fe2d18f6 by weimo934


1 parent 153a30dc
...@@ -224,6 +224,9 @@ ...@@ -224,6 +224,9 @@
224 background-color: #fff; 224 background-color: #fff;
225 font-size: 14px; 225 font-size: 14px;
226 width: 100%; 226 width: 100%;
227 tr:hover{
228 background-color: #F5F7FA;
229 }
227 } 230 }
228 231
229 td { 232 td {
1 <template>
2 <div class="main">
3 <div class='input' contenteditable placeholder='请输入文字'>
4 <div @mouseover="mouseover($event)" @mouseleave="mouseLeave($event)" v-for="(item,index) in datas"
5 :key="index" style="float: left;"
6 class="item">
7 {{item}};
8 <div style="float: right;display: none" @click="itemClick(index)">X</div>
9 </div>
11 </div>
12 </div>
13 </template>
15 <script>
16 export default {
17 name: "emailInput",
18 data() {
19 return {
20 datas: ['111', '222', '333', '444', '555', '666', '777', '888', '999'],
21 }
22 },
23 props: {},
24 methods: {
25 mouseover(e) {
26 // e.target 是你当前点击的元素
27 // 是你绑定事件的元素
28 let dom = e.currentTarget.firstElementChild
29 dom.style = "float: right;display: block";
30 // 获得点击元素的前一个元素
31 /* e.currentTarget.previousElementSibling.innerHTML
32 // 获得点击元素的第一个子元素
33 e.currentTarget.firstElementChild
34 // 获得点击元素的下一个元素
35 e.currentTarget.nextElementSibling
36 // 获得点击元素中id为string的元素
37 e.currentTarget.getElementById("string")
38 // 获得点击元素的string属性
39 e.currentTarget.getAttributeNode('string')
40 //获得点击元素的父级元素
41 e.currentTarget.parentElement
42 // 获得点击元素的前一个元素的第一个子元素的HTML值
43 e.currentTarget.previousElementSibling.firstElementChild.innerHTML*/
45 },
46 mouseLeave(e) {
47 let dom = e.currentTarget.firstElementChild
48 dom.style = "float: right;display: none"
49 },
50 itemClick(index){
51 this.datas.splice(index,1)
52 }
53 },
54 computed: {
55 text: function () {
56 let text = "";
57 for (let item of this.datas) {
58 text += item + ";";
59 }
61 return text;
62 }
63 }
64 }
65 </script>
67 <style scoped lang="less">
68 .main {
69 .input {
70 width: auto;
71 height: 24px;
72 line-height: 24px;
73 font-size: 14px;
74 padding: 5px 8px;
75 border: 1px solid #ddd;
76 }
77 .input:empty::before {
78 content: attr(placeholder);
79 }
80 .item{
81 cursor: pointer;
82 }
83 .item:hover {
84 border: 1px solid #BBF;
85 }
86 }
87 </style>
1 <template>
2 <div class="main">
3 <el-dialog
4 title="户重新落宗"
5 :visible.sync="isVisible"
6 width="50%"
7 @close="close"
8 :modal-append-to-body="false"
9 >
10 <div class="content">
11 <div class="input-suffix">
12 宗 地:
13 <input
14 placeholder="请选择宗地" v-model="hcxlzData.zdbsm" readonly="readonly"
15 />
16 <el-button type="primary" @click="drawer = true">选择宗地</el-button>
17 </div>
18 <div class="input-suffix">
19 自然幢:
20 <el-select v-model="hcxlzData.zrzbsm" filterable placeholder="请选择">
21 <el-option
22 v-for="item in zrzList"
23 :key="item.value"
24 :label="item.label"
25 :value="item.value">
26 </el-option>
27 </el-select>
28 </div>
29 <div class="input-suffix">
30 逻辑幢:
31 <el-select v-model="hcxlzData.ljzbsm" filterable placeholder="请选择">
32 <el-option
33 v-for="item in ljzList"
34 :key="item.value"
35 :label="item.label"
36 :value="item.value">
37 </el-option>
38 </el-select>
39 </div>
40 <div class="input-suffix">
41 幢单元:
42 <el-select v-model="hcxlzData.zdybsm" filterable placeholder="请选择">
43 <el-option
44 v-for="item in zdyList"
45 :key="item.value"
46 :label="item.label"
47 :value="item.value">
48 </el-option>
49 </el-select>
50 </div>
51 </div>
52 <div class="footer">
53 <el-button type="primary" @click="save">保存</el-button>
54 <el-button type="primary" @click="cancel">取消</el-button>
55 </div>
56 <el-drawer
57 title="选择宗地"
58 :visible.sync="drawer"
59 direction="rtl"
60 size="25%"
61 :before-close="drawerClose">
