a0f0b7d2 by jikai


1 parent 5789a50d
1 <template>
3 <div id="map">
4 <div id="map-box" ref="mapBody"></div>
5 </div>
7 </template>
9 <script>
10 import maps from "../../assets/js/map/mapUtils";
11 import panel from "../../assets/js/map/panel";
12 import maintain from "../../assets/js/map/maintain";
13 export default {
14 data() {
15 return {
16 SGWorld: undefined,
17 regEvent: ['OnLoadFinished'], // 三维地图初始化函数
18 initial: ['tree', 'map', 'sgword'],
19 }
20 },
21 methods: {
22 Initialization() {
23 !this.$refs.mapBody.children.length && this.createEl();
24 this.SGWorld.Project.Open("http://DESKTOP-583NBSF/SG/projects/SG.397338", true, "", "");
26 this.regEvent.forEach(e => {
27 typeof this[e] === "function" && this.SGWorld.AttachEvent(e, this[e]);
28 });
30 },
31 OnLoadFinished() {
32 this.SGWorld.Navigate.JumpTo(SGWorld.Creator.CreatePosition(101.67468055555556, 36.54803611111111, 863, 0,
33 220.63478, -40, 0));
34 maps.sgWorld || (maps.sgWorld = this.SGWorld);
36 this.$parent.Initialization();
38 Object.keys(panel.attribute || {}).forEach(e => {
39 let opt = panel.attribute[e], popup;
40 Array.isArray(opt) &&
41 (maps.popups[e] = maps.sgWorld.Creator.CreatePopupMessage(opt[0], '', opt[2], opt[3], opt[4], opt[5], -1));
42 maps.popups[e].Src = opt[1] + "?popupID=" + maps.popups[e].ID;
43 });
47 },
48 CreatWMSlayer(r) {
50 var box = r.split("BBOX=")[1].split(',');
51 var LayerName = "WMS服务"
52 var box3 = box[3].split('&')[0]
53 var buffer='<EXT><ExtInfo><![CDATA[';
54 buffer+='[INFO]\n';
55 buffer+='MPP=2.68220901489258E-06\n';
56 buffer+='Url=' + r + '\n';
57 buffer+='xul=' + box[0] + '\n';
58 buffer+='ylr=' + box[1] + '\n';
59 buffer+='xlr=' + box[2] + '\n';
60 buffer+='yul=' + box3 + '\n';
61 buffer+=']]></ExtInfo><ExtType>wms</ExtType></EXT>';
62 this.SGWorld.Creator.CreateImageryLayer(LayerName, box[0], box3, box[2], box[1], buffer, "gisplg.rct", "", LayerName);
64 // var box = r.split("BBOX=")[1].split(',');
65 // var LayerName = r.split("Layers=")[1].split('&')[0];
66 // var box3 = box[3].split('&')[0]
67 // var buffer='<EXT><ExtInfo><![CDATA[';
68 // buffer+='[INFO]\n';
69 // buffer+='MPP=2.68220901489258E-06\n';
70 // buffer+='Url=' + r + '\n';
71 // buffer+='xul=' + box[0] + '\n';
72 // buffer+='ylr=' + box[1] + '\n';
73 // buffer+='xlr=' + box[2] + '\n';
74 // buffer+='yul=' + box3 + '\n';
75 // buffer+=']]></ExtInfo><ExtType>wms</ExtType></EXT>';
76 // console.log(LayerName);
77 // this.SGWorld.Creator.CreateImageryLayer(LayerName, box[0], box3, box[2], box[1], null, "gisplg.rct", 0, LayerName)
78 },
79 createEl() {
80 let init = maintain.methods.getMap, keys, i, o;
81 (this.initial || []).forEach(e => {
82 this.constructorEl(init[e]);
83 })
84 },
85 constructorEl(opt) {
86 if (!opt.el) return;
87 let el = document.createElement(opt.el);
88 Object.assign(el, { name: opt.name, id: opt.id, classid: opt.classid });
89 Object.keys(opt.style).forEach(e => {
90 el.style[e] = opt.style[e];
91 });
92 this.$refs.mapBody.appendChild((this.SGWorld = el));
93 }
94 },
95 mounted() {
96 this.Initialization();
97 }
98 }
99 </script>
101 <style scoped lang="scss">
102 #map {
103 display: flex;
104 }
105 #map-box {
106 background: #95ab2a;
107 width: 100%;
108 height: 100%;
109 flex: 1;
110 }
111 </style>
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