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	<img src="media/logo.svg" alt="type-fest" height="300">
	<b>A collection of essential TypeScript types</b>

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Many of the types here should have been built-in. You can help by suggesting some of them to the [TypeScript project](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).

Either add this package as a dependency or copy-paste the needed types. No credit required. 👌

PR welcome for additional commonly needed types and docs improvements. Read the [contributing guidelines](.github/contributing.md) first.

## Install

$ npm install type-fest

*Requires TypeScript >=3.2*

## Usage

import {Except} from 'type-fest';

type Foo = {
	unicorn: string;
	rainbow: boolean;

type FooWithoutRainbow = Except<Foo, 'rainbow'>;
//=> {unicorn: string}

## API

Click the type names for complete docs.

### Basic

- [`Primitive`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches any [primitive value](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Primitive).
- [`Class`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches a [`class` constructor](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Classes).
- [`TypedArray`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches any [typed array](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/TypedArray), like `Uint8Array` or `Float64Array`.
- [`JsonObject`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches a JSON object.
- [`JsonArray`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches a JSON array.
- [`JsonValue`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches any valid JSON value.
- [`ObservableLike`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches a value that is like an [Observable](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-observable).

### Utilities

- [`Except`](source/except.d.ts) - Create a type from an object type without certain keys. This is a stricter version of [`Omit`](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-3-5.html#the-omit-helper-type).
- [`Mutable`](source/mutable.d.ts) - Convert an object with `readonly` keys into a mutable object. The inverse of `Readonly<T>`.
- [`Merge`](source/merge.d.ts) - Merge two types into a new type. Keys of the second type overrides keys of the first type.
- [`MergeExclusive`](source/merge-exclusive.d.ts) - Create a type that has mutually exclusive keys.
- [`RequireAtLeastOne`](source/require-at-least-one.d.ts) - Create a type that requires at least one of the given keys.
- [`RequireExactlyOne`](source/require-exactly-one.d.ts) - Create a type that requires exactly a single key of the given keys and disallows more.
- [`PartialDeep`](source/partial-deep.d.ts) - Create a deeply optional version of another type. Use [`Partial<T>`](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/2961bc3fc0ea1117d4e53bc8e97fa76119bc33e3/src/lib/es5.d.ts#L1401-L1406) if you only need one level deep.
- [`ReadonlyDeep`](source/readonly-deep.d.ts) - Create a deeply immutable version of an `object`/`Map`/`Set`/`Array` type. Use [`Readonly<T>`](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/2961bc3fc0ea1117d4e53bc8e97fa76119bc33e3/src/lib/es5.d.ts#L1415-L1420) if you only need one level deep.
- [`LiteralUnion`](source/literal-union.d.ts) - Create a union type by combining primitive types and literal types without sacrificing auto-completion in IDEs for the literal type part of the union. Workaround for [Microsoft/TypeScript#29729](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/29729).
- [`Promisable`](source/promisable.d.ts) - Create a type that represents either the value or the value wrapped in `PromiseLike`.
- [`Opaque`](source/opaque.d.ts) - Create an [opaque type](https://codemix.com/opaque-types-in-javascript/).
- [`SetOptional`](source/set-optional.d.ts) - Create a type that makes the given keys optional.
- [`SetRequired`](source/set-required.d.ts) - Create a type that makes the given keys required.
- [`PromiseValue`](source/promise-value.d.ts) - Returns the type that is wrapped inside a `Promise`.
- [`AsyncReturnType`](source/async-return-type.d.ts) - Unwrap the return type of a function that returns a `Promise`.
- [`ConditionalKeys`](source/conditional-keys.d.ts) - Extract keys from a shape where values extend the given `Condition` type.
- [`ConditionalPick`](source/conditional-pick.d.ts) - Like `Pick` except it selects properties from a shape where the values extend the given `Condition` type.
- [`ConditionalExcept`](source/conditional-except.d.ts) - Like `Omit` except it removes properties from a shape where the values extend the given `Condition` type.

### Miscellaneous

- [`PackageJson`](source/package-json.d.ts) - Type for [npm's `package.json` file](https://docs.npmjs.com/creating-a-package-json-file).
- [`TsConfigJson`](source/tsconfig-json.d.ts) - Type for [TypeScript's `tsconfig.json` file](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/tsconfig-json.html) (TypeScript 3.7).

