8ed93a4a by yangwei


1 parent 4f2c3637
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4 <title>password</title>
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4 <title>user</title>
5 <desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
6 <g id="user" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
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1 <template> 1 <template>
2 <div class="bg"> 2 <div id="login">
3 <div class="title"> 3 <div class="login-logo"><img src="./images/logo-login.svg" /></div>
4 <img src="../../image/bdclogo.png" alt="" /> 4 <div class="login-con">
5 <h2>{{ BASE_API.TITLE }}</h2> 5 <div class="login-wrap">
6 </div> 6 <p>用户登录</p>
7 <div class="login-inner-bg login"> 7 <div class="login-user" :class="{ 'select-border': change.user }">
8 <div class="user_style"> 8 <img class="user-icon" src="./images/user.svg" />
9 <h3>用户登录</h3> 9 <input
10 <el-form 10 type="text"
11 :model="userInfo" 11 class="user-input"
12 :rules="rules" 12 placeholder="请输入账号"
13 ref="user" 13 v-model="userInfo.username"
14 id="loginform" 14 @focus="reduceBorder('user')"
15 class="demo-ruleForm" 15 @blur="addBorder('user')"
16 > 16 />
17 <el-form-item prop="username"> 17 <span class="warning" v-show="warning.user">账号不能为空</span>
18 <el-input 18 </div>
19 class="username" 19 <div class="login-user user-mt" :class="{ 'select-border': change.pass }">
20 v-model="userInfo.username" 20 <img class="user-icon" src="./images/password.svg" />
21 placeholder="请输入用户名" 21 <input
22 ></el-input> 22 type="password"
23 </el-form-item> 23 class="user-input"
24 <el-form-item prop="password"> 24 placeholder="请输入密码"
25 <el-input 25 v-model="userInfo.password"
26 type="password" 26 v-show="!selectEye"
27 class="password" 27 @focus="reduceBorder('pass')"
28 @keyup.enter.native="login('user')" 28 @blur="addBorder('pass')"
29 v-model="userInfo.password" 29 />
30 placeholder="请输入密码" 30 <input
31 show-password 31 type="text"
32 ></el-input> 32 class="user-input"
33 </el-form-item> 33 placeholder="请输入密码"
34 <!-- <el-form-item prop="yz"> 34 v-model="userInfo.password"
35 <div class="flex-container"> 35 v-show="selectEye"
36 <div class="flex-input"> 36 @focus="reduceBorder('pass')"
37 <el-input class="yz" @keyup.native="login('user')" v-model="userInfo.yz" placeholder="请输入验证码"></el-input> 37 @blur="addBorder('pass')"
38 </div> 38 />
39 <div class="flex-line"></div> 39 <img
40 <div class="flex-img"><canvas id="s-canvas" ref="s-canvas"></canvas></div> 40 class="password-eye"
41 <div class="flex-renovate"> 41 src="./images/open.svg"
42 <font id="renovate" @click="verification">换一批</font> 42 @click="selectEyes"
43 </div> 43 v-show="selectEye"
44 </div> 44 />
45 </el-form-item> --> 45 <img
46 <el-form-item class="login-btn"> 46 class="password-eye"
47 <el-button type="primary" style="width: 100%" @click="login('user')" 47 src="./images/close.svg"
48 >登录</el-button 48 @click="selectEyes"
49 > 49 v-show="!selectEye"
50 </el-form-item> 50 />
51 </el-form> 51 <span class="warning" v-show="warning.pass">密码不能为空</span>
52 </div>
53 <div class="login-user login-valid" :class="{ 'select-border': change.valid }">
54 <img class="user-icon" src="./images/valid.svg" />
55 <input
56 type="text"
57 class="user-input"
58 placeholder="请输入验证码"
59 v-model="userInfo.captchaCode"
60 @focus="reduceBorder('valid')"
61 @blur="addBorder('valid')"
62 />
63 <img class="valid-img" :src="codeSrc" alt="暂无验证码" @click="reloadCaptcha">
64 <span class="warning" v-show="warning.valid">验证码不能为空</span>
65 </div>
