ee93f7e9 by 任超


1 parent 789d40ce
1 /* ------------------------公共头部和尾部css------------------------------------ */ 1 /* ------------------------公共头部和尾部css------------------------------------ */
2 /* layer confim */
3 .layui-layer-btn .layui-layer-btn0 {
4 background-color: #fff!important;
5 color: #333!important;
6 border: 1px solid #dedede!important;
7 }
8 .layui-layer-btn .layui-layer-btn1 {
9 border-color: #1E9FFF;
10 background-color: #1E9FFF;
11 color: #fff;
12 }
2 /* ----------------------公共样式-------------------------- */ 13 /* ----------------------公共样式-------------------------- */
3 .contentBox { 14 .contentBox {
4 width: 1200px; 15 width: 1200px;
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...@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ ...@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
68 <ul class="banner_title"> 68 <ul class="banner_title">
69 <li><a href="">查询档案</a></li> 69 <li><a href="">查询档案</a></li>
70 <li><a href="">进度查询</a></li> 70 <li><a href="">进度查询</a></li>
71 <li><a href="">在线预约</a></li> 71 <li><a href="./staticViews/yyxz/index.html">在线预约</a></li>
72 <li><a>网上预审</a></li> 72 <li><a>网上预审</a></li>
73 </ul> 73 </ul>
74 </div> 74 </div>
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1 layui.use('element', function () {
2 let element = layui.element; //导航的hover效果、二级菜单等功能,需要依赖element模块
3 //监听导航点击
4 element.on('nav(demo)', function (elem) {
5 //console.log(elem)
6 layer.msg(elem.text());
7 });
8 });
9 //config的设置是全局的
10 layui.config({
11 base: './js/'
12 }).extend({ //设定模块别名
13 common: 'common'
14 });
16 layui.use(['form', 'common'], function () {
17 var common = layui.common,
18 form = layui.form;
19 //三级地址联动
20 common.showCity('province', 'city');
22 //区域选择
23 form.on('select(selectCity)', function (data) {
24 console.log(data)
25 return false;
26 });
27 //办事大厅
28 form.on('select(officehall)', function (data) {
29 let latitude= undefined
30 let longitude= undefined
31 let title= ''
32 if(data.value==1) {
33 latitude = 116.397469
34 longitude = 39.908821
35 title = '北京'
36 }else if(data.value==2){
37 latitude = 121.491119
38 longitude = 31.235172
39 title = '上海'
40 }else {
41 latitude = 120.21201
42 longitude = 30.2084
43 title = '杭州'
44 }
46 var point = new BMapGL.Point(latitude, longitude);
47 var infoWindow = new BMapGL.InfoWindow(title, opts);
48 map.openInfoWindow(infoWindow, point);
49 return false;
50 });
52 });
54 var geolocation = new BMap.Geolocation();
55 var gc = new BMap.Geocoder();
56 geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (r) {
57 if (this.getStatus() == BMAP_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
58 var pt = r.point;
59 gc.getLocation(pt, function (rs) {
60 var addComp = rs.addressComponents;
61 var province = addComp.province;
62 var city =;
63 $('.Pselected').attr('data-area', province)
64 $('.Cselected').attr('data-area', city)
65 layui.use(['form', 'common'], function () {
66 var common = layui.common,
67 form = layui.form;
68 //三级地址联动
69 common.showCity('province', 'city');
70 })
71 })
72 }
73 else {
74 alert("定位失败");
75 }
76 }, { enableHighAccuracy: true });
78 var map = new BMapGL.Map('container');
79 var point = new BMapGL.Point(108.95309828, 34.2777999);
80 map.centerAndZoom(point, 15);
81 var opts = {
82 width: 100,
83 height: 60,
84 title: '办事大厅'
85 };
86 var infoWindow = new BMapGL.InfoWindow('雁塔区南二环西段', opts);
87 map.openInfoWindow(infoWindow, point);
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67 <div class="one_content contentBox"> 67 <div class="one_content contentBox">
68 <div class="layui-tab"> 68 <div class="layui-tab">
69 <ul class="layui-tab-title"> 69 <ul class="layui-tab-title">
70 <li class="layui-this">线上办理</li> 70 <li class="layui-this">网上申请</li>
71 <li>线下办理</li> 71 <li>在线预约</li>
72 </ul> 72 </ul>
73 <div class="layui-tab-content"> 73 <div class="layui-tab-content">
74 <div class="layui-tab-item layui-show"> 74 <div class="layui-tab-item layui-show">
1 .navigation_crumbs {
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3 }
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6 margin-bottom: 30px;
7 }
8 .app_progress li {
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10 line-height: 40px;
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36 height: 0;
37 display: inline-block;
38 border-bottom: 2px dotted#dddddd;
39 margin-bottom: 4px;
40 }
41 .selectCity {
42 width: 1200px;
43 margin: 0 auto;
44 }
45 .selectCity h2 {
46 display: inline-block;