## Declined types

*If we decline a type addition, we will make sure to document the better solution here.*

- [`Diff` and `Spread`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/type-fest/pull/7) - The PR author didn't provide any real-world use-cases and the PR went stale. If you think this type is useful, provide some real-world use-cases and we might reconsider.
- [`Dictionary`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/type-fest/issues/33) - You only save a few characters (`Dictionary<number>` vs `Record<string, number>`) from [`Record`](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/2961bc3fc0ea1117d4e53bc8e97fa76119bc33e3/src/lib/es5.d.ts#L1429-L1434), which is more flexible and well-known. Also, you shouldn't use an object as a dictionary. We have `Map` in JavaScript now.

## Tips

### Built-in types

There are many advanced types most users don't know about.

- [`Partial<T>`](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/2961bc3fc0ea1117d4e53bc8e97fa76119bc33e3/src/lib/es5.d.ts#L1401-L1406) - Make all properties in `T` optional.


	interface NodeConfig {
			appName: string;
			port: number;

	class NodeAppBuilder {
			private configuration: NodeConfig = {
					appName: 'NodeApp',
					port: 3000

			private updateConfig<Key extends keyof NodeConfig>(key: Key, value: NodeConfig[Key]) {
					this.configuration[key] = value;

			config(config: Partial<NodeConfig>) {
					type NodeConfigKey = keyof NodeConfig;

					for (const key of Object.keys(config) as NodeConfigKey[]) {
							const updateValue = config[key];

							if (updateValue === undefined) {

							this.updateConfig(key, updateValue);

					return this;

	// `Partial<NodeConfig>`` allows us to provide only a part of the
	// NodeConfig interface.
	new NodeAppBuilder().config({appName: 'ToDoApp'});

- [`Required<T>`](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/2961bc3fc0ea1117d4e53bc8e97fa76119bc33e3/src/lib/es5.d.ts#L1408-L1413) - Make all properties in `T` required.


	interface ContactForm {
			email?: string;
			message?: string;

	function submitContactForm(formData: Required<ContactForm>) {
			// Send the form data to the server.

			email: 'ex@mple.com',
			message: 'Hi! Could you tell me more about…',

	// TypeScript error: missing property 'message'
			email: 'ex@mple.com',

- [`Readonly<T>`](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/2961bc3fc0ea1117d4e53bc8e97fa76119bc33e3/src/lib/es5.d.ts#L1415-L1420) - Make all properties in `T` readonly.


	enum LogLevel {

	interface LoggerConfig {
			name: string;
			level: LogLevel;

	class Logger {
			config: Readonly<LoggerConfig>;

			constructor({name, level}: LoggerConfig) {
					this.config = {name, level};

	const config: LoggerConfig = {
		name: 'MyApp',
		level: LogLevel.Debug

	const logger = new Logger(config);

	// TypeScript Error: cannot assign to read-only property.
	logger.config.level = LogLevel.Error;

	// We are able to edit config variable as we please.
	config.level = LogLevel.Error;

- [`Pick<T, K>`](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/2961bc3fc0ea1117d4e53bc8e97fa76119bc33e3/src/lib/es5.d.ts#L1422-L1427) - From `T`, pick a set of properties whose keys are in the union `K`.


	interface Article {
			title: string;
			thumbnail: string;
			content: string;

	// Creates new type out of the `Article` interface composed
	// from the Articles' two properties: `title` and `thumbnail`.
	// `ArticlePreview = {title: string; thumbnail: string}`
	type ArticlePreview = Pick<Article, 'title' | 'thumbnail'>;

	// Render a list of articles using only title and description.
	function renderArticlePreviews(previews: ArticlePreview[]): HTMLElement {
			const articles = document.createElement('div');

			for (const preview of previews) {
					// Append preview to the articles.

			return articles;

	const articles = renderArticlePreviews([
				title: 'TypeScript tutorial!',
				thumbnail: '/assets/ts.jpg'

- [`Record<K, T>`](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/2961bc3fc0ea1117d4e53bc8e97fa76119bc33e3/src/lib/es5.d.ts#L1429-L1434) - Construct a type with a set of properties `K` of type `T`.