66 <div id="loginBtn" class="login-btn" @click="goHome">登录</div>
52 </div> 67 </div>
53 </div> 68 </div>
54 </div> 69 </div>
55 </template> 70 </template>
57 <script> 71 <script>
58 import axios from "axios"; 72 import axios from "axios";
59 export default { 73 export default {
60 name: "sbLogin",
61 data() { 74 data() {
62 return { 75 return {
76 // 用户名
77 selectIcon: true,
78 // 用户名
79 selectEye: false,
63 userInfo: { 80 userInfo: {
64 username: "admin", 81 // 用户名
65 password: "123", 82 username: "",
83 // 密码
84 password: "",
85 // 重定向地址
66 redirectUrl: "", 86 redirectUrl: "",
67 yz: "", 87 // 验证码key
68 checkStatus: false, 88 captchaKey:'',
89 // 验证码值
90 captchaCode: ''
91 },
92 //边框
93 change: {
94 user: false,
95 pass: false,
96 valid:false
69 }, 97 },
70 productName: "", 98 // 提示语
71 rules: { 99 warning: {
72 username: [{ required: true, message: "请填写帐号", trigger: "blur" }], 100 user: false,
73 password: [{ required: true, message: "请填写密码", trigger: "blur" }], 101 pass: false,
102 valid: false,
74 }, 103 },
104 // 验证码图片地址
105 codeSrc:""
75 }; 106 };
76 }, 107 },
77 mounted() { 108 mounted() {
109 this.initPage();
78 this.userInfo.redirectUrl = localStorage.getItem("sjsb-location"); 110 this.userInfo.redirectUrl = localStorage.getItem("sjsb-location");
111 this.reloadCaptcha()
79 }, 112 },
80 methods: { 113 methods: {
81 verification() { 114 // 更新验证码
82 let str = "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", 115 reloadCaptcha(){
83 code = "", 116 axios.get(window._config.services.management + "/management/captcha?format=json").then(res => {
84 i = 0; 117 if (res.data.status === 1) {
85 for (; i++ < 4; ) 118 this.userInfo.captchaKey = res.data.content['dubhe.captcha']
86 code += str[Math.floor(Math.random() * (str.length - 0) + 0)]; 119 this.codeSrc = res.data.content.image
87 setTimeout(() => {
88 let canvas = document.getElementById("s-canvas"),
89 ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
90 canvas.width = 80;
91 canvas.height = 28;
92 ctx.fillStyle = "#ffffff";
93 ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 80, 28);
94 for (i = 0; i < code.length; i++) {
95 this.drawText(ctx, code[i], i);
96 } 120 }
97 }, 0); 121 })
98 },
99 drawText(ctx, txt, i) {
100 ctx.fillStyle = this.randomColor(50, 160);
101 ctx.font = "18px SimHei";
102 let x = (i + 1) * (80 / (4 + 1)),
103 y = this.randomNum(18, 28 - 5);
104 ctx.translate(x, y);
105 ctx.fillText(txt, 0, 0);
106 ctx.rotate((-0 * Math.PI) / 180);
107 ctx.translate(-x, -y);
108 }, 122 },
109 randomColor(min, max) { 123 // 初始化
110 let r = this.randomNum(min, max); 124 initPage() {
111 let g = this.randomNum(min, max); 125 let userInfo =
112 let b = this.randomNum(min, max); 126 localStorage.getItem("userInfo") &&
113 return "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")"; 127 JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("userInfo"));
114 }, 128 if (userInfo) {
115 randomNum(min, max) { 129 this.userInfo.username = userInfo.username;
116 return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min); 130 this.userInfo.password = userInfo.password;
117 },
118 //记住用户名
119 checkUserName: function (flag) {
120 this.userInfo.checkStatus = flag;
121 if (this.userInfo.checkStatus) {
122 localStorage.setItem("usernameId", this.userInfo.username);
123 let name = localStorage.getItem("usernameId");
124 if (name === "") {
125 return;
126 } else {
127 this.userInfo.username = name;
128 }
129 } else {
130 this.userInfo.username = localStorage.getItem("usernameId");
131 } 131 }
132 }, 132 },
133 login() { 133 // 登录