62 <div>
63 <div class="search">
64 <el-button type="primary" @click="search">查询</el-button>
65 <el-button type="primary" @click="result">重置</el-button>
66 <el-row :gutter="10" class="shop">
67 <el-col :span="4" class="inputtitle">
68 宗地编码:
69 </el-col>
70 <el-col :span="8" class="">
71 <el-input v-model="queryData.zddm"></el-input>
72 </el-col>
73 <el-col :span="4" class="inputtitle">
74 不动产权证号:
75 </el-col>
76 <el-col :span="8" class="">
77 <el-input v-model="queryData.bdcqzh"></el-input>
78 </el-col>
79 </el-row>
80 <el-row :gutter="10">
81 <el-col :span="4" class="inputtitle">
82 不动产权单元号:
83 </el-col>
84 <el-col :span="8">
85 <el-input v-model="queryData.bdcdyh"></el-input>
86 </el-col>
87 <el-col :span="4" class="inputtitle">
88 权利人:
89 </el-col>
90 <el-col :span="8">
91 <el-input v-model="queryData.qlrmc"></el-input>
92 </el-col>
93 </el-row>
94 <el-row :gutter="10">
95 <el-col :span="4" class="inputtitle">
96 坐落:
97 </el-col>
98 <el-col :span="8">
99 <el-input v-model="queryData.zl"></el-input>
100 </el-col>
101 </el-row>
102 <table border="1">
103 <tr>
104 <td class="xh">序号</td>
105 <td class="zddm">宗地代码</td>
106 <td class="bdcdyh">不动产单元号</td>
107 <td class="xmmc">项目名称</td>
108 <td class="bdcqzh">不动产权证号</td>
109 <td class="qlr">权利人</td>
110 <td class="zl">坐落</td>
111 <td class="cz">操作</td>
112 </tr>
113 <tr v-if="Data.length==0">
114 <td colspan="8">
115 <span class="noData">暂无数据</span>
116 </td>
117 </tr>
118 <tr v-else v-for="(item,index) in Data" :key="index">
119 <td class="xh">{{index+1}}</td>
120 <td class="zddm" :title="item.zddm">{{item.zddm}}</td>
121 <td class="bdcqdyh" :title="item.bdcdyh">{{item.bdcdyh}}</td>
122 <td class="xmmc" :title="item.xmmc">{{item.xmmc}}</td>
123 <td class="bdcqzh" :title="item.bdcqzd">{{item.bdcqzh}}</td>
124 <td class="qlr" :title="item.qlr">{{item.qlr}}</td>
125 <td class="zl" :title="item.zl">{{item.zl}}</td>
126 <td @click="saveNotarize(item)" class="cz">
127 <span>落宗</span>
128 </td>
129 </tr>
130 </table>
131 </div>
132 <div class="page">
133 <el-pagination
134 background
135 layout="prev, pager, next,total"
136 :page-size="queryData.pageSize"
137 :total="total"
138 @current-change="currentChange"
139 >
140 </el-pagination>
141 </div>
142 </div>
143 </el-drawer>
144 </el-dialog>
145 </div>
146 </template>
148 <script>
149 export default {
150 name: "hCxlz",
151 data() {
152 return {
153 drawer: false,
154 isVisible: false,
155 hcxlzData: {
156 bsms: [],
157 zdbsm: '',
158 zrzbsm: '',
159 ljzbsm: '',
160 zdybsm: ''
161 },
162 total: 1,
163 queryData: {
164 bdcdyh: "",
165 bdcqzh: "",
166 dylxs: ['zd'],
167 qlrmc: "",
168 qszt: "2",
169 xmmc: "",
170 zddm: "",
171 zl: "",
172 pageNo: 1,
173 pageSize: 10,
174 },
175 Data: [],
176 zrzList: [],
177 ljzList: [],
178 zdyList: []
179 }
180 },
181 props: {
182 hCxlzVisble: {
183 type: Boolean,
184 default: false
185 },
186 bsms: {
187 type: Array
188 }
189 },
190 mounted() {
191 },
192 methods: {
193 result: function () {
194 this.queryData = {
195 bdcdyh: "",
196 bdcqzh: "",
197 qlrmc: "",
198 qszt: "2",
199 xmmc: "",
200 zddm: "",
201 zl: "",
202 pageNo: 1,
203 pageSize: 10,
204 };
205 this.getData(this.queryData)
206 },
207 getData: function (data) {
208 data['dylxs'] = this.dylxs;
209 getSearchList(data).then(res => {
210 this.Data = res.result.records
211 this.total = res.result.total;
212 })
213 },
214 search: function () {
215 this.getData(this.queryData)
216 },
217 drawerClose(done) {
218 this.$confirm('确认关闭?')
219 .then(_ => {
220 done();
221 })
222 .catch(_ => {
223 });
224 },
225 cancel() {
226 console.log("cancel......")
227 },
228 save() {
229 console.log("save.......")