	// Positions of employees in our company.
	type MemberPosition = 'intern' | 'developer' | 'tech-lead';

	// Interface describing properties of a single employee.
	interface Employee {
			firstName: string;
			lastName: string;
			yearsOfExperience: number;

	// Create an object that has all possible `MemberPosition` values set as keys.
	// Those keys will store a collection of Employees of the same position.
	const team: Record<MemberPosition, Employee[]> = {
			intern: [],
			developer: [],
			'tech-lead': [],

	// Our team has decided to help John with his dream of becoming Software Developer.
		firstName: 'John',
		lastName: 'Doe',
		yearsOfExperience: 0

	// `Record` forces you to initialize all of the property keys.
	// TypeScript Error: "tech-lead" property is missing
	const teamEmpty: Record<MemberPosition, null> = {
			intern: null,
			developer: null,

- [`Exclude<T, U>`](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/2961bc3fc0ea1117d4e53bc8e97fa76119bc33e3/src/lib/es5.d.ts#L1436-L1439) - Exclude from `T` those types that are assignable to `U`.


	interface ServerConfig {
		port: null | string | number;

	type RequestHandler = (request: Request, response: Response) => void;

	// Exclude `null` type from `null | string | number`.
	// In case the port is equal to `null`, we will use default value.
	function getPortValue(port: Exclude<ServerConfig['port'], null>): number {
		if (typeof port === 'string') {
			return parseInt(port, 10);

		return port;

	function startServer(handler: RequestHandler, config: ServerConfig): void {
		const server = require('http').createServer(handler);

		const port = config.port === null ? 3000 : getPortValue(config.port);

- [`Extract<T, U>`](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/2961bc3fc0ea1117d4e53bc8e97fa76119bc33e3/src/lib/es5.d.ts#L1441-L1444) - Extract from `T` those types that are assignable to `U`.


	declare function uniqueId(): number;

	const ID = Symbol('ID');

	interface Person {
		[ID]: number;
		name: string;
		age: number;

	// Allows changing the person data as long as the property key is of string type.
	function changePersonData<
		Obj extends Person,
		Key extends Extract<keyof Person, string>,
		Value extends Obj[Key]
	> (obj: Obj, key: Key, value: Value): void {
		obj[key] = value;

	// Tiny Andrew was born.
	const andrew = {
		[ID]: uniqueId(),
		name: 'Andrew',
		age: 0,

	// Cool, we're fine with that.
	changePersonData(andrew, 'name', 'Pony');

	// Goverment didn't like the fact that you wanted to change your identity.
	changePersonData(andrew, ID, uniqueId());

- [`NonNullable<T>`](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/2961bc3fc0ea1117d4e53bc8e97fa76119bc33e3/src/lib/es5.d.ts#L1446-L1449) - Exclude `null` and `undefined` from `T`.
	Works with <code>strictNullChecks</code> set to <code>true</code>. (Read more <a href="https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-2-0.html">here</a>)


	type PortNumber = string | number | null;

	/** Part of a class definition that is used to build a server */
	class ServerBuilder {
			portNumber!: NonNullable<PortNumber>;

			port(this: ServerBuilder, port: PortNumber): ServerBuilder {
					if (port == null) {
							this.portNumber = 8000;
					} else {
							this.portNumber = port;

					return this;

	const serverBuilder = new ServerBuilder();

			.port('8000')   // portNumber = '8000'
			.port(null)     // portNumber =  8000
			.port(3000);    // portNumber =  3000

	// TypeScript error
	serverBuilder.portNumber = null;

- [`Parameters<T>`](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/2961bc3fc0ea1117d4e53bc8e97fa76119bc33e3/src/lib/es5.d.ts#L1451-L1454) - Obtain the parameters of a function type in a tuple.


	function shuffle(input: any[]): void {
		// Mutate array randomly changing its' elements indexes.

	function callNTimes<Fn extends (...args: any[]) => any> (func: Fn, callCount: number) {
		// Type that represents the type of the received function parameters.
		type FunctionParameters = Parameters<Fn>;

		return function (...args: FunctionParameters) {
			for (let i = 0; i < callCount; i++) {

	const shuffleTwice = callNTimes(shuffle, 2);

