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# nyc

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Istanbul's state of the art command line interface, with support for:

* applications that spawn subprocesses.
* source mapped coverage of Babel and TypeScript projects

## Installation & Usage

Use your package manager to add it as a dev dependency: `npm i -D nyc` or `yarn add -D nyc`.
You can use nyc to call npm scripts (assuming they don't already have nyc executed in them), like so (replace `mocha` with your test runner everywhere you see it):
  "scripts": {
    "test": "mocha",
    "coverage": "nyc npm run test"

You can use also `npx` instead of installing nyc as a dependency, but you might get updates you are not ready for; to get around this, pin to a specific major version by specifying, e.g. `nyc@14`.

  "scripts": {
    "test": "npx nyc@latest mocha"

This is a good way of testing upcoming releases of nyc, usually on the `next` tag.

**Note**: If you use [`jest`](https://npm.im/jest) or [`tap`](https://www.node-tap.org/), you do not need to install `nyc`.
Those runners already have the IstanbulJS libraries to provide coverage for you.
Follow their documentation to enable and configure coverage reporting.

## Configuring `nyc`

nyc accepts a wide variety of configuration arguments, run `npx nyc --help` for thorough documentation.

Configuration arguments on the command-line should be provided prior to the program that nyc is executing.
As an example, the following command executes `ava`, and indicates to nyc that it should output both an `lcov` (`lcov.info` + html report) and a `text-summary` coverage report.

nyc --reporter=lcov --reporter=text-summary ava

### Babel projects

Please start with the pre-configured [`@istanbuljs/nyc-config-babel`] preset.
You can add your custom configuration options as shown below.

### TypeScript projects

Please start with the pre-configured [`@istanbuljs/nyc-config-typescript`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@istanbuljs/nyc-config-typescript) preset.

#### Adding your overrides

nyc allows you to inherit other configurations using the key `extends` in the `package.json` stanza, `.nycrc`, or YAML files.
You can then add the specific configuration options you want that aren't in that particular shared config, e.g.
  "nyc": {
    "extends": "@istanbuljs/nyc-config-typescript",
    "all": true,
    "check-coverage": true

### Configuration files

Any configuration options that can be set via the command line can also be specified in the `nyc` stanza of your package.json, or within a seperate configuration file - a variety of flavors are available:

| File name       | File Association |
| `.nycrc`        | JSON             |
| `.nycrc.json`   | JSON             |
| `.nycrc.yaml`   | YAML             |
| `.nycrc.yml`    | YAML             |
| `nyc.config.js` | CommonJS export  |

### Common Configuration Options

See `nyc --help` for all options available.
You can set these in any of the files listed above, or from the command line.
This table is a quick TLDR for the rest of this readme and there are more advanced docs available.

| Option name | Description | Type | Default |
| ----------- | ----------- | ---- | ------- |
| `all` | Whether or not to instrument all files (not just the ones touched by your test suite) | `Boolean` | `false` |
| `check-coverage` | Check whether coverage is within thresholds, fail if not | `Boolean` | `false` |
| `extension` | List of extensions that nyc should attempt to handle in addition to `.js` | `Array<String>` | `['.js']` |
| `include` | See [selecting files for coverage] for more info | `Array<String>` | `['**']`|
| `exclude` | See [selecting files for coverage] for more info | `Array<String>` | [list](https://github.com/istanbuljs/istanbuljs/blob/master/packages/test-exclude/default-exclude.js) |
| `reporter` | [Coverage reporters to use](https://istanbul.js.org/docs/advanced/alternative-reporters/) | `Array<String>` | `['text']` |
| `report-dir` | Where to put the coverage report files | `String` | `./coverage` |
| `skip-full` | Don't show files with 100% statement, branch, and function coverage | `Boolean` | `false` |
| `temp-dir` | Directory to output raw coverage information to | `String` | `./.nyc_output` |

Configuration can also be provided by `nyc.config.js` if programmed logic is required:
'use strict'; 
const {defaultExclude} = require('test-exclude');
const isWindows = require('is-windows');

let platformExclude = [
  isWindows() ? 'lib/posix.js' : 'lib/win32.js'

module.exports = {
  exclude: platformExclude.concat(defaultExclude)

### Publish and reuse your nyc configuration(s)

To publish and reuse your own `nyc` configuration, simply create an npm module that exports your JSON config (via [`index.json`](https://github.com/istanbuljs/istanbuljs/blob/master/packages/nyc-config-typescript/) or a CJS [`index.js`](https://github.com/istanbuljs/istanbuljs/blob/master/packages/nyc-config-hook-run-in-this-context/)).