230 },
231 close() {
232 this.$emit('close', false);
233 this.isVisible = false;
234 },
235 },
236 watch: {
237 hCxlzVisble: function (val) {
238 this.isVisible = val
239 }
240 }
241 }
242 </script>
244 <style scoped lang="less">
245 .input-suffix {
246 input {
247 width: 210px;
248 height: 30px;
249 border-radius: 3px;
250 border-color: #BBB;
251 }
252 }
254 .content {
255 text-align: center;
256 }
258 .footer {
259 margin-top: 20px;
260 text-align: center;
261 }
262 </style>
...@@ -176,6 +176,9 @@ ...@@ -176,6 +176,9 @@
176 background-color: #fff; 176 background-color: #fff;
177 font-size: 14px; 177 font-size: 14px;
178 width: 100%; 178 width: 100%;
179 tr:hover{
180 background-color: #F5F7FA;
181 }
179 } 182 }
180 183
181 td { 184 td {
...@@ -179,6 +179,9 @@ ...@@ -179,6 +179,9 @@
179 font-size: 14px; 179 font-size: 14px;
180 width: 100%; 180 width: 100%;
181 table-layout: fixed; 181 table-layout: fixed;
182 tr:hover{
183 background-color: #F5F7FA;
184 }
182 td, th { 185 td, th {
183 text-align: center; 186 text-align: center;
184 height: 36px; 187 height: 36px;
1 <template> 1 <template>
2 <div class="edit"> 2 <div class="edit">
3 <div class="tab-header"> 3 <div class="tab-header">
4 <el-row class="searchContent"> 4 <el-row class="searchContent">
5 <el-col :span="8"> 5 <el-col :span="8">
6 <el-radio-group v-model="tabPosition"> 6 <el-radio-group v-model="tabPosition">
7 <el-radio-button label="1">实测</el-radio-button> 7 <el-radio-button label="1">实测</el-radio-button>
8 <el-radio-button label="0">预测</el-radio-button> 8 <el-radio-button label="0">预测</el-radio-button>
9 </el-radio-group> 9 </el-radio-group>
10 <el-input 10 <el-input
11 v-model="bdcdyh" 11 v-model="bdcdyh"
12 :style="{'width':inputWidth+'px'}" 12 :style="{'width':inputWidth+'px'}"
13 @focus="inputFocus" 13 @focus="inputFocus"
14 @blur="inputBlur" 14 @blur="inputBlur"
15 @change="inputChange" 15 @change="inputChange"
16 class="searchInput" 16 class="searchInput"
17 placeholder="输入不动产单元号" 17 placeholder="输入不动产单元号"
18 ><i slot="suffix" class="el-input__icon el-icon-search" @click="inputChange"></i></el-input> 18 ><i slot="suffix" class="el-input__icon el-icon-search" @click="inputChange"></i></el-input>
19 </el-col> 19 </el-col>
20 <el-col :span="16"> 20 <el-col :span="16">
21 <div class="fr"> 21 <div class="fr">
22 <el-button class="radioBtn" label="1" border @click="create">创建楼盘</el-button> 22 <el-button class="radioBtn" label="1" border @click="create">创建楼盘</el-button>
23 <el-button class="radioBtn" label="2" border @click="plScYcChange">实预测转换</el-button> 23 <el-button class="radioBtn" label="2" border @click="plScYcChange">实预测转换</el-button>
24 <el-button class="radioBtn" label="3" border @click="plhVisible=true">批量户</el-button> 24 <el-button class="radioBtn" label="3" border @click="plhVisible=true">批量户</el-button>
25 <el-button class="radioBtn" label="4" border @click="plcVisible=true">批量层</el-button> 25 <el-button class="radioBtn" label="4" border @click="plcVisible=true">批量层</el-button>
26 <el-button class="radioBtn" label="5" border @click="plShVisible=true">批量室号</el-button> 26 <el-button class="radioBtn" label="5" border @click="plShVisible=true">批量室号</el-button>
27 <el-button class="radioBtn" label="6" border @click="plzlVisible=true">批量坐落</el-button> 27 <el-button class="radioBtn" label="6" border @click="plzlVisible=true">批量坐落</el-button>
28 <el-button class="radioBtn" label="7" border>批量单元号</el-button> 28 <el-button class="radioBtn" label="7" border>批量单元号</el-button>
29 </div> 29 <el-button class="radioBtn" label="7" border @click="hcxlzVisible=true">户重新落宗</el-button>
30 </el-col> 30 </div>
31 </el-row> 31 </el-col>
32 </div> 32 </el-row>
33 <div 33 </div>
34 class="tab-content" 34 <div
35 ref="tabContent" 35 class="tab-content"
36 :style="{ height: lpbContentHight + 'px' }" 36 ref="tabContent"
37 > 37 :style="{ height: lpbContentHight + 'px' }"
38 <!-- 左侧树结构 --> 38 >
39 <div class="lp-tree" :class="createFlag ? 'w260' : 'w0'"> 39 <!-- 左侧树结构 -->
40 <LineTree :pd="pd" class="treeData" :islpb="islpb"></LineTree> 40 <div class="lp-tree" :class="createFlag ? 'w260' : 'w0'">
41 <p 41 <LineTree :pd="pd" class="treeData" :islpb="islpb"></LineTree>
42 @click="createFlag = false" 42 <p
43 style="width:20px;float:left;margin-top: 12px;margin-left:10px;cursor:pointer;" 43 @click="createFlag = false"