47 margin-right: 5px;
48 }
49 .area_list_content {
50 overflow: hidden;
51 margin-top: 20px;
52 width: 100%;
53 }
54 .area_list_content h2 {
55 display: inline-block;
56 float: left;
57 margin-right: 8px;
58 }
59 .selectCity .area_list {
60 width: 95%;
61 float: left;
62 }
63 .selectCity .area_list li {
64 display: inline-block;
65 width: 100px;
66 height: 32px;
67 border-radius: 3px;
68 background-color: #01AAED;
69 margin-right: 10px;
70 color: #fff;
71 text-align: center;
72 line-height: 32px;
73 margin-bottom: 10px;
74 }
75 .select_officehall {
76 width: 1200px;
77 margin: 0 auto;
78 margin-top: 10px;
79 }
80 .select_officehall h2 {
81 display: inline-block;
82 margin-right: 8px;
83 }
84 /* -----------------------------地图--------------------------------------- */
85 .map_content {
86 margin-top: 20px;
87 }
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67 <!-- ----------------------------------内容模块的开始----------------------------------------------- -->
68 <div class="appointment_notice contentBox">
69 <ul class="app_progress">
70 <li>
71 <span>1</span>
72 预约须知
73 </li>
74 <div class="line"></div>
75 <li class="active">
76 <span>2</span>
77 选择区域
78 </li>
79 <div class="line"></div>
80 <li>
81 <span>3</span>
82 预约时间
83 </li>
84 <div class="line"></div>
85 <li>
86 <span>4</span>
87 预约结果
88 </li>
89 </ul>
90 </div>
91 <!-- ---------------------------------------省市办事大厅选择------------------------------------------- -->
92 <div class="selectCity">
93 <form class="layui-form">
94 <h2 class="title"></h2>
95 <div class="layui-inline layui-select-default" style="margin-right: 10px;">
96 <select name="province" class="Pselected" data-area="浙江省"" lay-filter=" province">
97 <option value="">选择省</option>
98 </select>
99 </div>
100 <h2></h2>
101 <div class="layui-inline selected layui-select-default">
102 <select name="city" class="Cselected" data-area="杭州市" lay-filter="selectCity">
103 <option value="">选择市</option>
104 </select>
105 </div>
106 </form>
107 <div class="area_list_content">
108 <h2></h2>
109 <ul class="area_list">
110 <li>新城区</li>
111 <li>新城区</li>
112 <li>新城区</li>
113 <li>新城区</li>
114 <li>新城区</li>
115 <li>新城区</li>
116 <li>新城区</li>
117 <li>新城区</li>
118 <li>新城区</li>
119 <li>新城区</li>
120 <li>新城区</li>
121 <li>新城区</li>
122 <li>新城区</li>
123 <li>新城区</li>
124 <li>新城区</li>
125 </ul>
126 </div>
127 </div>
128 <div class="select_officehall">
129 <form class="layui-form">
130 <h2>办事大厅</h2>
131 <div class="layui-inline">
132 <select name="officehall" lay-filter="officehall">
133 <option value="">选择办事大厅</option>
134 <option value="1">北京</option>
135 <option value="2">上海</option>
136 <option value="3">杭州</option>
137 </select>
138 </div>
139 </form>
140 </div>
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184 西安市自然资源和规划局
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187 电话:028-456465
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1 /**
2 * @authors Mzong(
3 * @date 2019-01-18 11:15
4 * @requires layui
5 * @version $1.1.0$
6 */
7 layui.define("layer", function(exports){
8 //提示:模块也可以依赖其它模块,如:layui.define('layer', callback);
9 var $ = layui.jquery,
10 form = layui.form;
11 // 返回的对象
12 var returnObj = {
13 /**
14 * 省市县三级联动
15 *
16 * @param { string } [form] [form是layui.form对象]
17 * @param {string} [province] [省容器的name名字 ]
18 * eg:<select name="province">
19 * @param {string} [city] [省容器的name名字]
20 * @param {string} [district] [县容器的name名字]
21 * @return {undefined} [无返回值]
22 */
23 showCity: function(province, city, district) {
24 //AreaData是地址传过来的json对象
25 var AreaData = $.rawCitiesData;
26 // console.log(999, AreaData) // 接口请求数据
27 if("undefined" == typeof AreaData) {
29 title: '系统提示'
30 ,content: '调用showCity之前请引入地址数据'
31 });
32 return;
33 }
34 var htmlProvince = '',
35 htmlCity = '',
36 htmlDistrict = '',
37 cityData = '',
38 districtData = '',
39 $province = $('select[name='+province+']'),
40 $city = $('select[name='+city+']'),
41 $district = $('select[name='+district+']'),
42 provVal = $province.attr('data-area') || '', // 省默认值
43 cityVal = $city.attr('data-area') || '', // 市默认值
44 distVal = $district.attr('data-area') || ''; // 县默认值
45 $province.find('option').not(':first').remove();
46 $city.find('option').not(':first').remove();
47 $district.find('option').not(':first').remove();
48 form.render('select');
50 // 加载省数据
51 loadProvince();
52 function loadProvince() {
53 AreaData.forEach(function(v, i) {
54 htmlProvince += '<option value='+v.code+'>''</option>';