134 axios.post(window._config.services.management + "/management/cas/login", this.userInfo).then(response => { 134 goHome() {
135 if (response.data.status === 1) { 135 if (this.userInfo.username && this.userInfo.password) {
136 if (response.data.content.location) { 136 axios
137 window.location.href = response.data.content.location 137 .post(
138 } 138 window._config.services.management + "/management/cas/login",
139 } else { 139 this.userInfo
140 this.$message.error(response.data.message) 140 )
141 .then((response) => {
142 debugger
143 if (response.data.status === 1) {
144 if (response.data.content.location) {
145 window.location.href = response.data.content.location;
141 } 146 }
142 }).catch(error => { 147 } else {
143 console.log(error) 148 this.$message.error(response.data.message);
144 this.$message.error(error.message) 149 }
145 }) 150 })
151 .catch((error) => {
152 console.log(error);
153 this.$message.error(error.message);
154 });
155 } else {
156 return
157 }
158 },
159 selectEyes() {
160 this.selectEye = !this.selectEye;
161 },
162 //获取焦点
163 reduceBorder(type) {
164 this.change[type] = true
165 },
166 addBorder(type) {
167 //失去焦点
168 switch (type) {
169 case "user":
170 this.change.user = false;
171 if (!this.userInfo.username) {
172 this.warning.user = true;
173 } else {
174 this.warning.user = false;
175 }
176 break;
177 case "pass":
178 this.change.pass = false;
179 if (!this.userInfo.password) {
180 this.warning.pass = true;
181 } else {
182 this.warning.pass = false;
183 }
184 break;
185 case "valid":
186 this.change.valid = false;
187 if (!this.userInfo.captchaCode) {
188 this.warning.valid = true;
189 } else {
190 this.warning.valid = false;
191 }
192 break;
193 default:
194 break;
195 }
146 }, 196 },
147 }, 197 },
148 }; 198 };
149 </script> 199 </script>
150 <style scoped lang="scss"> 200 <style lang="scss" scoped>
151 .username, 201 #login {
152 .password, 202 width: 100vw;
153 .yz { 203 height: 100vh;
154 position: relative; 204 background: url("./images/login-bg.png") no-repeat;
156 &:before {
157 content: "";
158 display: block;
159 width: 16px;
160 height: 16px;
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162 left: 10px;
163 top: 7px;
164 background-size: 100% 100%;
165 }
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168 color: #000 !important;
169 text-indent: 24px;
170 }
171 }
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174 position: relative;
175 display: -webkit-flex;
176 display: flex;
177 }
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180 width: 100%;
181 }
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194 margin: 2px;
195 right: 16%;
196 }
198 .flex-renovate {
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200 margin: 1px;
201 right: 3%;
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204 #renovate {
205 color: #3f8fea;
206 font-size: 16px;
207 font-weight: 700;
208 cursor: pointer;
209 }
211 .username::before {
212 background-image: url(../../image/userlogo.png);
213 }
215 .password::before {
216 background-image: url(../../image/passlogo.png);
217 }
219 .yz::before {
220 background-image: url(../../image/yzlogo.png);
221 }
223 .bg {
224 width: 100%;
225 height: 100%;
226 min-width: 1440px;
227 min-height: 560px;
228 background: url(../../image/loginBoxsb.png) no-repeat;
229 background-size: 100% 100%; 205 background-size: 100% 100%;
230 overflow: hidden; 206 overflow: hidden;
231 position: relative; 207 position: relative;
232 } 208 .login-logo {
233 209 margin-top: 18vh;
234 .title { 210 height: 70px;