44 > 44 style="width:20px;float:left;margin-top: 12px;margin-left:10px;cursor:pointer;"
45 X 45 >
46 </p> 46 X
47 </div> 47 </p>
48 <!-- 楼盘表主体 --> 48 </div>
49 <div class="lp-overview" :style="{ width: lpbContentwidth + 'px' }"> 49 <!-- 楼盘表主体 -->
50 <lpbContent ref="lpbContent" :key="time"></lpbContent> 50 <div class="lp-overview" :style="{ width: lpbContentwidth + 'px' }">
51 </div> 51 <lpbContent ref="lpbContent" :key="time"></lpbContent>
52 <!-- 右侧图例 --> 52 </div>
53 <div class="lp-legend"> 53 <!-- 右侧图例 -->
54 <div class="handleCol"> 54 <div class="lp-legend">
55 <div class="btn" @click="legendToggle"> 55 <div class="handleCol">
56 <i v-show="!legendToggleFlag" class="el-icon-d-arrow-left"></i> 56 <div class="btn" @click="legendToggle">
57 <i v-show="legendToggleFlag" class="el-icon-d-arrow-right"></i> 57 <i v-show="!legendToggleFlag" class="el-icon-d-arrow-left"></i>
58 </div> 58 <i v-show="legendToggleFlag" class="el-icon-d-arrow-right"></i>
59 <div :class="selectedZt == 'dyzt'? 'dyzt selectedZt':'dyzt'" @click="selectedZt='dyzt'"> 59 </div>
60 <span>单元状态</span> 60 <div :class="selectedZt == 'dyzt'? 'dyzt selectedZt':'dyzt'" @click="selectedZt='dyzt'">
61 </div> 61 <span>单元状态</span>
62 <div :class="selectedZt == 'fwxz'? 'fwxz selectedZt':'fwxz'" @click="selectedZt='fwxz'"> 62 </div>
63 <span>房屋性质</span> 63 <div :class="selectedZt == 'fwxz'? 'fwxz selectedZt':'fwxz'" @click="selectedZt='fwxz'">
64 </div> 64 <span>房屋性质</span>
65 <div :class="selectedZt == 'fwyt'? 'fwyt selectedZt':'fwyt'" @click="selectedZt='fwyt'"> 65 </div>
66 <span>房屋用途</span> 66 <div :class="selectedZt == 'fwyt'? 'fwyt selectedZt':'fwyt'" @click="selectedZt='fwyt'">
67 </div> 67 <span>房屋用途</span>
68 </div> 68 </div>
69 <div 69 </div>
70 class="legendTable-wrap" 70 <div
71 :style="{ width: legendToggleFlag ? '204px' : '0' }" 71 class="legendTable-wrap"
72 > 72 :style="{ width: legendToggleFlag ? '204px' : '0' }"
73 <table class="legendTable" v-show="selectedZt == 'dyzt'" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1"> 73 >
74 <tr> 74 <table class="legendTable" v-show="selectedZt == 'dyzt'" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1">
75 <th>状态</th> 75 <tr>
76 <th>套数</th> 76 <th>状态</th>
77 <th>面积</th> 77 <th>套数</th>
78 </tr> 78 <th>面积</th>
79 <tr v-for="(item, index) in legendList" :key="index" class="cp" @click="handleChoosedH"> 79 </tr>
80 <td> 80 <tr v-for="(item, index) in legendList" :key="index" class="cp" @click="handleChoosedH">
81 <i class="el-icon-star-on" :style="{ color: item.color }"></i 81 <td>
82 >{{ item.name }} 82 <i class="el-icon-star-on" :style="{ color: item.color }"></i
83 </td> 83 >{{ item.name }}
84 <td>{{ item.ts }}</td> 84 </td>
85 <td>{{ item.mj }}</td> 85 <td>{{ item.ts }}</td>
86 </tr> 86 <td>{{ item.mj }}</td>
87 </table> 87 </tr>
88 <table class="legendTable" v-show="selectedZt == 'fwxz'" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1"> 88 </table>
89 <tr> 89 <table class="legendTable" v-show="selectedZt == 'fwxz'" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1">
90 <th>性质</th> 90 <tr>
91 <th>套数</th> 91 <th>性质</th>
92 <th>面积</th> 92 <th>套数</th>
93 </tr> 93 <th>面积</th>
94 <tr v-for="(item, index) in legendList" :key="index" class="cp" @click="handleChoosedH"> 94 </tr>
95 <td> 95 <tr v-for="(item, index) in legendList" :key="index" class="cp" @click="handleChoosedH">
96 <i class="el-icon-star-on" :style="{ color: item.color }"></i 96 <td>
97 >{{ item.name }} 97 <i class="el-icon-star-on" :style="{ color: item.color }"></i
98 </td> 98 >{{ item.name }}
99 <td>{{ item.ts }}</td> 99 </td>
100 <td>{{ item.mj }}</td> 100 <td>{{ item.ts }}</td>
101 </tr> 101 <td>{{ item.mj }}</td>
102 </table> 102 </tr>
103 <table class="legendTable" v-show="selectedZt == 'fwyt'" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1"> 103 </table>
104 <tr> 104 <table class="legendTable" v-show="selectedZt == 'fwyt'" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1">
105 <th>用途</th> 105 <tr>
106 <th>套数</th> 106 <th>用途</th>
107 <th>面积</th> 107 <th>套数</th>
108 </tr> 108 <th>面积</th>
109 <tr v-for="(item, index) in legendList" :key="index" class="cp" @click="handleChoosedH"> 109 </tr>
110 <td> 110 <tr v-for="(item, index) in legendList" :key="index" class="cp" @click="handleChoosedH">
