8fa1433a19a3a808674282409d24e368871fba1e.svn-base 1.72 KB
 * grunt
 * http://gruntjs.com/
 * Copyright (c) 2012 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
 * Licensed under the MIT license.
 * https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt/blob/master/LICENSE-MIT

// Basic template description.
exports.description = 'Create a Node.js module, including Nodeunit unit tests.';

// Template-specific notes to be displayed before question prompts.
exports.notes = '_Project name_ shouldn\'t contain "node" or "js" and should ' +
  'be a unique ID not already in use at search.npmjs.org.';

// Any existing file or directory matching this wildcard will cause a warning.
exports.warnOn = '*';

// The actual init template.
exports.template = function(grunt, init, done) {

  grunt.helper('prompt', {type: 'node'}, [
    // Prompt for these values.
    grunt.helper('prompt_for', 'name'),
    grunt.helper('prompt_for', 'description'),
    grunt.helper('prompt_for', 'version'),
    grunt.helper('prompt_for', 'repository'),
    grunt.helper('prompt_for', 'homepage'),
    grunt.helper('prompt_for', 'bugs'),
    grunt.helper('prompt_for', 'licenses'),
    grunt.helper('prompt_for', 'author_name'),
    grunt.helper('prompt_for', 'author_email'),
    grunt.helper('prompt_for', 'author_url'),
    grunt.helper('prompt_for', 'node_version'),
    grunt.helper('prompt_for', 'main'),
    grunt.helper('prompt_for', 'npm_test')
  ], function(err, props) {
    props.keywords = [];

    // Files to copy (and process).
    var files = init.filesToCopy(props);

    // Add properly-named license files.
    init.addLicenseFiles(files, props.licenses);

    // Actually copy (and process) files.
    init.copyAndProcess(files, props);

    // Generate package.json file.
    init.writePackageJSON('package.json', props);

    // All done!