A more advanced use case would be to combine multiple shared configs in a `nyc.config.js` file:
const babelConfig = require('@istanbuljs/nyc-config-babel');
const hookRunInThisContextConfig = require('@istanbuljs/nyc-config-hook-run-in-this-context');

module.exports = {
  all: true,
  'check-coverage': true

## Selecting files for coverage

By default, nyc only collects coverage for source files that are visited during a test.
It does this by watching for files that are `require()`'d during the test.
When a file is `require()`'d, nyc creates and returns an instrumented version of the source, rather than the original. 
Only source files that are visited during a test will appear in the coverage report and contribute to coverage statistics.

nyc will instrument all files if the `--all` flag is set or if running `nyc instrument`.
In this case all files will appear in the coverage report and contribute to coverage statistics.

nyc will only collect coverage for files that are located under `cwd`, and then only `*.js` files or files with extensions listed in the `extension` array.

You can reduce the set of instrumented files by adding `include` and `exclude` filter arrays to your config.
These allow you to shape the set of instrumented files by specifying glob patterns that can filter files from the default instrumented set.
The `exclude` array may also use exclude negated glob patterns, these are specified with a `!` prefix, and can restore sub-paths of excluded paths.

Globs are matched using [minimatch](https://www.npmjs.com/package/minimatch).

We use the following process to remove files from consideration:
 1. Limit the set of instrumented files to those files in paths listed in the `include` array.
 2. Remove any files that are found in the `exclude` array.
 3. Restore any exclude negated files that have been excluded in step 2.

### Using include and exclude arrays

If there are paths specified in the `include` array, then the set of instrumented files will be limited to eligible files found in those paths.
If the `include` array is left undefined all eligible files will be included, equivalent to setting `include: ['**']`.
Multiple `include` globs can be specified on the command line, each must follow a `--include`, `-n` switch.

If there are paths specified in the `exclude` array, then the set of instrumented files will not feature eligible files found in those paths.
You can also specify negated paths in the `exclude` array, by prefixing them with a `!`.
Negated paths can restore paths that have been already been excluded in the `exclude` array.
Multiple `exclude` globs can be specified on the command line, each must follow a `--exclude`, `-x` switch.

The default `exclude` list is defined in the [test-exclude module](https://github.com/istanbuljs/istanbuljs/blob/master/packages/test-exclude/default-exclude.js).
Specifying your own exclude property completely replaces these defaults.

For example, the following config will collect coverage for every file in the `src` directory regardless of whether it is `require()`'d in a test.
It will also exclude any files with the extension `.spec.js`.

  "nyc": {
    "all": true,
    "include": [
    "exclude": [

**Note:** Be wary of automatic OS glob expansion when specifying include/exclude globs with the CLI.
To prevent this, wrap each glob in single quotes.

### Including files within `node_modules`

We always add `**/node_modules/**` to the exclude list, even if not specified in the config.
You can override this by setting `--exclude-node-modules=false`.

For example, in the following config, `"excludeNodeModules: false"` will prevent `node_modules` from being added to the exclude rules. 
The set of include rules then restrict nyc to only consider instrumenting files found under the `lib/` and `node_modules/@my-org/` directories.
The exclude rules then prevent nyc instrumenting anything in a `test` folder and the file `node_modules/@my-org/something/unwanted.js`.

  "nyc": {
    "all": true,
    "include": [
    "exclude": [
    "excludeNodeModules": false

## Setting the project root directory

nyc runs a lot of file system operations relative to the project root directory.
During startup nyc will look for the *default* project root directory.
The *default* project root directory is the first directory found that contains a `package.json` file when searching from the current working directory up.
If nyc fails to find a directory containing a `package.json` file, it will use the current working directory as the *default* project root directory.
You can change the project root directory with the `--cwd` option.

nyc uses the project root directory when:
 * looking for source files to instrument
 * creating globs for include and exclude rules during file selection
 * loading custom require hooks from the `require` array

nyc may create artefact directories within the project root, with these defaults:
  * the report directory, `<project-root>/coverage`
  * the cache directory, `<project-root>/node_modules/.cache/nyc`
  * the temp directory, `<project-root>/.nyc_output`

## Require additional modules

The `--require` flag can be provided to `nyc` to indicate that additional modules should be required in the subprocess collecting coverage:

nyc --require esm mocha

### Interaction with `--all` flag

The `--require` flag also operates on the main nyc process for use by `--all`.
For example, in situations with `nyc --all --instrument false` and [`babel-plugin-istanbul`] setup the `--all` option only works if `--require @babel/register` is passed to nyc.
Passing it to mocha would cause the tests to be instrumented but unloaded sources would not be seen.
The [`@istanbuljs/nyc-config-babel`] package handles this for you!