235 width: 24%; 211 width: 100%;
236 height: 6%; 212 text-align: center;
237 top: 20%;
238 right: 38%;
239 position: absolute;
241 img {
242 width: 60px;
243 height: 60px;
244 top: 0%;
245 left: 2%;
246 position: absolute;
247 } 213 }
248 214 .login-logo img {
249 h2 { 215 height: 100%;
250 top: 25%; 216 width: 486px;
251 left: 22%;
252 position: absolute;
253 width: 383px;
254 height: 42px;
255 font-size: 28px;
256 font-weight: 600;
257 color: #ffffff;
258 text-shadow: 0px 4px 4px #002c95;
259 } 217 }
260 } 218 .login-con {
261 219 margin: 14px auto;
262 .login-inner-bg { 220 width: 486px;
263 background: white; 221 .login-wrap{
264 width: 24.6%; 222 width: 100%;
265 min-width: 360px; 223 height: 450px;
266 top: 30%; 224 box-sizing: border-box;
267 right: 38%; 225 padding: 48px 56px;
268 position: absolute; 226 background: #FFFFFF;
269 background-size: 100% 100%; 227 box-shadow: 0px 7px 27px 0px rgba(133,169,231,0.51);
270 box-sizing: border-box; 228 border-radius: 4px;
271 padding: 56px; 229 p{
272 } 230 width: 100%;
273 231 font-size: 20px;
274 .login { 232 font-weight: 500;
275 .user_style { 233 color: #333333;
276 h3 { 234 line-height: 26px;
277 font-weight: normal; 235 position: relative;
278 text-align: center; 236 text-align: center;
279 margin: -10px auto 28px; 237 }
280 font-weight: 400;
281 width: 125px;
282 height: 29px;
283 font-size: 20px;
284 font-family: Source Han Sans CN;
285 font-weight: 400;
286 color: #333333;
287 } 238 }
288 } 239 }
289 240 .login-user {
290 .btn {
291 width: 100%; 241 width: 100%;
292 height: 6vh; 242 height: 40px;
293 background-color: #00c2de; 243 border: 1px solid #E5E5E5;
294 border-radius: 5px; 244 box-sizing: border-box;
295 font-size: 1.4vw; 245 margin-top: 30px;
296 color: #000; 246 border-radius: 2px;
297 } 247 position: relative;
298 248 .user-icon {
299 .btn:hover { 249 float: left;
300 cursor: pointer; 250 margin: 10px auto auto 10px;
301 background-color: #2d8cf0; 251 width: 28px;
302 } 252 height: 18px;
303 } 253 }
304 254 .user-input {
305 .login #loginform { 255 width: 80%;
306 .el-form-item { 256 float: left;
307 margin-bottom: 24px !important; 257 font-size: 16px;
258 outline: 0;
259 border: none;
260 color: #4a4a4a;
261 height: 36px;
262 line-height: 40px;
263 }
264 .password-eye {
265 float: right;
266 width: 16px;
267 height: 16px;
268 margin-right: 12px;
269 margin-top: 13px;
270 cursor: pointer;
271 }
272 .warning {
273 font-size: 12px;
274 color: red;
275 position: absolute;
276 left: 0;
277 bottom: -18px;
278 }
308 } 279 }
309 280 .login-valid{
310 .login-btn { 281 width: 60%;
311 margin-top: 30px !important; 282 .valid-img{
283 width: 50%;
284 position: absolute;
285 right: -66%;
286 top: 2px;
287 cursor: pointer;
288 }
312 } 289 }
313 290 .user-mt {
314 .el-button { 291 margin-top: 26px;
315 font-size: 18px;
316 border-radius: 0;
317 background: #4162d8 !important;
318 color: #ffffff !important;
319 cursor: pointer !important;
320 } 292 }
321 293 .select-border {
322 .el-input__inner { 294 border: 1px solid rgba(0, 113, 255, 1);
323 width: 100% !important;
324 } 295 }
325 296 .login-btn {
326 .el-checkbox__label { 297 width: 100%;
298 height: 48px;
299 background: #4162D8;
300 border-radius: 2px;
301 margin: 0 auto;
302 margin-top: 40px;
303 font-size: 20px;
304 font-weight: 500;
305 line-height: 48px;
306 text-align: center;
327 color: #fff; 307 color: #fff;
308 cursor: pointer;
328 } 309 }
329 } 310 }
331 .inputUser .ivu-input {
332 padding: 6px 24px !important;
333 border: 1px solid #9f9f9f !important;
334 }
335 </style> 311 </style>