bench.js 6.76 KB
// different ways to id objects
// use a req/res pair, since it's crazy deep and cyclical

// sparseFE10 and sigmund are usually pretty close, which is to be expected,
// since they are essentially the same algorithm, except that sigmund handles
// regular expression objects properly.

var http = require('http')
var util = require('util')
var sigmund = require('./sigmund.js')
var sreq, sres, creq, cres, test

http.createServer(function (q, s) {
  sreq = q
  sres = s
  this.close(function () { setTimeout(function () {
  }, 200) })
}).listen(1337, function () {
  creq = http.get({ port: 1337 })
  creq.on('response', function (s) { cres = s })

function start () {
  test = [sreq, sres, creq, cres]
  // test = sreq
  // sreq.sres = sres
  // sreq.creq = creq
  // sreq.cres = cres

  for (var i in {
    var hash =[i]()


function customWs (obj, md, d) {
  d = d || 0
  var to = typeof obj
  if (to === 'undefined' || to === 'function' || to === null) return ''
  if (d > md || !obj || to !== 'object') return ('' + obj).replace(/[\n ]+/g, '')

  if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
    return (i, _, __) {
      return customWs(i, md, d + 1)
    }).reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b }, '')

  var keys = Object.keys(obj)
  return (k, _, __) {
    return k + ':' + customWs(obj[k], md, d + 1)
  }).reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b }, '')

function custom (obj, md, d) {
  d = d || 0
  var to = typeof obj
  if (to === 'undefined' || to === 'function' || to === null) return ''
  if (d > md || !obj || to !== 'object') return '' + obj

  if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
    return (i, _, __) {
      return custom(i, md, d + 1)
    }).reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b }, '')

  var keys = Object.keys(obj)
  return (k, _, __) {
    return k + ':' + custom(obj[k], md, d + 1)
  }).reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b }, '')

function sparseFE2 (obj, maxDepth) {
  var seen = []
  var soFar = ''
  function ch (v, depth) {
    if (depth > maxDepth) return
    if (typeof v === 'function' || typeof v === 'undefined') return
    if (typeof v !== 'object' || !v) {
      soFar += v
    if (seen.indexOf(v) !== -1 || depth === maxDepth) return
    soFar += '{'
    Object.keys(v).forEach(function (k, _, __) {
      // pseudo-private values.  skip those.
      if (k.charAt(0) === '_') return
      var to = typeof v[k]
      if (to === 'function' || to === 'undefined') return
      soFar += k + ':'
      ch(v[k], depth + 1)
    soFar += '}'
  ch(obj, 0)
  return soFar

function sparseFE (obj, maxDepth) {
  var seen = []
  var soFar = ''
  function ch (v, depth) {
    if (depth > maxDepth) return
    if (typeof v === 'function' || typeof v === 'undefined') return
    if (typeof v !== 'object' || !v) {
      soFar += v
    if (seen.indexOf(v) !== -1 || depth === maxDepth) return
    soFar += '{'
    Object.keys(v).forEach(function (k, _, __) {
      // pseudo-private values.  skip those.
      if (k.charAt(0) === '_') return
      var to = typeof v[k]
      if (to === 'function' || to === 'undefined') return
      soFar += k
      ch(v[k], depth + 1)
  ch(obj, 0)
  return soFar

function sparse (obj, maxDepth) {
  var seen = []
  var soFar = ''
  function ch (v, depth) {
    if (depth > maxDepth) return
    if (typeof v === 'function' || typeof v === 'undefined') return
    if (typeof v !== 'object' || !v) {
      soFar += v
    if (seen.indexOf(v) !== -1 || depth === maxDepth) return
    soFar += '{'
    for (var k in v) {
      // pseudo-private values.  skip those.
      if (k.charAt(0) === '_') continue
      var to = typeof v[k]
      if (to === 'function' || to === 'undefined') continue
      soFar += k
      ch(v[k], depth + 1)
  ch(obj, 0)
  return soFar

function noCommas (obj, maxDepth) {
  var seen = []
  var soFar = ''
  function ch (v, depth) {
    if (depth > maxDepth) return
    if (typeof v === 'function' || typeof v === 'undefined') return
    if (typeof v !== 'object' || !v) {
      soFar += v
    if (seen.indexOf(v) !== -1 || depth === maxDepth) return
    soFar += '{'
    for (var k in v) {
      // pseudo-private values.  skip those.
      if (k.charAt(0) === '_') continue
      var to = typeof v[k]
      if (to === 'function' || to === 'undefined') continue
      soFar += k + ':'
      ch(v[k], depth + 1)
    soFar += '}'
  ch(obj, 0)
  return soFar

function flatten (obj, maxDepth) {
  var seen = []
  var soFar = ''
  function ch (v, depth) {
    if (depth > maxDepth) return
    if (typeof v === 'function' || typeof v === 'undefined') return
    if (typeof v !== 'object' || !v) {
      soFar += v
    if (seen.indexOf(v) !== -1 || depth === maxDepth) return
    soFar += '{'
    for (var k in v) {
      // pseudo-private values.  skip those.
      if (k.charAt(0) === '_') continue
      var to = typeof v[k]
      if (to === 'function' || to === 'undefined') continue
      soFar += k + ':'
      ch(v[k], depth + 1)
      soFar += ','
    soFar += '}'
  ch(obj, 0)
  return soFar
} =
  // 'custom 2': function () {
  //   return custom(test, 2, 0)
  // },
  // 'customWs 2': function () {
  //   return customWs(test, 2, 0)
  // },
  'JSON.stringify (guarded)': function () {
    var seen = []
    return JSON.stringify(test, function (k, v) {
      if (typeof v !== 'object' || !v) return v
      if (seen.indexOf(v) !== -1) return undefined
      return v

  'flatten 10': function () {
    return flatten(test, 10)

  // 'flattenFE 10': function () {
  //   return flattenFE(test, 10)
  // },

  'noCommas 10': function () {
    return noCommas(test, 10)

  'sparse 10': function () {
    return sparse(test, 10)

  'sparseFE 10': function () {
    return sparseFE(test, 10)

  'sparseFE2 10': function () {
    return sparseFE2(test, 10)

  sigmund: function() {
    return sigmund(test, 10)

  // 'util.inspect 1': function () {
  //   return util.inspect(test, false, 1, false)
  // },
  // 'util.inspect undefined': function () {
  //   util.inspect(test)
  // },
  // 'util.inspect 2': function () {
  //   util.inspect(test, false, 2, false)
  // },
  // 'util.inspect 3': function () {
  //   util.inspect(test, false, 3, false)
  // },
  // 'util.inspect 4': function () {
  //   util.inspect(test, false, 4, false)
  // },
  // 'util.inspect Infinity': function () {
  //   util.inspect(test, false, Infinity, false)
  // }

/** results