## Caching

`nyc`'s default behavior is to cache instrumented files to disk to prevent instrumenting source files multiple times, and speed `nyc` execution times.
You can disable this behavior by running `nyc` with the `--cache false` flag.
You can also change the default cache directory from `./node_modules/.cache/nyc` by setting the `--cache-dir` flag.

## Coverage thresholds

You can set custom coverage thresholds that will fail if `check-coverage` is set to `true` and your coverage drops below those thresholds.
For example, in the following configuration, dropping below 80% branch, line, functions, or statements coverage would fail the build (you can have any combination of these):

  "nyc": {
    "branches": 80,
    "lines": 80,
    "functions": 80,
    "statements": 80

To do this check on a per-file basis (as opposed to in aggregate), set the `per-file` option to `true`.

### High and low watermarks

Several of the coverage reporters supported by nyc display special information for high and low watermarks:

* high-watermarks represent healthy test coverage (in many reports this is represented with green highlighting).
* low-watermarks represent sub-optimal coverage levels (in many reports this is represented with red highlighting).

You can specify custom high and low watermarks in nyc's configuration:

  "nyc": {
    "watermarks": {
      "lines": [80, 95],
      "functions": [80, 95],
      "branches": [80, 95],
      "statements": [80, 95]

## Parsing Hints (Ignoring Lines)

There may be some sections of your codebase that you wish to purposefully
exclude from coverage tracking, to do so you can use the following parsing

* `/* istanbul ignore if */`: ignore the next if statement.
* `/* istanbul ignore else */`: ignore the else portion of an if statement.
* `/* istanbul ignore next */`: ignore the next _thing_ in the source-code (
 functions, if statements, classes, you name it).
* `/* istanbul ignore file */`: ignore an entire source-file (this should be
  placed at the top of the file).

## Ignoring Methods

There may be some methods that you want to universally ignore out of your classes
rather than having to ignore every instance of that method:

  "nyc": {
    "ignore-class-method": "render"

## Combining reports from multiple runs
If for whatever reason you have different test runners in your project or a different series of test runs for different kinds of tests, nyc will automatically combine the coverage report for you if configured correctly with the `--no-clean` flag and the `report` command.
Originally inspired by @janiukjf in #1001, here's an example, where the `test:*` scripts (not shown) invoke only your test runner(s) and not nyc:

  "scripts": {
    "cover": "npm run cover:unit && npm run cover:integration && npm run cover:report",
    "cover:unit": "nyc --silent npm run test:unit",
    "cover:integration": "nyc --silent --no-clean npm run test:integration",
    "cover:report": "nyc report --reporter=lcov --reporter=text"

### What about `nyc merge`?

The `nyc merge` command is for producing one _raw coverage output file_ that combines the results from many test runs.
So if you had the above setup and needed to produce a single `coverage.json` for some external tool, you could do:

  "scripts": {
    "cover:merge": "npm run cover:unit && npm run cover:integration && nyc merge .nyc_output coverage.json"

## Source-Map support for pre-instrumented codebases

If you opt to pre-instrument your source-code (rather than using a just-in-time transpiler like [`@babel/register`]) nyc supports both inline source-maps and `.map` files.

_Important: If you are using nyc with a project that pre-instruments its code, run nyc with the configuration option `--exclude-after-remap` set to `false`.
Otherwise nyc's reports will exclude any files that source-maps remap to folders covered under exclude rules._

## [Integrating with coveralls](./docs/setup-coveralls.md)

## [Integrating with codecov](./docs/setup-codecov.md)

## [Producing instrumented source](./docs/instrument.md)

## Integrating with TAP formatters

Many testing frameworks (Mocha, Tape, Tap, etc.) can produce [TAP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_Anything_Protocol) output. [tap-nyc](https://github.com/MegaArman/tap-nyc) is a TAP formatter designed to look nice with nyc.

## More tutorials

You can find more tutorials at http://istanbul.js.org/docs/tutorials

## Other advanced features

Take a look at http://istanbul.js.org/docs/advanced/ and please feel free to [contribute documentation](https://github.com/istanbuljs/istanbuljs.github.io/tree/development/content).

[`@babel/register`]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@babel/register
[`babel-plugin-istanbul`]: https://github.com/istanbuljs/babel-plugin-istanbul
[`@istanbuljs/nyc-config-babel`]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@istanbuljs/nyc-config-babel
[selecting files for coverage]: #selecting-files-for-coverage