111 <i class="el-icon-star-on" :style="{ color: item.color }"></i 111 <td>
112 >{{ item.name }} 112 <i class="el-icon-star-on" :style="{ color: item.color }"></i
113 </td> 113 >{{ item.name }}
114 <td>{{ item.ts }}</td> 114 </td>
115 <td>{{ item.mj }}</td> 115 <td>{{ item.ts }}</td>
116 </tr> 116 <td>{{ item.mj }}</td>
117 </table> 117 </tr>
118 </div> 118 </table>
119 </div> 119 </div>
120 </div> 120 </div>
121 </div>
121 122
122 <!-- 右键菜单弹出框 --> 123 <!-- 右键菜单弹出框 -->
123 <el-dialog title="添加" :visible.sync="dialogVisible" width="50%" center> 124 <el-dialog title="添加" :visible.sync="dialogVisible" width="50%" center>
124 <!-- 根据菜单类型(menuType)和右键点击的楼盘类型(treeData.type)来区分弹框内容 --> 125 <!-- 根据菜单类型(menuType)和右键点击的楼盘类型(treeData.type)来区分弹框内容 -->
125 <div class="addCh" v-show="menuType == 'ljz'"> 126 <div class="addCh" v-show="menuType == 'ljz'">
126 <addLjz ref="ljz"></addLjz> 127 <addLjz ref="ljz"></addLjz>
127 </div> 128 </div>
128 <div class="addCh" v-show="menuType == 'zdy'"> 129 <div class="addCh" v-show="menuType == 'zdy'">
129 <addZdy ref="zdy"></addZdy> 130 <addZdy ref="zdy"></addZdy>
130 </div> 131 </div>
131 <div class="addCh" v-show="menuType == 'ch'"> 132 <div class="addCh" v-show="menuType == 'ch'">
132 <addCh ref="ch" :dialogVisible="dialogVisible" :treeData="treeData"></addCh> 133 <addCh ref="ch" :dialogVisible="dialogVisible" :treeData="treeData"></addCh>
133 </div> 134 </div>
134 <div class="btnGroup"> 135 <div class="btnGroup">
135 <el-button type="primary" @click="saveInfo">保存</el-button> 136 <el-button type="primary" @click="saveInfo">保存</el-button>
136 <el-button type="primary" @click="resetInfo">重置</el-button> 137 <el-button type="primary" @click="resetInfo">重置</el-button>
137 <el-button type="primary" @click="dialogVisible = false" 138 <el-button type="primary" @click="dialogVisible = false"
138 >取消</el-button 139 >取消
139 > 140 </el-button
140 </div> 141 >
141 </el-dialog> 142 </div>
142 <!-- 批量操作弹出框 --> 143 </el-dialog>
143 <pl-h :plh-visible="plhVisible" :bsms="bsms" @close="plhClose"></pl-h> 144 <!-- 批量操作弹出框 -->
144 <pl-zl :pl-zl-visible="plzlVisible" :bsms="bsms" @close="plZlClose"></pl-zl> 145 <pl-h :plh-visible="plhVisible" :bsms="bsms" @close="plhClose"></pl-h>
145 <pl-c :plc-visible="plcVisible" :bsms="bsms" @close="plcClose"></pl-c> 146 <pl-zl :pl-zl-visible="plzlVisible" :bsms="bsms" @close="plZlClose"></pl-zl>
147 <pl-c :plc-visible="plcVisible" :bsms="bsms" @close="plcClose"></pl-c>
146 <pl-sh :plShVisible="plShVisible" :bsms="bsms" @close="plshClose"></pl-sh> 148 <pl-sh :plShVisible="plShVisible" :bsms="bsms" @close="plshClose"></pl-sh>
147 <!-- 双击户的弹出框 --> 149 <h-cxlz :h-cxlz-visble="hcxlzVisible" :bsms="bsms" @close="hcxlzClose"></h-cxlz>
148 <el-dialog title="户编辑" :visible.sync="hbjVisible" width="50%" center> 150 <!-- 双击户的弹出框 -->
149 <hbj ref="hbj" :bsm='hbsm'></hbj> 151 <el-dialog title="户编辑" :visible.sync="hbjVisible" width="50%" center>
150 <div class="btnGroup"> 152 <hbj ref="hbj" :bsm='hbsm'></hbj>
151 <el-button type="primary" @click="hbjSaveInfo">保存</el-button> 153 <div class="btnGroup">
152 <el-button type="primary" @click="hbjResetInfo">重置</el-button> 154 <el-button type="primary" @click="hbjSaveInfo">保存</el-button>
153 <el-button type="primary" @click="hbjVisible = false">取消</el-button> 155 <el-button type="primary" @click="hbjResetInfo">重置</el-button>
154 </div> 156 <el-button type="primary" @click="hbjVisible = false">取消</el-button>
155 </el-dialog> 157 </div>
156 </div> 158 </el-dialog>
159 </div>
157 </template> 160 </template>
158 161
159 <script> 162 <script>
160 import PlC from "./../../../../components/plc/plC" 163 import HCxlz from "./../../../../components/hCxlz/hCxlz"
161 import PlSh from "./../../../../components/plsh/plSh" 164 import PlC from "./../../../../components/plc/plC"
162 import PlH from "./../../../../components/plh/plH" 165 import PlSh from "./../../../../components/plsh/plSh"
163 import PlZl from "./../../../../components/plzl/plZl" 166 import PlH from "./../../../../components/plh/plH"
164 import LineTree from "../../../../components/lineTree/lineTree"; 167 import PlZl from "./../../../../components/plzl/plZl"
165 import addLjz from "./ljz/index"; 168 import LineTree from "../../../../components/lineTree/lineTree";
