  <el-select :value="valueTitle" ref="carrerSelect" :disabled="$store.state.business.Edit" style="width:100%"
    clearable @clear="clearHandle">
    <el-option :value="valueTitle" :label="valueTitle" class="options">
      <el-tree id="tree-option" ref="selectTree" :accordion="accordion" :data="options"
        :props="props" :node-key="props.value" :default-expanded-keys="defaultExpandedKey"
        :filter-node-method="filterNode" @node-click="handleNodeClick">

  export default {
    name: 'el-tree-select',
    props: {
      /* 配置项 */
      props: {
        type: Object,
        default: () => {
          return {
            value: 'DCODE', // ID字段名
            label: 'DNAME', // 显示名称
            children: 'children', // 子级字段名
      options: {
        type: Array,
        default: () => {
          return []
      /* 初始值 */
      value: {
        type: String,
        default: () => {
          return null
      /* 自动收起 */
      accordion: {
        type: Boolean,
        default: () => {
          return true
      placeholder: {
        type: String,
        default: () => {
          return '请选择'
    data () {
      return {
        valueId: this.value, // 初始值
        valueTitle: '',
        defaultExpandedKey: [],
    mounted () {
    methods: {
      // 初始化值
      initHandle () {
        if (this.valueId && this.options.length!=0) {
          this.valueTitle = this.$refs.selectTree.getNode(this.valueId).data[
          ] // 初始化显示
          this.$refs.selectTree.setCurrentKey(this.valueId) // 设置默认选中
          this.defaultExpandedKey = [this.valueId] // 设置默认展开
      // 初始化滚动条
      initScroll () {
        this.$nextTick(() => {
          let scrollWrap = document.querySelectorAll(
            '.el-scrollbar .el-select-dropdown__wrap'
          let scrollBar = document.querySelectorAll(
            '.el-scrollbar .el-scrollbar__bar'
          scrollWrap.style.cssText =
            'margin: 0px; max-height: none; overflow: hidden;'
          scrollBar.forEach((ele) => (ele.style.width = 0))
      // 切换选项
      handleNodeClick (node) {
        this.valueId = node[this.props.value]
        this.valueTitle = node[this.props.label]
        // this.$emit('getValue', this.valueId)
        this.$emit("input", this.valueId);
        this.defaultExpandedKey = []
        if (!node.children) {
      // parentId (arr1, id) {
      //   let _this = this
      //   var temp = []
      //   var forFn = function (arr, id) {
      //     for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
      //       var item = arr[i]
      //       if (item[_this.props.value] === id) {
      //         forFn(arr1, item.parentid)
      //         temp.push(item[_this.props.label])
      //         break
      //       } else {
      //         if (item.children) {
      //           forFn(item.children, id)
      //         }
      //       }
      //     }
      //   }
      //   forFn(arr1, id)
      //   return temp
      // },
      // 清除选中
      clearHandle () {
        this.valueTitle = ''
        this.valueId = null
        this.defaultExpandedKey = []
        this.$emit('getValue', null)
      /* 清空选中样式 */
      clearSelected () {
        let allNode = document.querySelectorAll('#tree-option .el-tree-node')
        allNode.forEach((element) => element.classList.remove('is-current'))
      filterNode (value, data) {
        if (!value) return true
        return data.name.indexOf(value) !== -1
    watch: {
      value () {
        this.valueId = this.value
      filterText (val) {
<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
<style scoped>
  .el-scrollbar .el-scrollbar__view .el-select-dropdown__item {
    height: auto;
    max-height: 274px;
    padding: 0;
    overflow: hidden;
    overflow-y: auto;
  .el-select-dropdown__item.selected {
    font-weight: normal;
  ul li >>> .el-tree .el-tree-node__content {
    height: auto;
    padding: 0 20px;
  .el-tree-node__label {
    font-weight: normal;
  .el-tree >>> .is-current .el-tree-node__label {
    color: #409eff;
    font-weight: 700;
  .el-tree >>> .is-current .el-tree-node__children .el-tree-node__label {
    color: #606266;
    font-weight: normal;
  .selectInput {
    padding: 0 5px;
    box-sizing: border-box;