55 });
56 $province.append(htmlProvince);
58 // 默认选中省
59 defaultSelect($province, provVal, function(code) {
60 cityData = findPlace(AreaData, code);
61 loadCity(cityData, true);
62 });
64 form.render('select');
66 }
68 // 加载城市数据
69 function loadCity(city, hasDefault) {
70 $city.find('option').not(':first').remove();
71 htmlCity = '';
72 var city = city || [];
73 city.forEach(function(v, i) {
74 htmlCity += '<option value='+v.code+'>''</option>';
75 });
76 $city.append(htmlCity);
78 // 默认加载才执行,手动选中不执行
79 if (hasDefault) {
80 // 默认选中城市
81 defaultSelect($city, cityVal, function(code) {
82 // console.log(code)
83 // 加载默认城市数据
84 districtData = findPlace(cityData, code);
85 loadDistrict(districtData, true);
86 });
87 }
89 form.render('select');
90 }
92 // 加载县数据
93 function loadDistrict(districtData, hasDefault) {
94 $district.find('option').not(':first').remove();
95 htmlDistrict = '';
96 var districtData = districtData || [];
97 districtData.forEach(function(v, i) {
98 htmlDistrict += '<option value='+v.code+'>''</option>';
99 });
100 $district.append(htmlDistrict);
102 if (hasDefault) {
103 // 默认选中县
104 defaultSelect($district, distVal);
105 }
107 form.render('select');
108 }
110 // 查找地点数据
111 function findPlace(data, code) {
112 var resData = [];
113 data.forEach(function(v, i) {
114 if (v.code === code) {
115 resData = v.sub
116 }
117 });
119 return resData;
120 }
122 /*
123 * 查找默认选中项
124 * @param {object} jq元素
125 * @param {string} 默认值
126 * @param {function} 回调函数
127 */
128 function defaultSelect($el, SelectVal, callback) {
129 $('option', $el).each(function(i, el) {
130 var $this = $(this);
131 var optVal = $this.html();
132 var code;
133 if (optVal == SelectVal) {
134 $this.attr("selected", true);
135 code = $this.val();
136 // 加载默认城市数据
137 callback && callback(code);
138 }
139 });
140 }
142 // 省选择
143 form.on('select('+province+')', function(data) {
144 var code = data.value;
145 // console.log(data.elem); //得到select原始DOM对象
146 // console.log(code); //得到被选中的值
147 if (code != '') {
149 cityData = findPlace(AreaData, code);
151 loadCity(cityData);
152 loadDistrict();
154 } else {
155 loadCity();
156 loadDistrict();
157 }
158 // console.log(data.othis); //得到美化后的DOM对象
159 });
160 // 市选择
161 form.on('select('+city+')', function(data){
162 var code = data.value;
163 if (code != '') {
165 districtData = findPlace(cityData, code);
167 loadDistrict(districtData);
168 // console.log(data.elem); //得到select原始DOM对象
169 } else {
170 loadDistrict();
171 }
172 // console.log(data.othis); //得到美化后的DOM对象
173 });
174 form.on('select('+district+')', function(data){
175 // console.log(data.elem); //得到select原始DOM对象
176 // console.log(data.value); //得到被选中的值
177 // console.log(data.othis); //得到美化后的DOM对象
178 });
179 },
180 /**
181 * 获取省市县数据
182 *
183 * @param { object } [address] [address eg:广东省广州市天河区]
184 * @return {object} [address][根据code码返回地址名称]
185 */
186 getCity: function(address) {
187 //AreaData是地址传过来的json对象
188 var AreaData = $.rawCitiesData;
189 if("undefined" == typeof AreaData) {
191 title: '系统提示'
192 ,content: '调用getCity之前请引入地址数据'
193 });
194 return;
195 }
196 var province = address.province,
197 city =,
198 district = address.district,
199 provinceName = '',
200 cityName = '',
201 districtName = '';
203 function findIndex(arr, target) {
204 return arr.findIndex(function(v, i) {
205 return target == v.code;
206 })
207 }
209 if (province) {
210 var findProvinceIndex = findIndex(AreaData, province);
211 provinceName = AreaData[findProvinceIndex].name;
212 }
214 if (province && city) {
215 var findCityIndex = findIndex(AreaData[findProvinceIndex].sub, city);
216 cityName = AreaData[findProvinceIndex].sub[findCityIndex].name;
217 }
219 if (province && city && district) {
220 var findDistrictIndex = findIndex(AreaData[findProvinceIndex].sub[findCityIndex].sub, district);
222 districtName = AreaData[findProvinceIndex].sub[findCityIndex].sub[findDistrictIndex].name;
223 }
225 return {
226 provinceName: provinceName,
227 cityName: cityName,
228 districtName: districtName
229 }
230 }
231 }
233 // exports module
234 exports('common', returnObj);
235 });
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2 <html lang="en"> 2 <html lang="en">
3 3
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237 }, function () { 237 }, function () {
238 238 layer.closeAll();
239 }, function () { 239 }, function () {
240 240 window.location.href = "../xzqy/index.html";
241 }); 241 });
242 }); 242 });
243 } 243 }