166 import addZdy from "./zdy/index"; 169 import addLjz from "./ljz/index";
167 import addCh from "./ch/index"; 170 import addZdy from "./zdy/index";
168 import hbj from "./hbj/index" 171 import addCh from "./ch/index";
169 import lpbContent from "./lpbContent/index"; 172 import hbj from "./hbj/index"
170 import {getLpbMenuTree,batchScYcChange} from "../../../../api/lpb"; 173 import lpbContent from "./lpbContent/index";
174 import {getLpbMenuTree, batchScYcChange} from "../../../../api/lpb";
171 175
172 176
173 export default { 177 export default {
174 name: "", 178 name: "",
175 components: { LineTree, addLjz, addZdy, addCh, lpbContent,PlC,PlSh,PlH ,PlZl,hbj}, 179 components: {LineTree, addLjz, addZdy, addCh, lpbContent, PlC, PlSh, PlH, PlZl, hbj, HCxlz},
176 props: {}, 180 props: {},
177 data() { 181 data() {
178 return { 182 return {
179 bsms:["123","321","231"], 183 bsms: ["123", "321", "231"],
180 hbsm:'', 184 hbsm: '',
181 dialogVisible: false, 185 hcxlzVisible: false,
182 plcVisible:false, 186 dialogVisible: false,
183 plhVisible:false, 187 plcVisible: false,
184 plShVisible:false, 188 plhVisible: false,
185 plzlVisible:false, 189 plShVisible: false,
186 hbjVisible:false, 190 plzlVisible: false,
187 tabPosition:"1", //1是实测 0是预测 191 hbjVisible: false,
188 radio1: "", 192 tabPosition: "1", //1是实测 0是预测
189 radio2: "", 193 radio1: "",
190 createFlag: false, 194 radio2: "",
191 bdcdyh: "", 195 createFlag: false,
192 islpb: true, 196 bdcdyh: "",
193 pd: [], //创建楼盘的树结构数据 197 islpb: true,
194 menuType: "", 198 pd: [], //创建楼盘的树结构数据
195 treeData: {}, 199 menuType: "",
196 inputWidth:74, 200 treeData: {},
197 selectedZt:'dyzt', //图例选中项,默认选中单元状态 201 inputWidth: 74,
198 legendList: [ 202 selectedZt: 'dyzt', //图例选中项,默认选中单元状态
199 { 203 legendList: [
200 name: "未确权", 204 {
201 color: "#2591FD", 205 name: "未确权",
202 ts: "12", 206 color: "#2591FD",
203 mj: "1633", 207 ts: "12",
204 }, 208 mj: "1633",
205 { 209 },
206 name: "已确权", 210 {
207 color: "#2591FD", 211 name: "已确权",
208 ts: "22", 212 color: "#2591FD",
209 mj: "3109", 213 ts: "22",
210 }, 214 mj: "3109",
211 { 215 },
212 name: "已注销", 216 {
213 color: "#2591FD", 217 name: "已注销",
214 ts: "13", 218 color: "#2591FD",
215 mj: "1457", 219 ts: "13",
216 }, 220 mj: "1457",
217 { 221 },
218 name: "已备案", 222 {
219 color: "#2591FD", 223 name: "已备案",
220 ts: "3", 224 color: "#2591FD",
221 mj: "409", 225 ts: "3",
222 }, 226 mj: "409",
223 { 227 },
224 name: "预抵押", 228 {
225 color: "#2591FD", 229 name: "预抵押",
226 ts: "11", 230 color: "#2591FD",
227 mj: "1466", 231 ts: "11",
228 }, 232 mj: "1466",
229 { 233 },
230 name: "在建抵押", 234 {
231 color: "#2591FD", 235 name: "在建抵押",
232 ts: "13", 236 color: "#2591FD",
233 mj: "1792", 237 ts: "13",
234 }, 238 mj: "1792",
235 { 239 },
236 name: "抵押", 240 {
237 color: "#2591FD", 241 name: "抵押",
238 ts: "14", 242 color: "#2591FD",
239 mj: "13", 243 ts: "14",
240 }, 244 mj: "13",
241 { 245 },
242 name: "查封", 246 {
243 color: "#2591FD", 247 name: "查封",
244 ts: "9", 248 color: "#2591FD",
245 mj: "1436", 249 ts: "9",
246 }, 250 mj: "1436",
247 { 251 },
248 name: "异议", 252 {
249 color: "#2591FD", 253 name: "异议",
250 ts: "34", 254 color: "#2591FD",
251 mj: "4342", 255 ts: "34",
252 }, 256 mj: "4342",
253 { 257 },
254 name: "限制", 258 {
255 color: "#2591FD", 259 name: "限制",
256 ts: "2", 260 color: "#2591FD",
257 mj: "285", 261 ts: "2",
258 }, 262 mj: "285",
259 ], 263 },
260 legendToggleFlag: false, 264 ],
261 lpbContentHight: "", 265 legendToggleFlag: false,
262 lpbContentwidth: "", 266 lpbContentHight: "",
263 time:'' 267 lpbContentwidth: "",
264 }; 268 time: ''
265 }, 269 };
266 created() {
267 window.addEventListener("resize", this.getHeight);
268 this.getHeight();
269 },
270 mounted() {
271 // this.getLpbMenuTree("1e0c83dfe2e73284f834a80a0947f0c9");
272 this.getLpbMenuTree(this.$store.state.zrzbsm);
273 // 楼盘表绘制区域宽度计算:楼盘表区域宽度-图例宽度34-滚动条宽度6
274 setTimeout(() => {
275 this.lpbContentwidth = this.$store.state.contentWidth - 34 - 6;
276 }, 100);
277 },
278 methods: {
279 plZlClose(){
280 this.plzlVisible=false
281 },
282 plcClose(){
283 this.plcVisible=false;
284 },
285 plhClose(){
286 this.plhVisible=false;
287 },
288 plshClose(){
289 this.plShVisible=false
290 }, 270 },
291 //获取高度计算lpb内容区高度 271 created() {
292 getHeight() { 272 window.addEventListener("resize", this.getHeight);
