def22b37605314b81b1b189062ba1aadea67bf74.svn-base 4.97 KB
"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
  value: true
exports.default = void 0;

var _widestLine = _interopRequireDefault(require("widest-line"));

var _wrapText = _interopRequireDefault(require("./wrap-text"));

var _getMaxWidth = _interopRequireDefault(require("./get-max-width"));

function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }

const isAllTextNodes = node => {
  if (node.nodeName === '#text') {
    return true;

  if (node.nodeName === 'SPAN') {
    if (node.textContent) {
      return true;

    if (Array.isArray(node.childNodes)) {
      return node.childNodes.every(isAllTextNodes);

  return false;
}; // Squashing text nodes allows to combine multiple text nodes into one and write
// to `Output` instance only once. For example, <Text>hello{' '}world</Text>
// is actually 3 text nodes, which would result 3 writes to `Output`.
// Also, this is necessary for libraries like ink-link (,
// which need to wrap all children at once, instead of wrapping 3 text nodes separately.

const squashTextNodes = node => {
  if (node.childNodes.length === 0) {
    return '';
  } // If parent container is `<Box>`, text nodes will be treated as separate nodes in
  // the tree and will have their own coordinates in the layout.
  // To ensure text nodes are aligned correctly, take X and Y of the first text node
  // and use them as offset for the rest of the nodes
  // Only first node is taken into account, because other text nodes can't have margin or padding,
  // so their coordinates will be relative to the first node anyway

  const offsetX = node.childNodes[0].yogaNode.getComputedLeft();
  const offsetY = node.childNodes[0].yogaNode.getComputedTop();
  let text = '\n'.repeat(offsetY) + ' '.repeat(offsetX);

  for (const childNode of node.childNodes) {
    let nodeText;

    if (childNode.nodeName === '#text') {
      nodeText = childNode.nodeValue;

    if (childNode.nodeName === 'SPAN') {
      nodeText = childNode.textContent || squashTextNodes(childNode);
    } // Since these text nodes are being concatenated, `Output` instance won't be able to
    // apply children transform, so we have to do it manually here for each text node

    if (childNode.unstable__transformChildren) {
      nodeText = childNode.unstable__transformChildren(nodeText);

    text += nodeText;

  return text;
}; // After nodes are laid out, render each to output object, which later gets rendered to terminal

const renderNodeToOutput = (node, output, {
  offsetX = 0,
  offsetY = 0,
  transformers = [],
}) => {
  if (node.unstable__static && skipStaticElements) {

  const {
  } = node; // Left and top positions in Yoga are relative to their parent node

  const x = offsetX + yogaNode.getComputedLeft();
  const y = offsetY + yogaNode.getComputedTop(); // Transformers are functions that transform final text output of each component
  // See Output class for logic that applies transformers

  let newTransformers = transformers;

  if (node.unstable__transformChildren) {
    newTransformers = [node.unstable__transformChildren, ...transformers];
  } // Nodes with only text inside

  if (node.textContent) {
    let text = node.textContent; // Since text nodes are always wrapped in an additional node, parent node
    // is where we should look for attributes

    if ( {
      const currentWidth = (0, _widestLine.default)(text);
      const maxWidth = (0, _getMaxWidth.default)(node.parentNode.yogaNode);

      if (currentWidth > maxWidth) {
        text = (0, _wrapText.default)(text, maxWidth, {

    output.write(x, y, text, {
      transformers: newTransformers
  } // Text nodes

  if (node.nodeName === '#text') {
    output.write(x, y, node.nodeValue, {
      transformers: newTransformers
  } // Nodes that have other nodes as children

  if (Array.isArray(node.childNodes) && node.childNodes.length > 0) {
    const isFlexDirectionRow = === 'row';

    if (isFlexDirectionRow && node.childNodes.every(isAllTextNodes)) {
      let text = squashTextNodes(node);

      if ( {
        const currentWidth = (0, _widestLine.default)(text);
        const maxWidth = (0, _getMaxWidth.default)(yogaNode);

        if (currentWidth > maxWidth) {
          text = (0, _wrapText.default)(text, maxWidth, {

      output.write(x, y, text, {
        transformers: newTransformers

    for (const childNode of node.childNodes) {
      renderNodeToOutput(childNode, output, {
        offsetX: x,
        offsetY: y,
        transformers: newTransformers,

var _default = renderNodeToOutput;
exports.default = _default;