
name: 'registerBookQuality',
meta: { title: '登簿质量评价表', icon: 'registerBookQuality' }
......@@ -249,7 +273,7 @@ export const asyncRoutes = [
meta: { title: '角色管理' }
const createRouter = () =>
<el-table :data="tableData" style="width: 100%">
<el-table-column prop="date" label="日期" width="150">
<el-table-column label="配送信息">
<el-table-column prop="name" label="姓名" width="120">
<el-table-column label="地址">
<el-table-column prop="province" label="省份" width="120">
<el-table-column prop="city" label="市区" width="120">
<el-table-column prop="address" label="地址" width="300">
<el-table-column prop="zip" label="邮编" width="120">
export default {
data () {
return {
tableData: [{
date: '2016-05-03',
name: '王小虎',
province: '上海',
city: '普陀区',
address: '上海市普陀区金沙江路 1518 弄',
zip: 200333
}, {
date: '2016-05-02',
name: '王小虎',
province: '上海',
city: '普陀区',
address: '上海市普陀区金沙江路 1518 弄',
zip: 200333
}, {
date: '2016-05-04',
name: '王小虎',
province: '上海',
city: '普陀区',
address: '上海市普陀区金沙江路 1518 弄',
zip: 200333
}, {
date: '2016-05-01',
name: '王小虎',
province: '上海',
city: '普陀区',
address: '上海市普陀区金沙江路 1518 弄',
zip: 200333
}, {
date: '2016-05-08',
name: '王小虎',
province: '上海',
city: '普陀区',
address: '上海市普陀区金沙江路 1518 弄',
zip: 200333
}, {
date: '2016-05-06',
name: '王小虎',
province: '上海',
city: '普陀区',
address: '上海市普陀区金沙江路 1518 弄',
zip: 200333
}, {
date: '2016-05-07',
name: '王小虎',
province: '上海',
city: '普陀区',
address: '上海市普陀区金沙江路 1518 弄',
zip: 200333
\ No newline at end of file