293 this.lpbContentHight = window.innerHeight - 285; 273 this.getHeight();
294 }, 274 },
295 //创建楼盘 275 mounted() {
296 create() { 276 // this.getLpbMenuTree("1e0c83dfe2e73284f834a80a0947f0c9");
297 this.createFlag = true; 277 this.getLpbMenuTree(this.$store.state.zrzbsm);
298 }, 278 // 楼盘表绘制区域宽度计算:楼盘表区域宽度-图例宽度34-滚动条宽度6
299 //获取自然幢树结构数据 279 setTimeout(() => {
300 getLpbMenuTree(zrzbsm) { 280 this.lpbContentwidth = this.$store.state.contentWidth - 34 - 6;
301 getLpbMenuTree(zrzbsm) 281 }, 100);
302 .then((res) => { 282 },
303 this.pd = res.result; 283 methods: {
304 }) 284 hcxlzClose() {
305 .catch((error) => {}); 285 this.hcxlzVisible = false;
306 }, 286 },
307 //打开新建楼盘树结构右键菜单唤起的弹框 287 plZlClose() {
308 openLpbDialog(data, type) { 288 this.plzlVisible = false
309 this.treeData = data; 289 },
310 this.menuType = type; 290 plcClose() {
311 this.dialogVisible = true; 291 this.plcVisible = false;
312 }, 292 },
313 //弹框中的保存按钮,根据不同菜单点击类型调用不同子组件的保存方法 293 plhClose() {
314 saveInfo() { 294 this.plhVisible = false;
315 switch (this.menuType) { 295 },
316 case "ljz": 296 plshClose() {
317 this.$refs.ljz.onSave(this.$refs.ljz.form, this.treeData.bsm); 297 this.plShVisible = false
318 break; 298 },
319 case "zdy": 299 //获取高度计算lpb内容区高度
320 this.$refs.zdy.submitForm("form", this.pd[0].bsm, this.treeData.bsm); 300 getHeight() {
321 break; 301 this.lpbContentHight = window.innerHeight - 285;
322 case "ch": 302 },
323 this.$refs.ch.onSave(this.pd[0].bsm); 303 //创建楼盘
324 break; 304 create() {
325 default: 305 this.createFlag = true;
326 break; 306 },
327 } 307 //获取自然幢树结构数据
328 }, 308 getLpbMenuTree(zrzbsm) {
329 //弹框中的重置按钮 309 getLpbMenuTree(zrzbsm)
330 resetInfo() { 310 .then((res) => {
331 switch (this.menuType) { 311 this.pd = res.result;
332 case "ljz": 312 })
333 this.$refs.ljz.reset(); 313 .catch((error) => {
334 break; 314 });
335 case "zdy": 315 },
336 this.$refs.zdy.reset(); 316 //打开新建楼盘树结构右键菜单唤起的弹框
337 break; 317 openLpbDialog(data, type) {
338 case "ch": 318 this.treeData = data;
339 this.$refs.ch.reset(); 319 this.menuType = type;
340 break; 320 this.dialogVisible = true;
321 },
322 //弹框中的保存按钮,根据不同菜单点击类型调用不同子组件的保存方法
323 saveInfo() {
324 switch (this.menuType) {
325 case "ljz":
326 this.$refs.ljz.onSave(this.$refs.ljz.form, this.treeData.bsm);
327 break;
328 case "zdy":
329 this.$refs.zdy.submitForm("form", this.pd[0].bsm, this.treeData.bsm);
330 break;
331 case "ch":
332 this.$refs.ch.onSave(this.pd[0].bsm);
333 break;
334 default:
335 break;
336 }
337 },
338 //弹框中的重置按钮
339 resetInfo() {
340 switch (this.menuType) {
341 case "ljz":
342 this.$refs.ljz.reset();
343 break;
344 case "zdy":
345 this.$refs.zdy.reset();
346 break;
347 case "ch":
348 this.$refs.ch.reset();
349 break;
341 350
342 default: 351 default:
343 break; 352 break;
344 } 353 }
345 }, 354 },
346 //关闭弹框 355 //关闭弹框
347 closeDaialog() { 356 closeDaialog() {
348 this.dialogVisible = false; 357 this.dialogVisible = false;
349 }, 358 },
350 //图例的展开收起 359 //图例的展开收起
351 legendToggle() { 360 legendToggle() {
352 this.legendToggleFlag = !this.legendToggleFlag; 361 this.legendToggleFlag = !this.legendToggleFlag;
353 }, 362 },
354 //获取选中户bsm 363 //获取选中户bsm
355 getHbsm(data,type){ 364 getHbsm(data, type) {
356 this.bsms = data; 365 this.bsms = data;
357 if(type){ 366 if (type) {
358 // 双击 367 // 双击
359 this.hbsm = this.bsms[this.bsms.length-1]; 368 this.hbsm = this.bsms[this.bsms.length - 1];
360 this.hbjVisible = true; 369 this.hbjVisible = true;
361 this.$nextTick(function () { 370 this.$nextTick(function () {
362 this.$refs.hbj.getHInfo(this.hbsm); 371 this.$refs.hbj.getHInfo(this.hbsm);
363 }) 372 })
364 }else{ 373 } else {
365 //单击 TO DO 374 //单击 TO DO
366 375
367 } 376 }
368 console.log(this.bsms); 377 console.log(this.bsms);
369 }, 378 },
370 //不动产单元号输入框事件 379 //不动产单元号输入框事件
371 inputFocus(){ 380 inputFocus() {
372 this.inputWidth = 200 381 this.inputWidth = 200
373 }, 382 },
374 inputBlur(){ 383 inputBlur() {
375 this.inputWidth = 74 384 this.inputWidth = 74
376 }, 385 },
377 inputChange(){ 386 inputChange() {
378 if (this.bdcdyh!='') { 387 if (this.bdcdyh != '') {
379 console.log('查询'+this.bdcdyh); 388 console.log('查询' + this.bdcdyh);
380 this.$refs.lpbContent.lpbDataMap(this.bdcdyh); 389 this.$refs.lpbContent.lpbDataMap(this.bdcdyh);