- [`ConstructorParameters<T>`](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/2961bc3fc0ea1117d4e53bc8e97fa76119bc33e3/src/lib/es5.d.ts#L1456-L1459) - Obtain the parameters of a constructor function type in a tuple.


	class ArticleModel {
		title: string;
		content?: string;

		constructor(title: string) {
			this.title = title;

	class InstanceCache<T extends (new (...args: any[]) => any)> {
		private ClassConstructor: T;
		private cache: Map<string, InstanceType<T>> = new Map();

		constructor (ctr: T) {
			this.ClassConstructor = ctr;

		getInstance (...args: ConstructorParameters<T>): InstanceType<T> {
			const hash = this.calculateArgumentsHash(...args);

			const existingInstance = this.cache.get(hash);
			if (existingInstance !== undefined) {
				return existingInstance;

			return new this.ClassConstructor(...args);

		private calculateArgumentsHash(...args: any[]): string {
			// Calculate hash.
			return 'hash';

	const articleCache = new InstanceCache(ArticleModel);
	const amazonArticle = articleCache.getInstance('Amazon forests burining!');

- [`ReturnType<T>`](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/2961bc3fc0ea1117d4e53bc8e97fa76119bc33e3/src/lib/es5.d.ts#L1461-L1464) – Obtain the return type of a function type.


	/** Provides every element of the iterable `iter` into the `callback` function and stores the results in an array. */
	function mapIter<
			Func extends (elem: Elem) => any,
			Ret extends ReturnType<Func>
	>(iter: Iterable<Elem>, callback: Func): Ret[] {
			const mapped: Ret[] = [];

			for (const elem of iter) {

			return mapped;

	const setObject: Set<string> = new Set();
	const mapObject: Map<number, string> = new Map();

	mapIter(setObject, (value: string) => value.indexOf('Foo')); // number[]

	mapIter(mapObject, ([key, value]: [number, string]) => {
			return key % 2 === 0 ? value : 'Odd';
	}); // string[]

- [`InstanceType<T>`](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/2961bc3fc0ea1117d4e53bc8e97fa76119bc33e3/src/lib/es5.d.ts#L1466-L1469) – Obtain the instance type of a constructor function type.


	class IdleService {
			doNothing (): void {}

	class News {
			title: string;
			content: string;

			constructor(title: string, content: string) {
					this.title = title;
					this.content = content;

	const instanceCounter: Map<Function, number> = new Map();

	interface Constructor {
			new(...args: any[]): any;

	// Keep track how many instances of `Constr` constructor have been created.
	function getInstance<
			Constr extends Constructor,
			Args extends ConstructorParameters<Constr>
	>(constructor: Constr, ...args: Args): InstanceType<Constr> {
			let count = instanceCounter.get(constructor) || 0;

			const instance = new constructor(...args);

			instanceCounter.set(constructor, count + 1);

			console.log(`Created ${count + 1} instances of ${Constr.name} class`);

			return instance;

	const idleService = getInstance(IdleService);
	// Will log: `Created 1 instances of IdleService class`
	const newsEntry = getInstance(News, 'New ECMAScript proposals!', 'Last month...');
	// Will log: `Created 1 instances of News class`

- [`Omit<T, K>`](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/71af02f7459dc812e85ac31365bfe23daf14b4e4/src/lib/es5.d.ts#L1446) – Constructs a type by picking all properties from T and then removing K.


	interface Animal {
			imageUrl: string;
			species: string;
			images: string[];
			paragraphs: string[];

	// Creates new type with all properties of the `Animal` interface
	// except 'images' and 'paragraphs' properties. We can use this
	// type to render small hover tooltip for a wiki entry list.
	type AnimalShortInfo = Omit<Animal, 'images' | 'paragraphs'>;

	function renderAnimalHoverInfo (animals: AnimalShortInfo[]): HTMLElement {
			const container =  document.createElement('div');
			// Internal implementation.
			return container;

You can find some examples in the [TypeScript docs](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/advanced-types.html#predefined-conditional-types).

## Maintainers

- [Sindre Sorhus](https://github.com/sindresorhus)
- [Jarek Radosz](https://github.com/CvX)
- [Dimitri Benin](https://github.com/BendingBender)

## License

(MIT OR CC0-1.0)


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