ElecLicenseInfoMapper.xml 1.69 KB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.pashanhoo.qys.mapper.ElecLicenseInfoMapper">
    <update id="updateEciInfo">
        update ELEC_LICENSE_INFO set ERR_STATE='0',DZZZ_STATE='1' where biz_id=#{bizId}

    <select id="getEciInfoByZsbs" resultType="com.pashanhoo.qys.entity.ElecLicenseInfoDo">
        select * from ELEC_LICENSE_INFO where zsbs=#{zsbs}

    <select id="getDocumentIdIsNull" resultType="com.pashanhoo.qys.entity.ElecLicenseInfoDo">
        select *
        from ELEC_LICENSE_INFO
        where DOCUMENT_ID is null and htzt='COMPLETE' and ywh = #{ywh}
    <select id="getWaitForDownload" resultType="com.pashanhoo.qys.entity.ElecLicenseInfoDo">
        select *
        from ELEC_LICENSE_INFO
        where DOCUMENT_ID is not null
          and SFXZ = '2' and ywh = #{ywh}
    <select id="getWaitForConvert" resultType="com.pashanhoo.qys.entity.ElecLicenseInfoDo">
        select *
        from ELEC_LICENSE_INFO
        where SFXZ = '1'
          and SFZH = '2'
          and ofd_wjdz is not null and ywh = #{ywh}
    <select id="getYwrMcByCOnditon" resultType="java.lang.String">
        select qlrmc as ywr
        from reg_bus_ywr c
        where ywh = #{ywh}
          and bdcdyh = #{bdcdyh}
          and del_flag = '0'
          and qszt = '1'
    <select id="getElecLicenseInfo" resultType="com.pashanhoo.qys.entity.ElecLicenseInfoDo">
        select *
        from ELEC_LICENSE_INFO
        where ywh = #{ywh} and zsbs=#{zsbs}  and zsbh=#{zsbh} and zjh=#{zjh}
