767 Bytes
/* Translators (2009 onwards):
* - Klenje
* @requires OpenLayers/Lang.js
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Lang["fur"]
* Dictionary for Furlan. Keys for entries are used in calls to
* <OpenLayers.Lang.translate>. Entry bodies are normal strings or
* strings formatted for use with <OpenLayers.String.format> calls.
OpenLayers.Lang["fur"] = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults({
'Permalink': "Leam Permanent",
'Overlays': "Livei parsore",
'Base Layer': "Livel di base",
'browserNotSupported': "Il to sgarfadôr nol supuarte la renderizazion vetoriâl. Al moment a son supuartâts:\n${renderers}",
'Scale = 1 : ${scaleDenom}': "Scjale = 1 : ${scaleDenom}",
'W': "O",
'E': "E",
'N': "N",
'S': "S"