381 }else{ 390 } else {
382 this.$message({ 391 this.$message({
383 message: "请输入内容后查询", 392 message: "请输入内容后查询",
384 type: "warning", 393 type: "warning",
385 }) 394 })
386 } 395 }
387 }, 396 },
388 //户保存 397 //户保存
389 hbjSaveInfo(){ 398 hbjSaveInfo() {
390 this.$refs.hbj.onSave(this.bsms[this.bsms.length-1],this.tabPosition); 399 this.$refs.hbj.onSave(this.bsms[this.bsms.length - 1], this.tabPosition);
391 }, 400 },
392 //户编辑表单重置 401 //户编辑表单重置
393 hbjResetInfo(){ 402 hbjResetInfo() {
394 this.$refs.hbj.onReset(); 403 this.$refs.hbj.onReset();
395 }, 404 },
396 //调用楼盘表信息查询接口 405 //调用楼盘表信息查询接口
397 getlpbData(){ 406 getlpbData() {
398 this.$refs.lpbContent.getLpb(this.$store.state.zrzbsm); 407 this.$refs.lpbContent.getLpb(this.$store.state.zrzbsm);
399 //改变楼盘表子组件的key值,重新渲染 408 //改变楼盘表子组件的key值,重新渲染
400 this.time = new Date().getTime(); 409 this.time = new Date().getTime();
401 }, 410 },
402 //实预测装换 411 //实预测装换
403 plScYcChange(){ 412 plScYcChange() {
404 let data={ 413 let data = {
405 zrzbsm:this.$store.state.zrzbsm, 414 zrzbsm: this.$store.state.zrzbsm,
406 scyclx:"0" 415 scyclx: "0"
407 } 416 }
408 batchScYcChange(data).then((res)=>{ 417 batchScYcChange(data).then((res) => {
409 if(res.code===200){ 418 if (res.code === 200) {
410 this.$message.success("实预测转换成功") 419 this.$message.success("实预测转换成功")
411 } 420 }
412 }) 421 })
413 }, 422 },
414 //选中房屋状态 423 //选中房屋状态
415 handleChoosedH(){ 424 handleChoosedH() {
416 //清除选中户 425 //清除选中户
417 this.$refs.lpbContent.clearChoosedH() 426 this.$refs.lpbContent.clearChoosedH()
418 //给hBsmList传值 427 //给hBsmList传值
419 // this.$refs.lpbContent.choosedList=["0a66bc775dcec26385f9124cc0fd8656", "58cafdbee129bb412527f674ef9267ae", "4bbca678fa56d5ab97b8a62c7cb54898", "ecfd72e9a31a03ba0ab4e46faba2b51b", "049033ea9d244b4b5ea75521b6862239", "013352d8a001a1d5f790296b6843627b", "ed8e3f0e2b2682cf76b4d58b9a74e49c", "37cc53acaf2c3bb92be4b9adf06d94c9", "f5a5e14ce08c26056aca5861f56e5cf6", "11eeaaa5c9f5f1231c69d3b958d05568", "421978023a36d4920dbb86300cc52dc9", "e97f2af2588cc0e41ffb6b203df617c9", "7210987d94350472dca10d4ad71fffc5", "6eb1b50edce538a4c63574e9e28fedce", "43c5fecd7623ceabc37844e8a4722603", "c361ccfcd3da9f7288110c6fa202cb96", "2321512f6f8d0ec9f570c6eec9a892fe", "ea08fb234cd908c89a0d21c085dadb2f", "be71f7f0ec926e1850d3baec8817cdbd", "6f695d6b7ecb97f7ff17f22dbe86b93c", "4ee1604b2629e6797d3096c20229223b"] 428 // this.$refs.lpbContent.choosedList=["0a66bc775dcec26385f9124cc0fd8656", "58cafdbee129bb412527f674ef9267ae", "4bbca678fa56d5ab97b8a62c7cb54898", "ecfd72e9a31a03ba0ab4e46faba2b51b", "049033ea9d244b4b5ea75521b6862239", "013352d8a001a1d5f790296b6843627b", "ed8e3f0e2b2682cf76b4d58b9a74e49c", "37cc53acaf2c3bb92be4b9adf06d94c9", "f5a5e14ce08c26056aca5861f56e5cf6", "11eeaaa5c9f5f1231c69d3b958d05568", "421978023a36d4920dbb86300cc52dc9", "e97f2af2588cc0e41ffb6b203df617c9", "7210987d94350472dca10d4ad71fffc5", "6eb1b50edce538a4c63574e9e28fedce", "43c5fecd7623ceabc37844e8a4722603", "c361ccfcd3da9f7288110c6fa202cb96", "2321512f6f8d0ec9f570c6eec9a892fe", "ea08fb234cd908c89a0d21c085dadb2f", "be71f7f0ec926e1850d3baec8817cdbd", "6f695d6b7ecb97f7ff17f22dbe86b93c", "4ee1604b2629e6797d3096c20229223b"]
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422 computed: { 431 computed: {},
423 }, 432 destroyed() {
424 destroyed() { 433 window.removeEventListener("resize", this.getHeight);
425 window.removeEventListener("resize", this.getHeight); 434 },
426 }, 435 watch: {
427 watch: { 436 //树结构和图例伸缩时修改楼盘表主要内容区宽度
428 //树结构和图例伸缩时修改楼盘表主要内容区宽度 437 legendToggleFlag(n) {
429 legendToggleFlag(n) { 438 if (n) {
430 if (n) { 439 this.lpbContentwidth -= 204;
431 this.lpbContentwidth -= 204; 440 } else {
432 } else { 441 this.lpbContentwidth += 204;
433 this.lpbContentwidth += 204; 442 }
434 } 443 },
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436 createFlag(n) { 445 if (n) {
437 if (n) { 446 this.lpbContentwidth -= 260;
438 this.lpbContentwidth -= 260; 447 } else {
439 } else { 448 this.lpbContentwidth += 260;
440 this.lpbContentwidth += 260; 449 }
441 } 450 },
442 }, 451 },
443 }, 452 };
444 };
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536 .fwxz, 544 .fwxz,
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540 .dyzt, 548 .dyzt,
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